News for March 2014

Court upholds fine imposed on participant of “Stop Tax” action by traffic police

10.03.2014 Court upholds fine imposed on participant of “Stop Tax” action by traffic police

January 13 Dzmitry Dzmitryieu was stopped by traffic police while driving on Nezalezhnasts Avenue in Minsk. That day, owners of motorcars held the action "Stop Tax" against the imposition of a tax on admission of vehicles to traffic movement.

Homel City Election Commission “insistently advises” UCP candidate to withdraw from elections

10.03.2014 Homel City Election Commission “insistently advises” UCP candidate to withdraw from elections

Members of the Homel City Election Commission have trice asked an activist of the UCP Dzmitry Karpenka to withdraw from the elections.

Brest authorities ban rally of solidarity with Ukrainian people

10.03.2014 Brest authorities ban rally of solidarity with Ukrainian people

At 12.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. on March 10, Brest regional branch of the United Civil Party intended to hold a procession in Masherau Avenue, Lenin Street and the central square of Brest, with participation of 10-15 people.

Baranavichy: state-owned newspaper refuses to publish election program of opposition candidate

10.03.2014 Baranavichy: state-owned newspaper refuses to publish election program of opposition candidate

State-owned newspaper “Nash Krai” refused to publish the election program of a candidate for the Brest Regional Council, Mikalai Charnavus. The editor of the newspaper told the candidate to radically change it, but the latter didn't agree. As reported by Chair of Zakhodniaya constituency election commission No. 21 Larysa Antonava, the text of the electoral program was sent to the Central Election Commission.

10.03.2014 Anatol Liabedzka awaiting trial

February 7, Chairman of the United Civil Party Anatol Liabedzka was summoned to the Savetski District Police Department of Minsk to give explanations concerning the rally of solidarity with Ukraine, held near Kamarouski market in Minsk the previous week-end.

10.03.2014 Siarhei Vazniak fined for campaigning picket

Judge of the Savetski District Court of Minsk Maryna Fiodarava fined Siarhei Vazniak, a candidate for the Minsk City Council running on Kalvaryiskaya constituency No. 38, 5.2 million rubles.

Human rights situation in Belarus discussed at UN Human Rights Council in Geneva

10.03.2014 Human rights situation in Belarus discussed at UN Human Rights Council in Geneva

The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) organized a number of meetings and events on the situation with human rights in Belarus as part of a session of the UN Human Rights Council that took place in Geneva on March 6 – 7, 2014.

Activists of “For Freedom” movement arrested for action of solidarity with Ukraine

08.03.2014 Activists of “For Freedom” movement arrested for action of solidarity with Ukraine

Artsiom Liava and Ales Marchanka were sentenced to five days of arrest for a rally of solidarity with the Ukraine, held near the Russian Embassy on March 6.

Hrodna Regional Court dismisses appeal of Ivan Kruk against registration denial

08.03.2014 Hrodna Regional Court dismisses appeal of Ivan Kruk against registration denial

The court turned down the appeal of the Astravets civil society activist Ivan Kruk against the refusal of the election commission to register him as a candidate for the Astravets District Council.

Vitsebsk Regional Court supports deception of voters by election commission

08.03.2014 Vitsebsk Regional Court supports deception of voters by election commission

Coordinator of the BCD organizing committee Tatsiana Seviarynets and activist of the same organizing committee Alena Shabunia tried to challenge the refusal of the election commission to register them as candidates. They tried to prove that the voters were deceived, but the court didn't agree with their position.

Ihar Pastnou files individual communication to UN Human Rights Committee

08.03.2014 Ihar Pastnou files individual communication to UN Human Rights Committee

The complaint concerns the judgment by which he was directed to compulsory treatment in a psychiatric clinic. Ihar Pastnou believes that several articles of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights were violated during the trial.

Orsha printing house creates obstacles to opposition candidates

08.03.2014 Orsha printing house creates obstacles to opposition candidates

Orsha printing house refuses to print campaigning leaflets, requiring written permission of the executive committee, stated the candidate of the district council, a member of the Belarusian Popular Front Ihar Kazmiarchak.

Tatsiana Reviaka appeals the ban on import of “Enlightened by Belarusian Issue” at Hrodna Regional Court

07.03.2014 Tatsiana Reviaka appeals the ban on import of “Enlightened by Belarusian Issue” at Hrodna Regional Court

Human rights activist Tatyana Reviaka lodged an appeal against the judgment of the Ashmiany District Court , which declared inadmissible the expert examination of the book by Ales Bialiatski "Enlightened by Belarusian Issue", but nevertheless banned the import of the book to the territory of Belarus.

Three people with criminal records run for Mahiliou City Council

07.03.2014 Three people with criminal records run for Mahiliou City Council

These are Uladzimir Punchanka, Aliaksandr Kamkou and Ilyas Ilyasau Niyaz-agly. 44-year-old Uladzimir Punchanka is the director of the peasant farm "Uskhod"." In 1991 he was convicted under Article 201, part 2, 23-1 of the Criminal Code of the BSSR, "hooliganism”. He is running at Arlouskaya election consituency No. 12.

Barys Zvozskau Belarusian HRH against Russian intervention in Ukraine

07.03.2014 Barys Zvozskau Belarusian HRH against Russian intervention in Ukraine

On 3 March representatives of the Barys Zvozskau Belarusian HRH participated in the protest against the intervention of the Russian army in the territory of Ukraine. On 5 March 5 the ambassador of the Russian Federation in Lithuania received an appeal on behalf of the Belarusian HRH calling to avoid further escalation of the conflict.

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