News for February 2014

CEC amends regulations for observers after petition by BHC

19.02.2014 CEC amends regulations for observers after petition by BHC

The Central Commission for Elections and National Referendums granted today an appeal of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee and amended its Regulation on the Delegation of Observers to Polling Stations. Observers can now be delegated by the central governing bodies of political parties and other public associations.

Mahiliou journalists harassed by law enforcement and officials

19.02.2014 Mahiliou journalists harassed by law enforcement and officials

Chairman of the Mahiliou Regional Executive Committee Piotr Rudnik ordered to “grind to the dust” a local independent small-circulation newspaper called “Nash Mahiliou” (“Our Mahiliou”), while the local freelance journalist Aliaksandr Burakou has been harassed by the police over his contribution for the independent media.

18.02.2014 Vital Rymasheuski to be tried for picket

Minsk's Kastrychnitski district police department launched administrative proceedings against the politician.

Viasna fails to protect website in court

18.02.2014 Viasna fails to protect website in court

Judge Alena Siamak of the Tsentralny District Court of Minsk considered today a complaint filed by deputy chairman of the Human Rights Center "Viasna" Valiantsin Stefanovich to challenge a decision of the Prosecutor General's Office to blacklist the website as a resource with restricted access. The judge previously considered the case of a travel ban imposed on a number of Belarusian human rights defenders.

Orsha entrepreneurs advised not to cooperate with independent website

18.02.2014 Orsha entrepreneurs advised not to cooperate with independent website

Viktar Andreyeu, founder of the website, does not rule out that close attention to the resource is associated with the election campaign.

Number of registered NGOs in 2013 lowest since 2005

18.02.2014 Number of registered NGOs in 2013 lowest since 2005

The Ministry of Justice has summed up the results of the past year’s registration of public associations and foundations. In 2013, 70 new associations were registered (2 international, 11 national and 57 local ones), one association of NGOs, 11 foundations (1 international and 10 local).

Potential candidate in Bykhau appeals groundless pressure

18.02.2014 Potential candidate in Bykhau appeals groundless pressure

Siarhei Antonau, member of the Belarusian Popular Front running for the Mahiliou Regional Council, filed a complaint with the district election commission of Bykhau constituency No. 14.

Hlybokaye authorities ban Constitution Day rally

17.02.2014 Hlybokaye authorities ban Constitution Day rally

The executive authorities of the town Hlybokaye, Vitsebsk region, has issued a ban on holding a picket to mark Constitution Day, March 15, referring to lack of service contracts from local medical, utilities and police departments. "Meanwhile, neither the doctors nor the utility service responded to our proposal to sign a contract," says one of the applicants Dzmitry Lupach.

Court in Minsk to hear complaint against blacklisting site

17.02.2014 Court in Minsk to hear complaint against blacklisting site

The Court of Minsk’s Tsentralny district will consider tomorrow morning a complaint filed by deputy chairman of the Human Rights Center "Viasna" Valiantsin Stefanovich to challenge a decision of the Prosecutor General’s Office to restrict access to the website

17.02.2014 Maryna Adamovich writes to Israeli PM

The wife of Mikalai Statkevich responded to a remark by ambassador Yosef Shagal, who called the Belarusian political prisoners criminals.

Election officials in Bykhau launch total check of signatures for opposition hopeful

17.02.2014 Election officials in Bykhau launch total check of signatures for opposition hopeful

Representatives of the Bykhau-based district election commission of constituency No. 14 are interviewing almost all citizens who put their signatures for nomination of a candidate for the Mahiliou Regional Council of Deputies, writer and journalist, BPF member Siarhei Antonau. The question they ask is very peculiar – “Why did you sign for Siarhei Antonau?".

Slonim: BCD activist gets warned

17.02.2014 Slonim: BCD activist gets warned

February 14 Slonim District Election Commission issued a warning to member of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Barys Kuchynski for a picket, which he held with his colleagues on February 8. At the commission he was told that the commission had received the appropriate materials from the police. However, no policemen were present at the picket.

Will elections be non-alternative in Karma?

17.02.2014 Will elections be non-alternative in Karma?

February 10 the reception of documents from the people willing to become candidates for deputies of local councils came to an end.

Chair of Biaroza DEC scared of bombs

17.02.2014 Chair of Biaroza DEC scared of bombs

Two weeks ago, one of the members of the board of an apartment building in Biaroza made an appointment with the chairperson of the Executive Committee Yury Narkevych concerning some housing and utility issues and warned that two more members of the board would come with her.

Salihorsk authorities ban campaigning in central square

17.02.2014 Salihorsk authorities ban campaigning in central square

Salihorsk District Executive Committee published the lists of approved places for candidates' campaign events, places to put their campaign materials, and facilities for meetings with voters.

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