News for April 2013

23.04.2013 EU foreign ministers discuss Belarusian issue

It happened at their Monday meeting in Luxembourg.

23.04.2013 Court officers threaten Anatol Labedzka

They may make an inventory and confiscate the property of the leader of the United Civic Party.

23.04.2013 Alienievich sent to penal cell for 20 days

The political prisoner wrote about that in a letter to his mother Valancina Alienievich.

Vitsebsk authorities ban two rallies to mark Chernobyl disaster anniversary

23.04.2013 Vitsebsk authorities ban two rallies to mark Chernobyl disaster anniversary

A total of three applications were submitted. The activists have so far received two replies, while one is yet left unanswered, although an official response should have been issued at least five days prior to the scheduled event.

Pavel Vinahradau sentenced to 12 days of arrest

23.04.2013 Pavel Vinahradau sentenced to 12 days of arrest

Pavel Vinahradau, activist of the Zmena youth wing of the Tell the Truth civil campaign, was sentenced this morning to 12 days of administrative arrest at the Court of Minsk Tsentralny district.

22.04.2013 Minsk authorities wreck Boris Nemtsov's press conference

Minsk hotels refused to lease out premises to the United Civil Party to hold a press conference with participation of Boris Nemtsov. learnt it from Anatol Liabedzka, the chairman of the United Civil Party (UCP).

More interrogations of Freedom Day protesters in Slonim

22.04.2013 More interrogations of Freedom Day protesters in Slonim

Slonim district police department has summoned and questioned two more people for taking part in the Freedom Day celebrations on 25 March. Police Major Ihar Klybik questioned Viktar Marchyk and Albert Hlinnik, telling them “not to engage in this nonsense anymore.” The activists refused to provide any written explanations.

22.04.2013 Opposition parties, NGOs announce establishment of Belarusian Environmental Committee

A number of opposition parties and NGOs announced on Friday the establishment of what they called the Belarusian Environmental Committee.

22.04.2013 KGB refuses to return belongings of political prisoner Dziadok to his family

Relatives of Mikalai Dziadok cannot receive his computer back. The wife of the political prisoner, Valeria Khotsina, told it Radio Svaboda.

Political prisoners’ wives meet Poland’s First Lady

22.04.2013 Political prisoners’ wives meet Poland’s First Lady

Hanna Komorowska, the wife of Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski, expressed her solidarity with Belarusian political prisoners by meeting with the wives of three of them, Maryna Adamovich, Nasta Dashkevich and Natallia Pinchuk, at the Belweder Palace in Warsaw.

Aleh Volchak files complaint to UN Human Rights Committee

22.04.2013 Aleh Volchak files complaint to UN Human Rights Committee

The complaint concerns two short jail terms the human rights defender had to serve in 2012 in the Center for Isolation of Offenders at 36 Akrestsin Street, reports.

22.04.2013 BPF Vitsebsk leader summoned to police ahead of Chernobyl Way

Leanid Autukhou says preventive measures may be used against him ahead of the Chernobyl Way demonstration. The Chairman of the Vitsebsk Regional branch of Belarusian Popular Front does not exclude that such a step will be taken by law enforcement officials, Radio Racyja reports.

Young Front activist appeals violations by Salihorsk court to Ministry of Justice

22.04.2013 Young Front activist appeals violations by Salihorsk court to Ministry of Justice

The Young Front member Andrei Tychyna sent to the Ministry of Justice a complaint against the delay in issuing a ruling by Salihorsk District Court.

19.04.2013 Informal coalition of minorities created in Belarus

The coalition is not shaped by specific agreements, but by a number of organizations and communities that integrate minorities, from people with disabilities to the representatives of different sexual orientations, who are working together to develop a draft anti-discrimination law, Radio Racyja reports.

19.04.2013 Detained journalists released from police department

BelaPAN camera man Syarhei Satsyuk was released at about 1 p.m. Radio Liberty correspondent was free an hour later.

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