News for September 2011

05.09.2011 Human rights defender Tatsiana Raviaka is summonsed for interrogation

The Financial Investigations Department (FID) wants to know whether she cooperated with the arrested Ales Bialiatski and what relations she has to the Human Rights Center Viasna.

05.09.2011 Homel: civil activist detained for borrowing money

On 4 September civil activist Vasil Takarenka was detained in Homel by officers of the economical crime department dressed in civil clothes.

05.09.2011 Actions against Bialiatski's arrest held in Armenia, Kirghistan, Russia and Ukraine

On 4 September a month turned since the detention of Ales Bialiatski, Chair of the Belarusian Human Rights Center Viasna, vice-President of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH).

05.09.2011 Activist of Speak Truth! movement detained for trafficking illegal printed materials

A Mahiliou-based activist of the Speak Truth! movement has been charged with the production and distribution of illegal print material after her car was pulled over by road traffic police 10 kilometers away from the city on Saturday afternoon.

02.09.2011 Barysau: police detain Anatol Askerka and Mikalai Pakhabau

Civil activists Anatol Askerka and Mikalai Pakhabau were detained while collecting signatures in support of holding the People’s Assembly in Barysau.

02.09.2011 Homel: fine to Halina Staraselets left standing

On 2 September the Tsentralny District Court of Homel repeatedly considered the administrative case against Halina Staraselets. She was again found guilty of using obscene language in public (Article 17.1 of the Code of Administrative Offences) and was fined 105,000 rubles.

<em>Frontline</em> urges Belarusian authorities to stop harassment of human rights defenders

02.09.2011 Frontline urges Belarusian authorities to stop harassment of human rights defenders

Seven human rights defenders were arrested and briefly detained throughout Belarus on 23 August 2011, while holding peaceful demonstrations during which they called for the release of prominent human rights defender Mr Ales Bialiatski who was arrested and detained on 4 August 2011.

02.09.2011 Hrodna: Viktar Sazonau received charges

On 2 September Viktar Sazonau, human rights defender from Hrodna, was summonsed to the police station in Haradnichanskaya Street. There he was informed that a report for violation of Article 22.9, “unlawful production and distribution of unregistered printed production”, had been drawn up on him.

02.09.2011 Presidential candidate Dzmitry Uss’ meeting with his wife was shortened because of his refusal to ask for clemency

These days Dzmitry Uss, a candidate for presidential position who was sentenced to 5.5 years of imprisonment, will have a meeting with his wife. As a rule, long-term meetings last for three days. However, in Dzmitry’s case the meeting was reduced to one day because of his refusal to write a letter to Lukashenka so that the latter could “grant parole” to him.

Stéphane Hessel, a drafter of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, signed personal guarantee for Ales Bialiatski

02.09.2011 Stéphane Hessel, a drafter of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, signed personal guarantee for Ales Bialiatski

Stéphane Hessel, Honorable President of the Committee of members of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), went through many challenges in his life. Being a participant of the French and English anti-Nazi Resistance, he was taken to Buchenwald where he was to have been executed by shooting, but managed to escape.

Yuri Jibladze, member of Council of President of the Russian Federation for Civil Society Development and Human Rights, declared persona non-grata in Belarus

02.09.2011 Yuri Jibladze, member of Council of President of the Russian Federation for Civil Society Development and Human Rights, declared persona non-grata in Belarus

Juri Jibladze, a member of Council of President of the Russian Federation for Civil Society Development and Human Rights, President of the Center for Democracy Development and Human Rights, was informed about it by Belarusian guards on the Lithuanian border. However, they didn't present any official papers and didn't put any seals in his passport.

Bialiatski's lawyer passed passes 816 personal guarantees to Financial Investigations Department

02.09.2011 Bialiatski's lawyer passed passes 816 personal guarantees to Financial Investigations Department

On 2 September the lawyer of Ales Bialiatski passed 816 personal guarantees for Ales Bialiatski to the Minsk City and Region Financial Investigations Department of the State Control Committee. The signers of the papers ask the investigations to change the restraint to the human rights defender to a written undertaking not to leave.

Lukashenka released 4 political prisoners: more than 20 remain in jail

02.09.2011 Lukashenka released 4 political prisoners: more than 20 remain in jail

On 2 September Aliaksandr Lukashenka granted parole to four participants of the peaceful protest action against the rigged presidential election held on 19 December 2010.

Ales Bialiatski: life behind bars

01.09.2011 Ales Bialiatski: life behind bars

The arrested Chair of the Human Rights Center Viasna tries to use the time he has to spend in custody as effectively as possible. He reads books, learns English, does physical exercises and writes memoirs about the literary society Tuteishyia in the remand jail. He wrote this in several letters to his colleagues.

01.09.2011 Belarusian Association of Journalists moves for release of Atroshchankau Bandarenka and Seviarynets

“Taking into consideration the granted pardon to a number of people, convicted for participation in the events of 19 December 2010 as well as a statement, delivered by the President of Belarus on the necessity to start a broad dialogue in the country, we call on you to initiate the release from custody of journalists and BAJ members Aliaksandr Atroshchankau and Dzmitry Bandarenka, imprisoned within the abovementioned case, as well as Pavel Seviarynets, sentenced to restriction of liberty”, BAJ leaders underscored in the letter of appeal. “The organization regards their criminal prosecution as restriction of freedom of expression, guaranteed by the Constitution of Belarus”, they added.

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