News for February 2011

09.02.2011 Detention of young activists of United Civil Party

At about 12.30 a.m. on 8 February policemen in civvies detained Aleh Kerol and Zmitser Silchanka, activists of the Young Democrats who were handing out a special edition Ploshcha near Yakub Kolas Square.

12 days of arrest for visit to Catholic church

09.02.2011 12 days of arrest for visit to Catholic church

On 8 February Yauhen Khatkevich, Judge of the Maskouski District Court of Minsk, sentenced a Minsk resident Mikhas Lebedz to 12 days of arrest.

Still more interrogations

09.02.2011 Still more interrogations

On 9 February Nadzeya Krapivina, wife of Ales Kirkevich, a suspect in the 'mass riot' case, was interrogated at the Minsk KGB department by investigator Bychak, who investigates the case of Kirkevich.

08.02.2011 Anarchists face up to 12 years in jail for arsons

The anarchists who are kept in custody on charges in an attack on the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Minsk have received charges on four more arsons.

08.02.2011 Dzmitry Uss is forced to testify against Mikalai Statkevich

On 4 February the former presidential candidate Dzmitry Uss was summonsed for the fourth interrogation within the framework of the ‘mass riot’ criminal case.

08.02.2011 Search at Brest office of United Civil Party

According to a UCP member Marat Nestsiarenka, police and KGB officers started a search at the Brest office of the United Civil Party. The search is connected to the criminal case on 'mass riot', instigated after the protest action of 19 December 2010 in central Minsk.

Election aftermath: Docent Piatro Mihursk dismissed from Mahiliou State University of Nutrition

08.02.2011 Election aftermath: Docent Piatro Mihursk dismissed from Mahiliou State University of Nutrition

Piatro Mihurski, candidate of economical science, had to write an application for retiring on his own will. During the presidential electoral campaign he was an electioneering agent of Uladzimir Niakliayeu. In addition, he supported R.Kastusiou, U.Niakliayeu, V.Rymasheuski and A.Sannikau on the stage of collection of signatures in support of their candidacies.

Mahiliou: imprisoned for action of solidarity

08.02.2011 Mahiliou: imprisoned for action of solidarity

On 8 February the Leninski District Court of Mahiliou considered the administrative case of Valiantsin Labachou, Siarhei Niahatsin and Natallia Shkadun, participants of an action of solidarity with the families of the missing political activists held in Mahiliou on 16 January.

08.02.2011 Interrogations continue

On 7 February the presidential candidate Uladzimir Niakliayeu was taken to KGB from his house (where he is kept under home arrest). He was interrogated for about an hour. His attorney, Tamara Sidarenka, refused to tell any details because the lawyers of figurants of the 'mass riot' case gave written undertakings not to disclose the information related to the case.

07.02.2011 Criminal case of two Russian citizens passed to court

Investigators completed pre-trial investigation in the criminal case against Russian citizens Artem Breus and Ivan Gaponov.

New searches and interrogations

07.02.2011 New searches and interrogations

Liubou Kameneva, an activist of the Belarusian Christian Democracy, was interrogated at KGB on 5 February. She came to the KGB department at 10 a.m. together with her attorney. However, KGB officers refused to admit the attorney to the interrogation and threatened they would treat it as a ‘refusal to give testimony’.

Criminal case on mass riot: 42 accused and 12 suspects (updated on 4 February)

04.02.2011 Criminal case on mass riot: 42 accused and 12 suspects (updated on 4 February)

Human rights defenders monitor the criminal cases that were instigated in connection with the action of protest connected with the presidential election. As of 4 February, the Human Rights Center Viasna knows the surnames of 42 accused in the criminal case on mass riot (33 of them are kept in custody, 2 persons are under house arrest and 7 more have been released on recognizance not to leave. 12 more are suspects in the case – 1 of them is in custody, 9 have undertaken not to leave the country and 2 are abroad.

Four more accused in mass riot case

04.02.2011 Four more accused in mass riot case

Four more participants of the 19 December protest rally – Ales Kirkevich, Zmitser Drozd, Siarhei Kazakou and Uladzimir Yaromenak – have been officially charged under Par 1. and Par. 2 Art. 293 of the Criminal Code (“participation in mass riots”).

Minsk authorities criminalize last legal rally location

04.02.2011 Minsk authorities criminalize last legal rally location

Minsk city executive committee dismissed an application for holding a picket in Minsk Bangalore Square on 5 February, lodged by local activists of Fair World leftist party, reports, quoting the party’s deputy chair Valery Ukhnaliou.

04.02.2011 KGB and police looking for Rymasheuski’s representatives to interrogate them

BCD members, Vital Rymasheuski’s representatives Iryna Lohvin and Lyubou Kameneva are being looked for by the law enforcement agencies. They want to interrogate them.

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