News for February 2011

Observatory  for  the Protection of Human Rights Defenders urges  the  Belarusian  authorities  to repeal the warning issued against Mr. Ales Bialatski

18.02.2011 Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders urges the Belarusian authorities to repeal the warning issued against Mr. Ales Bialatski

The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), requests your urgent intervention in the following situation in Belarus.

Nasta Palazhanka released on recognizance

18.02.2011 Nasta Palazhanka released on recognizance

Last evening, Young Front deputy chair 20-year-old Ms. Nasta Palazhanka was released from the KGB pre-trial prison.

Repeal warning against Ales Bialiatski - Stop persecution of civil society activists in Belarus

18.02.2011 Repeal warning against Ales Bialiatski - Stop persecution of civil society activists in Belarus

Open Letter to the Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenka and to the General Prosecutor of Belarus, Ryhor Vasilevich

Trial of Vasil Parfiankou: Analysis

18.02.2011 Trial of Vasil Parfiankou: Analysis

On 17 February 2011, Minsk Frunzenski Court chaired by Judge Ms. Volha Komar with participation of prosecuting official Anton Zaharouski considered the case of Vasil Pafiankou, accused of committing a crime under Par. 2 Art. 293 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus – “mass riot”. It was a first trial of the participants of the 19 December peaceful post-election protest rally.

First trial in mass riot case: Parfiankou sentenced to 4 years of maximum security

17.02.2011 First trial in mass riot case: Parfiankou sentenced to 4 years of maximum security

Today Minsk Frunzenski Court sentenced Vasil Parfiankou to FOUR years of imprisonment in a high-security prison for alleged participation in the 19 December mass riot in MInsk.

We will not stop our activities: statement by Human Rights Center “Viasna” concerning a warning by General Prosecutor’s Office

17.02.2011 We will not stop our activities: statement by Human Rights Center “Viasna” concerning a warning by General Prosecutor’s Office

On 16 February 2011, Ales Bialiatski, chair of the Human Rights Center “Viasna” and vice-president of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), received an official warning on the inadmissibility of lawbreaking signed by Deputy Prosecutor General Mr. Kuklis.

Czech Helsinki Committee supports Belarusian civil society

17.02.2011 Czech Helsinki Committee supports Belarusian civil society

“Czech Republic, as well as the European Union and the Council of Europe, should support the efforts of Belarusians, both in respect for human rights in Belarus and for the sake of Belarus as a social state, and a future democratic law-governed state”, says a letter signed by chair of Czech Helsinki Committee Anna Sabatova and received from Prague through the Belarusian Helsinki Committee.

Young Front Mahiliou activist questioned by KGB

17.02.2011 Young Front Mahiliou activist questioned by KGB

On 16 February, Valiantsin Labachou, Mahiliou activist of the Young Front youth opposition movement was interrogated at local KGB department. The KGB officers inquired about the events of 19 December in Minsk.

Valiantsin Stefanovich: “Counsels’ community is being gagged through the Ministry of Justice”

16.02.2011 Valiantsin Stefanovich: “Counsels’ community is being gagged through the Ministry of Justice”

On 16 February reports began to appear that the Qualification Commission of the Ministry of Justice had initiated the revoking the licenses of a number of Belarusian lawyers – Iryna Khalip’s former counsels Uladzimir Toustsik and Tamara Harayeva, Ales Mikhalevich’s counsel Aleh Aheyeu, as well as the latter’s mother lawyer Ms. Tatsiana Aheyeva.

Brest activist threatened by phone

16.02.2011 Brest activist threatened by phone

On 15 February, Brest activist Ms. Katsiaryna Pashko received a phone call from local economic crimes department. An unknown official invited the activist for a “conversation”. After she refused to appear in the department without an official summons, the official threatened to escort the girl in hand-cuffs.

General Prosecutor’s Office issues warning to Ales Bialiatski

16.02.2011 General Prosecutor’s Office issues warning to Ales Bialiatski

Ales Bialiatski, chair of the Human Rights Center “Viasna” has been officially warned by the General Prosecutor’s Office of Belarus for alleged legislative violations committed by the human rights defender on behalf of “Viasna”.

New charges in anarchists’ case

16.02.2011 New charges in anarchists’ case

Three detainees in so called “anarchists’ case” have been officially charged over the past week.

16.02.2011 Aliaksandr Arastovich released on recognizance

One of the 42 people accused in the criminal case of mass riots in Minsk, 58-year-old Aliaksandr Arastovich, has been released from the KGB detention centre on recognizance.

15.02.2011 Council of Europe Secretary General calls Belarus to adopt an immediate moratorium on executions

‘I am deeply disappointed and concerned by the decision taken on Friday by the Supreme Court of Belarus to confirm yet another death sentence in the country,’ said Council of Europe Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland.

15.02.2011 President of EU Parliament urges Belarusian authorities to release Andrei Pachobut

The President of the European Parliament, Jerzy Buzek, called on the Belarusian authorities to free Andrei Pachobut, a Gazeta Wyborcza correspondent and a member of the Union of Poles in Belarus.

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