News for December 2010

Artsiom Dubski and Maksim Viniarski receive 15 days in prison each

22.12.2010 Artsiom Dubski and Maksim Viniarski receive 15 days in prison each

According to unofficial information, Artsiom Dubski, activist of the Young Front youth opposition movement, has been sentenced to 15 days of imprisonment for participating in the 19 December protest rally in Minsk.

Three election agents convicted today

22.12.2010 Three election agents convicted today

Brest Maskouski court sentenced three election agents of pro-democratic candidates to 5 days of imprisonment each for alleged “disorderly conduct”.

Mahiliou election commissioner appeals voting results

22.12.2010 Mahiliou election commissioner appeals voting results

On 22 December, during a final meeting of Mahiliou regional election commission, Uladzimir Parfionau, activist of United Civil Party Mahiliou office and a commission member, made a public statement, denouncing the official voting results in the region.

22.12.2010 Lists of Journalists and BAJ members Beaten and Detained in Minsk

A list of journalists who were detained in Minsk 19 December 2010:

22.12.2010 KGB refuses to accept parcels for Nyaklyayeu

Employees of the KGB detention centre waiting room are refusing to accept the parcel Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu’s wife Volha has brought today. She has informed Euroradio about it.

22.12.2010 Viltouski and Hvedaruk released due to lack of cells

Pavel Viltouski and Zmitser Hvedaruk have been released from the detention centre in Akrestsina Street. Both guys have given a written undertaking not to leave the country. An acquaintance of the guys who preferred to remain unknown has informed Euroradio about it.

22.12.2010 Uladzіmіr Halіp: Iryna looks tired but not broken

Employees of the KGB detention centre have refused to accept Uladzimir Halip’s parcel with living essentials for his daughter Iryna. However, the investigator of her case gave permission to do it yesterday, said Mr. Uladzimir to Euroradio.

18 suspects in “mass riots” criminal case

21.12.2010 18 suspects in “mass riots” criminal case

Eighteen persons have been declared suspects in a criminal case over “mass riots” on 19 December. They may face up to 15 years of imprisonment. Apart from that, three activists, detained ahead of the polling day, are facing civil charges.

LGBT activist Krasutskaya found in intensive care

21.12.2010 LGBT activist Krasutskaya found in intensive care

Varvara Krasutskaya, activist of the Belarusian LGBT movement, detained on 19 December during a post-election protest rally, is currently receiving treatment for a brain injury in the intensive care of Minsk hospital # 10.

Police detain Sannikau’s campaign chief Kobets

21.12.2010 Police detain Sannikau’s campaign chief Kobets

Uladzimir Kobets, head of Andrei Sannikau’s campaign team, was reportedly detained in downtown Minsk this afternoon.

Youth activist Dubski detained

21.12.2010 Youth activist Dubski detained

At about 17.35 representatives of Belarusian law-enforcement agencies detained youth opposition activist Artsiom Dubski.

BHC chair Aleh Hulak released

21.12.2010 BHC chair Aleh Hulak released

Aleh Hulak, chair of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee and one of the leaders of the "Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections" observation campaign, has been relased from prison due to lack of evidence.

Election aftermath: Call to stop violence and release the detained

21.12.2010 Election aftermath: Call to stop violence and release the detained

Over 50 partners of the Human Rights House Network sent a letter of concern to the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko today, condemning the crackdown on demonstrators, arrests and beatings of journalists, human rights defenders and opposition candidates, which happened in the aftermath of the Presidential elections on 19 December 2010 in Belarus.

Assembly of Pro-Dem NGOs condemns mass repressions against peaceful protesters

21.12.2010 Assembly of Pro-Dem NGOs condemns mass repressions against peaceful protesters

The Belarusian Assembly of Pro-Democratic NGOs released a statement, condemning the mass repressions against the peaceful protesters, detained on 19 and 20 December in Minsk.


Amnesty International has condemned the violent dispersal of a mainly peaceful demonstration in the aftermath of Sunday’s presidential election in Belarus which was marred by irregularities.

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