News for October 2010

12.10.2010 Mahiliou: electoral team of Aliaksandr Lukashenka continues using administrative resource

Despite Lukashenka's statement that his electoral team has collected as many as 600,000 signatures in his support, the collection of signatures for him continues.

Court liquidates 'Movement Forward'

12.10.2010 Court liquidates 'Movement Forward'

On 12 October the judge of the Minsk City Economic Court Uladzimir Rybalkin issued a verdict to liquidate the cultural and educational establishment Movement Forward that is headed by the potential candidate for president Uladzimir Niakliayeu.

Activist of 'Speak Truth!' Mikhail Bashura remains in custody

12.10.2010 Activist of 'Speak Truth!' Mikhail Bashura remains in custody

The activist of the civil campaign Speak Truth! Mikhail Bashura remains in custody. The court refused to change the restraint and release him under a written undertaking not to leave.

12.10.2010 Minsk district authorities remove ban on collecting signatures in hospitals and schools

The Minsk District Executive Committee adopted two rulings containing the list of the places that were banned for electoral picketing. Both of them were published at its website, The second ruling was adopted in a week after the first one and contains important changes.

Minsk: places of work of members of almost all election commissions are kept in secret

12.10.2010 Minsk: places of work of members of almost all election commissions are kept in secret

Though the website of the Minsk City Executive Committee contains information about the composition of the Minsk City Election Commission and nine district election commissions, their places of work and official positions aren’t mentioned. One can only guess about the place of work of the people who were nominated to the commissions by workers of certain institutions or enterprises, but it is still unclear which positions these people occupy.

Salihorsk electors misinformed by state-owned press

12.10.2010 Salihorsk electors misinformed by state-owned press

Edition # 156-159 (11286-11289) of the socio-political newspaper Shakhtsior contains the article Time to Choose, a large interview with the head of the Salihorsk District Election Commission Lidziya Klishevich who is also the head of the Salihorsk District Council. The official tells about the technical details of collection of signatures in support of the potential candidates for president of Belarus and reminds about the ruling of the Salihorsk District Executive Committee that determined the places that were banned for electoral picketing.

Minsk police looking of assailant on member of electoral team of Yaraslau Ramanchuk

12.10.2010 Minsk police looking of assailant on member of electoral team of Yaraslau Ramanchuk

Several days ago two unidentified persons assaulted the member of the electoral team Uladzimir Zvernik and tried to seize from him the lists with signatures in support of Mr. Ramanchuk. The incident took place near the Western supermarket in the Sukharava suburb, where the activist held an electoral picket. Mr. Zvernik managed to save the signature lists thanks to the assistance of passers-by. However, the assailants seized his certificate of member of the electoral team.

Homel: journalists of state TV violate principles of journalist ethic

12.10.2010 Homel: journalists of state TV violate principles of journalist ethic

The collection of signatures for nomination of candidates for the presidential election started on 30 September. Members of the electoral teams of potential candidates held street pickets and paid visits to houses and apartments to collect signatures.

Naroulia: state press starts agitating for Aliaksandr Lukashenka ahead of time

12.10.2010 Naroulia: state press starts agitating for Aliaksandr Lukashenka ahead of time

The Naroulia district state-owned newspaper published the article titled Everybody Decides on His Own, but We Call You to Make Right Choice. The content of the article leaves no doubts about the choice that is considered as right by its author, the Chairperson of the Naroulia district organization of the ‘state NGO’ Belaya Rus Siarhei Kanavod.

12.10.2010 Baranavichy: information about election commission remains closed

On 9 October the human rights defenders Siarhei Housha and Karnei Piatrovich received from the Baranavichy Town Procuracy an answer to their complaint against the refusal of the Baranavichy Town Executive Committee to inform them about the places of work of members of the Baranavichy Town Election Commission. As they stated in the complaint, the information about the election commission that had been published in the state-owned newspaper Nash Krai didn’t contain the information that would let them verify the implementation of the legal norm, according to which state officials couldn’t constitute more than 1/3 of a election commission.

Universal Day against Death Penalty marked all over Belarus

12.10.2010 Universal Day against Death Penalty marked all over Belarus

Activists of the campaign Human Rights Defenders against Death Penalty held a number of informational actions for the abolishment of the death penalty on 10 October, the Universal Day against the Death Penalty, and before it. Belarus remains the only European country that continues using this inhuman kind of punishment.

New violations of Lukashenka's electoral team

12.10.2010 New violations of Lukashenka's electoral team

A medic of polyclinic #6 collected signatures in dormitory #90 of Babruiskahramash in Uliianauskaya Street. 'She came to the rooms, reminded us that we needed to undergo a medical examination and also proposed to sign for Lukashenka', said a dweller of the dormitory. 'Of course, the people perceived it as a peculiar duty, and most of them put their signatures for him'.

Administration of Slonim Medical College prohibits its students to collect signatures

11.10.2010 Administration of Slonim Medical College prohibits its students to collect signatures

According to the students, the administration of Slonim Medical College orally prohibited them to sign in support of the potential candidates for president, attend the places where such signatures collected or collect signatures.

Siarhei Ryzhou states about pressurization of members of his electoral team

11.10.2010 Siarhei Ryzhou states about pressurization of members of his electoral team

The potential candidate for president Siarhei Ryzhou who lives in Vitsebsk and works as the head of the sector of external economic relations of the Vitsebsk fruit and vegetable combine Nouka states that two students were ordered to resign from his electoral team.

11.10.2010 Raman Yurhel complains against ruling of Hrodna City Executive Committee

The Hrodna representative of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee Raman Yurhel applied to the Central Election Commission and the Hrodna Regional Executive Committee with complaints concerning the ruling of the Hrodna City Executive Committee determining the places that were banned for electoral picketing.

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