News for October 2010

‘My brother has been kidnapped’, says Presidential hopeful Pravalski

18.10.2010 ‘My brother has been kidnapped’, says Presidential hopeful Pravalski

Vitsebsk businessman Uladzimir Pravalski, running for President, has lodged a statement with local police, claiming that his brother and campaign activist Yury Pravalski was kidnapped, after he was arrested by the police on 15 October.

Ramanchuk’s campaign activist beaten by drunken bully

18.10.2010 Ramanchuk’s campaign activist beaten by drunken bully

Andrei Liadouski, activist of Yaraslau Ramanchuk’s campaign team, has been beaten by a drunk bully, as he was canvassing for signatures in a block of flats in Minsk.

The activist was attacked by an unknown elderly person, after the landlord put his signature for the presidential hopeful Yaraslau Ramanchuk. Andrei Liadouski received a number of blows at his head.

Baranavichy businessman indignant at biased reply from CEC

18.10.2010 Baranavichy businessman indignant at biased reply from CEC

On 16 October, Baranavichy entrepreneur Mikalai Charnavus received a reply from the Central Election Commission secretary Lazavik, following the businessman’s appeal against illegal dispersal of a canvassing picket of Ryhor Kastusiou’s and Yaraslau Ramanchuk’s campaign activists back on 2 October.

Slonim state officials forced to sign for Lukashenka

18.10.2010 Slonim state officials forced to sign for Lukashenka

The staff of Slonim children’s polyclinic have been forced to sign for President Lukashenka, says one of the clinic’s employees. Similarly, the personnel of local military brigade have been reportedly pressed to give their signatures for the current head of state.

18.10.2010 Canvassing in hostels illegal, says Salihorsk election committee

Salihorsk education dormitories have been declared unavailable for canvassing activities, after the district election committee took the side of local education officials, who have repeatedly denied access to hostels to campaign teams of pro-democratic candidates, referring to internal regulations.

Election of the President of Belarus: Weekly Analytical Review (October 11-17)

18.10.2010 Election of the President of Belarus: Weekly Analytical Review (October 11-17)

The CEC has demonstrated unequal treatment of different initiative groups, issuing a warning to the initiative group of U. Nyaklyaeu for violating electoral legislation while complaints against the initiative group of A. Lukashenka are being re-directed to lower level commissions.

Sensation: police lieutenant colonel tells how elections are rigged in Belarus

15.10.2010 Sensation: police lieutenant colonel tells how elections are rigged in Belarus

Ballot boxes are sealed in a way that it is a child’s play to move this seal and throw in false ballots.

Electoral fuss in Orsha district continues

15.10.2010 Electoral fuss in Orsha district continues

Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections have already written about the numerous abolitions and amendments of rulings of the Orsha officials that concern the electoral campaign. Such things still continue there.

Maladechna District Executive Committee changes list of places banned for electoral picketing

15.10.2010 Maladechna District Executive Committee changes list of places banned for electoral picketing

The website of the Maladechna District Election Commission finally published the information about amendment of the ruling enlisting the places that were banned for holding electoral pickets.

Liozna: provocations at pickets

15.10.2010 Liozna: provocations at pickets

Officers of the Liozna District Executive Committee paid a visit to the electoral pickets of Ryhor Kostuseu and Ales Mikhalevich. There were also some unidentified persons who tried to tear leaflets with the biographies of the candidates out of the hands of the members of their electoral teams who held the pickets.

15.10.2010 Lidziya Yarmoshyna: Belarusian TV is not ready to hold debates live

The Central Election Commission issued a document on holding debates between presidential candidates

Yeziaryshcha: schoolmaster warns teachers against signing for anyone but Lukashenka

15.10.2010 Yeziaryshcha: schoolmaster warns teachers against signing for anyone but Lukashenka

As stated by the collector of signatures for Uladzimir Niakliayer Leanid Autukhou, the teachers and the technical personnel of the school of the town of Yeziaryshcha refuse to sign in support of nomination of any candidates for president but Aliaksandr Lukashenka, as the school administration threatens not to prolong the labor contracts to those who would do it. The threats were voiced at a general assembly of the school staff.

Horki: information about places of work of election commission is kept in secret

15.10.2010 Horki: information about places of work of election commission is kept in secret

’It is not easy to find about the places of work of members of the Horki District Election Commission’, says the correspondent of the newspaper Uzgorak Illia Zaranok. When I asked to ‘disclose the secret’, the officer of the Horki District Executive Committee and the member of the Horki District Election Commission Katsiaryna Karotkaya answered that this information was accessible for workers of the district executive committee only and the electors didn’t need to know it.

Collection of signatures for Lukashenka is still accompanied with violations

15.10.2010 Collection of signatures for Lukashenka is still accompanied with violations

Doctors of the Baranavichy polyclinic #7 (located in Budaunikou Avenue, 37), invented a new technique of collecting signatures in support of nomination of Aliaksandr Lukashenka as a candidate for the presidential election.

Babruisk: intimidation of members of electoral team of Vital Rymasheuski continues

15.10.2010 Babruisk: intimidation of members of electoral team of Vital Rymasheuski continues

One of the co-founders of the Belarusian Christian Democracy, the member of the electoral team of Mr. Rymasheuski Iryna Navumovich faced with pressurization from the side of an unidentified official of the Babruisk Town Executive Committee.

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