News for October 2010

05.10.2010 Barysau: military officers engage in electoral campaign

A working group on the preparation and holding of the presidential election was established at the bureau of the North-Western Operational Command. It is headed by the Deputy Commander for ideological work, Colonel Siarhei Karaliou.

Biaroza District Executive Committee informs, but gives no explanations

05.10.2010 Biaroza District Executive Committee informs, but gives no explanations

The residents of Biaroza Tamara Schapiotkina and Siarhei Rusetski received from Executive Committee the notes signed by the Deputy Chairperson Yauhen Tarasiuk, informing that that they hadn’t been included in the Biaroza District Election Commission.

Collection of signatures for Aliaksandr Lukashenka in Hrodna and Kalinkavichy

05.10.2010 Collection of signatures for Aliaksandr Lukashenka in Hrodna and Kalinkavichy

Cases of forced signing in support of Aliaksandr Lukashenka’s candidacy for the presidnetial position were registered in Hrodna.

Mazyr authorities forget to publish list of members of Mazyr District Election Commission

05.10.2010 Mazyr authorities forget to publish list of members of Mazyr District Election Commission

The Mazyr district press hasn’t published the information about the members of the Mazyr District Territorial Election Commission, though according to Article 34, paragraph 6 of the Electoral Code, ‘the decision about the formation of the commission must be published in the local press within seven days since its adoption… The name, patronymic and the surname of each member of the commission, the way of their nomination to the commission, the location and the telephones of the election commission must be mentioned in the text of the decision.’

Baranavichy: observer looking for election commission

05.10.2010 Baranavichy: observer looking for election commission

The member of the Belarusian Language Society Siarhei Housha didn’t manage to register as an observer at the Baranavichy City Election Commission. On 30 September he tried to find the place where the sitting of the commission was taking place, but to no avail. On 1 October he spent all days trying to get registered as an observer at the election commission as well.

Chairperson of Brest Regional Executive Committee confesses rigging previous presidential election

04.10.2010 Chairperson of Brest Regional Executive Committee confesses rigging previous presidential election

During his press conference for representatives of regional mass media the Chairperson of the Brest Regional Executive Committee Kanstantsin Sumar on 30 September suddenly remembered about the previous election campaign in Belarus and made a sensational statement.

Regional authorities change decisions concerning prohibition to collect signatures in support of candidates for presidential position

04.10.2010 Regional authorities change decisions concerning prohibition to collect signatures in support of candidates for presidential position

According to the decision adopted on 30 September, the Brest City Executive Committee has significantly extended the opportunities for picketing aimed at collecting signatures for candidates. The new decision prohibits to collects signatures at less than 50-meter distance from the buildings of the local administrations, the institutions that respond for the defense and security of Belarus and supply to population with water, heating and electricity.

04.10.2010 Websites of executive committees fail to present adequate information about presidential election

The Belarusian society keeps paying taxes for which the state officials live. Not all websites of the Belarusian executive committees (that are also financed from the budget) are updated timely and regularly. In particular, many of them lack information about the presidential election, despite the fact that they belong to the few official sources that must openly present such information to the electorate.

Courts turn down complaints against violations during formation of territorial election commissions

04.10.2010 Courts turn down complaints against violations during formation of territorial election commissions

The Barysau District Court considered the complaint of the Barysau district organization of the United Civil Party against the non-inclusion of the UCP representative Rehina Viltouskaya in the Barysau Town Election commission. The court sitting lasted for three hours. The complaint was turned down.

Territorial electoral commissions consist of ’loyal and reliable’ people

04.10.2010 Territorial electoral commissions consist of ’loyal and reliable’ people

The first sitting of the Barysau town election commission took place the day it was formed. Members of the commission elected its chairperson, deputy chairperson and secretary.

'Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections': There are no positive changes in formation of territorial election commissions

04.10.2010 'Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections': There are no positive changes in formation of territorial election commissions

On 1 October participants of the campaign Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections held a press-conference in Minsk. The observers compared the electoral situation to the previous presidential election. Tough the Deputy Chairperson of the Human Rights Center Viasna Valiantsin Stefanovich and the Chairperson of the juridical commission of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee, Hary Pananiaila, noted some progress towards the democratization of the electoral process, they stated that the general background (including violations from the side of the authorities) remained the same.

Election of the President of Belarus 2010:  Preliminary Monitoring Report  on Formation of Territorial Election Commissions

04.10.2010 Election of the President of Belarus 2010: Preliminary Monitoring Report on Formation of Territorial Election Commissions

Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections' offer to get acquainted with the preliminary report on monitoring the formation of regional commissions on elections of President of the Republic of Belarus.

Valery Shchukin fined 1 mln rubles

01.10.2010 Valery Shchukin fined 1 mln rubles

On 1 October the Leninski District Court of Mahiliou fined the human rights defender Valery Shchukin 1,050,000 rubles. Judge Stanislau Shenderovich found him guilty of producing, trafficking and distributing printed materials that had been produced with violation of the Belarusian legislation.

Baran: authorities ban collecting signatures at bus stops

01.10.2010 Baran: authorities ban collecting signatures at bus stops

Decision of the Baran Town Executive Committee #166 About defining the places where the picketing for collecting signatures for the nomination of candidates for President of the Republic of Belarus should be banned, adopted on 21 September, was published only ten days after in issue #112 of Arshanskaya Hazeta.

Authorities started haunting Ales Straltsou and Aleh Korban

01.10.2010 Authorities started haunting Ales Straltsou and Aleh Korban

The civil activist Ales Straltsou keeps receiving telephone calls from some ‘Siarhei Ivanavich’ who wants to talk about the old ‘Process of 14’ and its participants. He even agreed to come to the meeting on his own.

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