News for February 2010

11.02.2010 Hrodna: parties appeal against non-inclusion of their representatives in constituency election commissions

The Hrodna oblast organization of the United Civil Party appeals at the Hrodna oblast court against the violation of its right to be represented at constituency commissions. The party members require a review of the decision on forming the constituency commissions on elections to the Hrodna oblast Soviet of Deputies.

11.02.2010 Homel oblast: who constitutes the minority in constituency commissions?

In Homel oblast, only 1-2% members of constituency election commissions belong to opposition parties or NGOs that are not founded and or/supported by the state. For instance, the United Civil Party has 1% representation among 780 members of the 60 constituency commissions, the Belarusian party of United Leftists Fair World – 2% and ‘disloyal’ NGOs – 1%. The pro-governmental Communist Party of Belarus got a bit more – 3%.

Hrodna: members of the disgraced Union of Poles are summoned for interrogations

11.02.2010 Hrodna: members of the disgraced Union of Poles are summoned for interrogations

On 11 February the police paid a visit to the Polonika, the Hrodna firm headed by Anzhalika Borys, Chairperson of the Union of Poles in Belarus in disgrace, to serve writs for interrogations to Mrs. Borys, Andrei Pachobut, Mechyslau Yaskevich and Ihar Bantsar.

11.02.2010 Baranavichy: legal existence of Belarusian Language Society is under threat

On 10 February, the Baranavichy Council of the Belarusian Language Society filed with Viktar Dzichkouski, Chairman of the Baranavichy city executive committee, a repeated letter informing that all documents necessary for changing the legal address of the local BLS organization had been presented to the CEC more than a month ago, but no answer was received in the legal terms.

Brest: Ivan Stasiuk is issued a warning for activity on behalf of unregistered organization

11.02.2010 Brest: Ivan Stasiuk is issued a warning for activity on behalf of unregistered organization

Ivan Stasiuk, a member of the international youth organization Young Front registered in Czech, was issued an official warning for activities on behalf of unregistered organization. The activist was summoned to the Brest oblast procuracy for 9 a.m. on 11 February, and was required to give explanations.

11.02.2010 Does Minsk have few election constituencies?

57 election constituencies were formed in Minsk for holding the elections to the local Soviets of Deputies of the 26th Convocation. Two new constituencies were added to the 55 remaining from the previous elections. These constituencies were formed in the new suburbs Loshytsa and Brylevichy.

Zmitser Dashkevich and Aliaksei Shein detained on the border

11.02.2010 Zmitser Dashkevich and Aliaksei Shein detained on the border

On 11 February in the morning, Zmitser Dashkevich, leader of the Young Front, Aliaksei Shein, co-Chairman of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party, were detained on the Belarusian-Latvian border for five hours.

11.02.2010 Minsk oblast executive committee holds seminar-counsel on organizing elections

On 10 February a seminar-counsel on organizing elections to local Soviets of Deputies was held at the Minsk oblast executive committee, with participation of Chairpersons and Secretaries of territorial and constituency election commissions and Chairpersons of the personnel and ideological departments of district and city executive committees of the Minsk oblast.

'young Front' activist Yuliya Mikhailava expelled from college

11.02.2010 'young Front' activist Yuliya Mikhailava expelled from college

The girl was not given any official papers. She was just told she was expelled from the Textile College and was asked to collect her documents, the website informs.

10.02.2010 Constituency commissions: information from regions

Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections sum up the information received from the regions on the stage of forming of constituency commissions on elections to the oblast Soviets of Deputies.

10.02.2010 Courts dismiss complaints against non-inclusion of nominees in election commissions

Volha Abramovich, Judge of the Barysau town court, dismissed the complaint against the decision of the Barysau district executive committee and the Presidium of the Barysau district Soviet of Deputies on forming of the district territorial commission on elections to the local Soviets of deputies.

Hrodna: action of Union of Poles took place under police surveillance

10.02.2010 Hrodna: action of Union of Poles took place under police surveillance

At 1.20 p.m. two police officers and a cameraman came to the Polonika firm. They warned Andrei Pachobut, Chairperson of the Main Council of the Union of Poles in Belarus in disgrace, that activists of the organization were preparing an unauthorized action.

10.02.2010 Mazyr: state press still hasn’t published full information on election commissions

In Mazyr, electors still cannot familiarize with the names, numbers, boundaries and location of the Mazyr district commission on elections to the Mazyr district Soviet of deputies and the number of electors there.

MP: life sentence can be as inhuman as death penalty

10.02.2010 MP: life sentence can be as inhuman as death penalty

Members of the House of Representatives think it may take ten years to abolish the death penalty.

Belarusian observers report minor violations in Ukrainian presidential election

09.02.2010 Belarusian observers report minor violations in Ukrainian presidential election

Belarusian ENEMO (European Network of Election Monitoring Organizations) mission observers have recorded a number of violations during the presidential election in Ukraine, the BelaPan news agency reports quoting the Network’s long-term observers coordinator Ali Aliev. However, the violations were not systematic and failed to affect the election results.

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