News on the topic: detention conditions

20.05.2012 Growing pressure on political prisoners

Mikalay Statkievich got a reprimand, Eduard Lobau’s mail is ”filtered”, Aliaksandar Frantskievich wasn’t allowed a meeting with his parents.

Convicted anarchist denied meeting with mother

27.04.2012 Convicted anarchist denied meeting with mother

The administration of Ivatsevichy penal colony No. 22 has not allowed Aliaksandr Frantskevich’s meeting with his mother scheduled for 4 May.

25.04.2012 Marek Migalski demands to stop torture of Mikalai Statkevich

A member of the European Parliament, Marek Migalski, has applied to the Corrections Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus.

20.04.2012 Pavel Sevyarynets denied parole

The release on parole was denied to him, though according to the staff of special detention facility No. 7 in the village of Kuplin “he applies his best efforts to mend his way”.

18.04.2012 Syarhey Kavalenka receives no medical attention, wife says

Doctors at the Navinki psychiatric hospital are doing nothing to help Syarhey Kavalenka recover after his debilitating hunger strike, the wife of the 37-year-old opposition activist told BelaPAN on Tuesday.

17.04.2012 Mikalai Autukhovich has serious health problems

Back pain is caused by kidney problems, and also by a cold the political prisoner had caught while he was in the punitive isolation ward.

17.04.2012 Statkevich shares cell with killer from “death squad”

The monitoring group of Platform association managed to get information about confinement conditions for Mikalai Statkevich in a prison in Mahilou.

Former prisoner appeals detention conditions

30.03.2012 Former prisoner appeals detention conditions

Mrs. Alena Dubovik, detained by riot police during a benefit concert in Minsk on 24 March and sentenced to three days of arrest, has lodged a complaint with the city’s prosecuting authorities against illegal actions by the police during her arrest and the poor detention conditions in Minsk detention center in Akrestsin Street.

29.03.2012 Hunger strike caused irreversible damage to Kavalenka's health, wife says

Syarhey Kavalenka's wife has sounded an alarm over the rapidly deteriorating health of the imprisoned opposition activist, saying that his lengthy hunger strike has already caused "irreversible" damage to his internal organs.

29.03.2012 Dashkevich still in punishment cell

A lawyer had a meeting with Dashekevich, a political prisoner and Young Front leader.

27.03.2012 Complaint on torture against Zmitser Bandarenka submitted to UN

The UN Special Rapporteur on Torture has received a complaint with a request to investigate facts of using torture against political prisoner Zmitser Bandarenka.

27.03.2012 Mikalai Dzyadok thrown into punishment cell for seventh time

Anarchist Mikalai Dzyadok was thrown into a punishment cell for six days allegedly for improper cell cleanup.

26.03.2012 Belarus Hunger-Striker Moved To Psychiatric Clinic

MINSK -- Jailed Belarusian opposition activist Syarhey Kavalenka, whose health has significantly deteriorated during a lengthy hunger strike, has been transferred to a prison psychiatric clinic.

16.03.2012 Mikalai Dzyadok thrown into punishment cell

The parents of Mikalai Dzyadok were told in penal colony No. 15 that the political prisoner has been thrown into a punishment cell for 5 days.

29.02.2012 Health of Zmitser Bandarenka deteriorated

The wife of Zmitser Bandarenka, the coordinator of European Belarus civil campaign, received a letter from her husband saying his diseases aggravated.

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