News on the topic: local council elections-2010

Hrodna: each election commission is supervised by an official of Hrodna City Executive Committee

24.04.2010 Hrodna: each election commission is supervised by an official of Hrodna City Executive Committee

As it was learned by the civil human rights defender Raman Yurhel, each constituency and precinct election commission of Hrodna is supervised by a curator from the Hrodna City Executive Committee. Mr. Yurhel found about it when he was informed over the phone about the deprival of accreditation as an observer of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee at the Universitetskaya constituency #3 for elections to the Hrodna Regional Council of Deputies.

Baranavichy: 15% of electors voted during first three days of early voting

24.04.2010 Baranavichy: 15% of electors voted during first three days of early voting

According to information of the private newspaper Intex-press, 15% of the Baranavichy electors voted during the first three days of early voting, that's why it can't be ruled out that this time more than the usual 25% will vote by the Election Day.

Zhlobin district: number of received ballots is put in pencil

24.04.2010 Zhlobin district: number of received ballots is put in pencil

Valery Rybchanka, Chairperson of the Zhlobin district organization of the Belarusian Party of Leftists Fair World, paid a visit to the precinct located in the settlement of Streshyn on 23 April.

Mazyr: detention of candidate Frantsishak Viachorka

24.04.2010 Mazyr: detention of candidate Frantsishak Viachorka

Frantsishak Viachorka, a candidate for deputy for the Mazyr District Council of Deputies running at the Stantsyinaya electioin constituency #25, was detained on 24 April near the Culture House 40 Hod Kastrychnika and guarded to the Mazyr District Police Department.

MTS mobile operator advertises early vote

23.04.2010 MTS mobile operator advertises early vote

Today, on 23 April, Hrodna subscribers of the major MTS mobile operator received short messages inviting to take part in the early vote campaign. Soon, it became known that the action was ordered by Hrodna regional executive committee.

23.04.2010 Minsk police detain distributors of Vintsuk Viachorka’s leaflets

Minsk city police detained two activists – Andrus Krechka and Anton Koipish – as they were distributing election leaflets of a Belarusian Popular Front Leader Vintsuk Viachorka. According to the candidate, the leaflets completely meet the legal requirements.

Minsk election commissions refuse access to information even to members of higher election commissions

23.04.2010 Minsk election commissions refuse access to information even to members of higher election commissions

On 22 April the Minsk city election commission considered the complaints of two candidates – Mr. Kazeyeu and Mr. Kuushynau. As a result, the Commission ordered the local election commissions to allow the presence of those who applied for attending the commission’s meetings.

23.04.2010 Orsha: BHC observer forced to leave election commission

Siarhei Trafimau, officially accredited as observer in Orsha, was not allowed to attend the meetings of the Orsha town election commission. The Belarusian Helsinki Committee representative says he has taken part in all the commission’s meetings since January. However, the situation suddenly changed.

23.04.2010 Opposition candidates in Belarus seized printers and computers

Local council canddiate Syarhei Trafimchyk was searched by the militia on April 22.

Searches and interrogations in connection with the criminal case instigated by the Hrodna region KGB department against Ales Zarembyuk, a candidate to the Masty district and Hrodna region councils, go on in the Hrodna region.

23.04.2010 Svislach district: pro-state candidate campaigned for by his employers in working hours

In the past few days, in Svislach district (Hrodna region) there have been held a lot of meetings with voters of Ilya Epifanau, head of health care department of Hrodna regional executive committee, who is running for the Hrodna Regional Council.

23.04.2010 Vitsebsk region: canvassing opportunities vary

Canvassing for voters is underway. However, the results of these activities to a considerable degree depend on the candidates’ political affiliations.

23.04.2010 Babruisk pro-state candidates advertised by independent press

The latest issues of two Babruisk independent newspapers ‘Vecherny Bobruisk’ and ‘Kommerchesky kurier’ feature interviews with three local pro-state candidates.

23.04.2010 Mahiliou tax inspection interested in candidate’s income

On 22 April, Aliaksandr Irkho, leader of the Belarusian Social-Democratic Party’s (Narodnaya Hramada) Mahiliou organizing committee, who is running for the City Council, received a summons to the local tax inspection.

23.04.2010 Mazyr candidate left without canvassing materials

On 22 April Mazyr District Court dismissed the complaint by Uladzimir Tseliapun, Belarusian Popular Front member, running for the Homel Regional Council, ‘since it is beyond the jurisdiction of the court.’ The candidate argued that the manager of the local printing house ‘Kalor’ Mr. Dyliuk had violated the Electoral Code by refusing to print the candidate’s election posters.

23.04.2010 Mahiliou: even unrivaled loyal candidate abuses public media for canvassing

Fiodar Mikheyenka, deputy chair of Mahiliou city executive committee, who is running for the Mahiliou City Council, in non-alternative constituency #11, was illegally campaigned for by the ‘Vesnik Mahiliova’ state newspaper. He answered several questions on his activities as head of the ‘Belaya Rus’ pro-government organization’s local leader and invited everyone to cast their ballots on 25 April.

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