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Mazyr: detention of candidate Frantsishak Viachorka

2010 2010-04-24T17:27:43+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Frantsishak Viachorka, a candidate for deputy for the Mazyr District Council of Deputies running at the Stantsyinaya electioin constituency #25, was detained on 24 April near the Culture House 40 Hod Kastrychnika and guarded to the Mazyr District Police Department.

The matter is that while visiting a precinct commission, the candidates F.Viachorka and U.Tseliapun saw from their car that a member of the precinct commission located in the culture house posted an ad about the upcoming elections over the electoral posters of Frantsishak Viachorka, and his rival, S.Karobkin. This action looked absurd and provocative, as an information stand with the same ad stood nearby.

Mr.Viachorka approached the member of the commission and tried to explain that it was a violation of Article 45, part 14 of the Electoral Code, but the woman quickly ran back to the Culture House. Then Viachorka accurately removed the ad from the electoral posters and went to the election commission to ask who ordered this law violation.

However, he hardly managed to make a few steps when he was overtaken by police sergeants Dz.Danchanka and Andrei Kozel. They accused the candidate of disorderly conduct and called their boss, Major Andrei Khamitsevich, who ordered them to guard Franak to the district police department for giving explanations. The member of the precinct commission was guarded there a bit later. Having explained the electoral law to the policemen, Franak Viachorka was let go.

Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections

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