News on the topic: education

Violation of children's rights through ideology, patriotism, and educational policy: opinion of human rights defenders and analysts

28.06.2024 Violation of children's rights through ideology, patriotism, and educational policy: opinion of human rights defenders and analysts

On June 27, the violations of the rights of Belarusian and Ukrainian children in Belarus were discussed at the information center of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania.

HRDs: Law school of Belarusian State University infringed students' rights forcing them into “confession” videos

31.05.2023 HRDs: Law school of Belarusian State University infringed students' rights forcing them into “confession” videos

Joint statement on the distribution of “repentant” videos by the Faculty of Law of Belarusian State University.

Ministry of Education believes th there are ample opportunities to study Belarusian language in Belarus

10.07.2015 Ministry of Education believes th there are ample opportunities to study Belarusian language in Belarus

Commenting on the report of Salihorsk representatives of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee on the observance of the rights of Belarusian-speaking citizens in the region, the Ministry of Education has come to the conclusion about the existence of wide opportunities for the study of the Belarusian language and its use in all areas of communication.

Mikaševičy: parents struggling to keep secondary school

10.07.2015 Mikaševičy: parents struggling to keep secondary school

According to the official information received by regional representatives of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee, Luniniec District Executive Committee decided to liquidate secondary school №3 in Mikaševičy “with the aim of spending the budget means with the maximum benefit”.

Baranavichy: Prosecutor General's Office supports local and ministerial officials

03.04.2015 Baranavichy: Prosecutor General's Office supports local and ministerial officials

Parents of pupils of the former Belarusian-language form in Baranavichy, Tatsiana and Aleh Malashchanka and Antanina and Vasil Filipchyk received a letter from the Prosecutor General, signed by Head of the Department for Supervision of the rights and freedoms of citizens M. Papova.

Baranavichy: children are offered to learn in Belarusian in a village school ten kilometers away from home

12.03.2015 Baranavichy: children are offered to learn in Belarusian in a village school ten kilometers away from home

Parents of pupils of the former Belarusian-language form in Baranavichy, Tatsiana and Aleh Malashchakas and Antanina and Vasil Filipchyks filed a repeated appeal to the Prosecutor General.

Student challenges his expulsion from Belarusian State University

15.01.2015 Student challenges his expulsion from Belarusian State University

The continuation of the consideration of Uladzimir Andryienkas appeal against his expulsion from the juridical faculty of Belarusian State University continued at the Maskouski District Court of Minsk on January 14.

Ihar Lohvinau: “We still remain a country in which book publishers are put into the debt trap”

05.01.2015 Ihar Lohvinau: “We still remain a country in which book publishers are put into the debt trap”

January 5 at 3 p.m., the trial of the bookstore "Lohvinau" begins at the Economic Court of Minsk.

Baranavichy: parents of Belarusian-speaking girls ask Education Minister to ensure their right to learn in Belarusian

13.11.2014 Baranavichy: parents of Belarusian-speaking girls ask Education Minister to ensure their right to learn in Belarusian

Parents of the pupils of the only form with the Belarusian language of instruction in Baranavichy Tatsiana and Aleh Malashchankas, as well as Antanina and Vasil Filipchyks, have filed an appeal to the Minister of Education Siarhei Miskevich pointing that their children have a problem with continuing education in the native language.

Ministry of Education answered to “Oh, Bologna!” only after three months

07.10.2014 Ministry of Education answered to “Oh, Bologna!” only after three months

As it follows from the answer, the decision concerning the accession of Belarus to the Bologna process and made has been made and will not be discussed any more. However, the essence of the decision remains unknown: the ministry advised the activists to address members of the Chamber of Representatives to find about it.

Homel: the trial concerning the expulsion of Andrei Tsianiuta from university is delayed for inviting an interpreter

12.09.2014 Homel: the trial concerning the expulsion of Andrei Tsianiuta from university is delayed for inviting an interpreter

On September 12, the Tsentralny District Court of Homel started hearing a civil case of the co-chair of the "Young Front" Andrei Tsianiuta.

“Young Front” activist Andrei Tsianiuta appeals his expulsion from university

10.09.2014 “Young Front” activist Andrei Tsianiuta appeals his expulsion from university

June 30, the Tsentralny District Court of Homel refused to initiate civil proceedings on Andrei Tsianiuta's claim to the university, because he didn't implement the requirement of the pre-trial settlement. However, after the First Deputy Minister of Education upheld the expulsion of Mr. Tsianiuta, the trial had nothing left to do but to start the proceedings on the merits.

Svetlahorsk: best teacher of 2014 fired for public activism

07.09.2014 Svetlahorsk: best teacher of 2014 fired for public activism

September 1, pupils of secondary school No. 10 in Svetlahorsk got bad news about dismissal of a teacher of history and social studies, Alena Masliukova. The teacher wasn't even given the opportunity to bring her 11th form up to graduation, where she was the class teacher.

Baranavichy: the only Belarusian-language form ceased to exist

02.09.2014 Baranavichy: the only Belarusian-language form ceased to exist

The only Belarusian-class in Baranavichy where just three girls, Yasia Malashchanka, Alisa Filipchyk and Veranika Mikhal'chuk learned, ceased to exist. As the girls finished the primary school and some of the families moved, their parents tried to receive an opportunity for their children to continue receiving instruction in the Belarusian language in the 5th grade of gymnasium No. 4, but to no avail.

Brest: pressurization of students signing for Belarus' accession to Bologna process

05.07.2014 Brest: pressurization of students signing for Belarus' accession to Bologna process

However, in recent days the deans of some faculties of Brest universities have been reported to call the students who had signed up for it, for talks. According to the organizers of the campaign, "Oh, Bologna!", it started almost immediately after the address was sent to the Ministry of Education.

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