News on the topic: elections-2008

13.06.2008 Pavel Nazdra is not drafted for short-term military training?

Pavel Nazdra, member of the organizing committee for the establishment of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party, was to have been drafted for short-term military training. The activist said it could be linked with the upcoming electoral campaign.

13.06.2008 Mikhail Marynich: I am not going to take part in the parliamentary election

Mikhail Marynich, former political prisoner and ex-minister answered the questions of the Narodnaya Volia newspaper.

12.06.2008 Youth activists are haunted by military enlistment offices

The military enlistment offices have started to summon activists of different youth organizations for medical examination with the aim of drafting them to army service.

12.06.2008 Authorities of Vitsebsk are reluctant to register homeless Shchukin

These days the human rights activist and oppositionist Valery Shchukin has applied to the prosecutor of Vitsebsk oblast for the third time. He again asks to register him as a homeless person. In the answers to the previous complaints the prosecutor answered that registration was impossible and it was necessary to conduct an appropriate check-up. According to Shchukin, by non-registering him as homeless the authorities violate presidential decree #413.

11.06.2008 Mazyr: Pavel Nazdra called to military enlistment office

The Young Front activist Pavel left his house at 7.45 pm yesterday. A man in civvies came up to him and handed in a call-up paper. Pavel is to go to the military enlistment office at 9 am today. He is to spend 17 days at military training.

05.06.2008 Activist of the BPF Party is fired from ‘Beltransgas’

Alexander Mekh, the chairman of Kobryn organization of the Belarusian Popular Front Party, was warned that he would be fired from work. The activist associates it with his intention to run at the upcoming parliamentary election.

03.06.2008 United democratic forces have formed list of candidates to constituency election commissions

The united democratic forces have formed the list of candidates to constituency election commissions. Such prominent activists as the former speakers of the Supreme Soviet Mechyslau Hryb and Stanislau Shushkevich, the former ministers Pavel Kazlouski and Aliaksandr Sasnou, former deputies, heads of city councils of deputies, etc. were included in this list. The BelaPAN reminds that the Central Election Commission has declined the draft laws which were prepared by the united democratic forces for democratization of the electoral process. Now the united democratic forces demand that their candidates should be included in the election commissions.

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