News on the topic: elections-2008

08.07.2008 Hrodna: oppositional political parties nominate their representatives to district electoral commissions

The Belarusian Popular Front Party has nominated Vasil Korabau as its representative to Hrodna-Zaniomanskaya district electoral commission #49 and Anatol Khatsko – to Hrodna-Central district electoral commission #50. The United Civil Party has nominated Dzmitry Slutski to Hrodna-Northern district electoral commission #51 and Alexander Pahuliayeu – to Hrodna-rural district electoral commission #52. The Party of Communists Belarusian has nominated Pavel Samadzeyeu to Dziatlava district electoral commission #55 and Aleh Ramanau – to Shchuchyn district electoral commission #60.

08.07.2008 Hrodna: police pressurize opposition’s delegates to electoral commissions

On 8 July the police paid a visit to the resident of the village of Varniany (Astravets district) Mikalai Ulasevich, who has been nominated as a representative to Iuie district electoral commission #53 by the United Civil Party. The policemen asked him where he was during the blast which had taken place in Minsk, at the celebration of the official Independence Day. Ulasevich was not in Minsk during the tragedy.

08.07.2008 Salihorsk: number of electors decreases

Two electoral districts were formed in Salihorsk administrative district by Central Electoral Commission’s ruling #16 of 25 June 2008. These are Salihorsk town electoral district #75, which includes almost the whole territory of the town of Salihorsk and 67 531 electors, and Salihorsk rural electoral district #76, which includes the whole territory of Kapyl district, all villages of Salihorsk administrative district and a part of the town of Salihorsk and has 68 425 electors.

07.07.2008 Brest oblast: authorities change the electoral districts as they want

After the issue of the presidential decree on appointment of the parliamentary elections, the Central Electoral Commission issued its ruling #16 On creation of the electoral districts for elections of deputies to the Chamber of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus of the fourth convocation. By this ruling the territories, names and the number of electors of certain electoral districts were changed.

07.07.2008 Babruisk: dismissal for participation in elections

The resident of Babruisk Taisiya Kabanchuk is fired from her job. She thinks it is connected to her intention to run on Asipovichy electoral district at the elections to the Chamber of Representatives of the National Assembly.

07.07.2008 Alesia Yasiuk is tortured by police

Alesia said to RFE/RL that she was in staying in the state of shock and called the police actions torture and mockery.

02.07.2008 OSCE to send more than 300 observers to Belarus

The mission of the Bureau of Democratic Institutes and Human Rights of the OSCE has published a report with recommendations for monitoring of the election to the Chamber of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus. BDIHR OSCE recommends establishing a standard mission for monitoring of the election which will take place on 28 September. The experts point at the obstacles to effective monitoring of the poll during the earlier elections. The Bureau hopes that the Belarusian authorities will guarantee the access of monitors to monitoring of the poll.

02.07.2008 Parliamentary election. Events and generalizations

On 24 June Alexander Lukashenka signed decree #344 On appointment of the election to the Chamber of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus of the fourth convocation. According to this document, the election will take place on 28 September.

02.07.2008 Tax inspections pressurize families of opposition candidates

The democratic activists who have been nominated by oppositional political parties as candidates for the elections to the House of Representatives are called to tax departments. Relatives of opposition politicians are checked, too.

02.07.2008 Great changes in election districts of Mahiliou oblast

The greatest changes concern Krychau and Bykhau election districts. Former Kastsiukovichy election district has been completely divided between two neighboring election districts. Asipovichy election district is a new election district which has been established only this year.

02.07.2008 Central Election Commission establishes election districts

By its ruling #16 of 25 June 2008 the Central Election Commission has established the electioin districts for the upcoming election to the Chamber of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus.

02.07.2008 Journalist of Radio ‘Liberty’ fined for ‘contempt of court’

On 30 June the journalist of Radio Liberty Liubou Luniova was fined 280 000 rubles (about 130 US dollars) for contempt or court because she had answered a telephone call during the trial of an activist of the Young Democrats who had been nominated to Central Election Commission by the political council of the United Civil Party.

25.06.2008 Authorities increase pressure on human rights activists before parliamentary elections

The day when the human rights activists declared their intention to monitor the upcoming parliamentary elections, June 12th, the First Channel of the Belarusian TV advertised a news item which insults the honor and dignity of the human rights defenders. Later the video was demonstrated by the Panarama news program on Sunday.

While state-controlled media are trying to discredit the human rights activity, the authorities started detailed examination of tax history of the human rights defenders. During the recent 10 days the Ministry of Taxes and Duties demanded declarations about income and property from BHC chair Aleh Hulak, the former chair of BHC Tatsiana Protska, vice-President of FIDH Ales Bialiatski, BHC member Zmitser Markusheuski, human rights defender Valiantsin Stefanovic, and their family members.

23.06.2008 European Parliament member Jacek Protasiewicz does not believe election in Belarus will be free

“It is very difficult to build a long-term policy towards Belarus, and results of the election should be waited for,” Jacek Protasiewicz, noted in an interview to the Polish Radio.

13.06.2008 Human rights activists start campaign on election monitoring

On 12 June the press-conference of human rights activists connected with the beginning of the monitoring of the upcoming parliamentary election has taken at the office of the republican human rights association Belarusian Helsinki Committee.

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