News on the topic: foreign travel restrictions

16.03.2012 The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has expressed outrage at a foreign travel ban imposed by the Belarusian authorities on at least four independent journalists

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has expressed outrage at a foreign travel ban imposed by the Belarusian authorities on at least four independent journalists.

15.03.2012 More victims of foreign travel restrictions

Zhanna Litvina, Mikhail Yanchuk and Andrei Bandarenka were not allowed to leave Belarus.

14.03.2012 Siarhei Shupa denied entrance to Belarus

Journalist of the Belarusian service of Radio Liberty Siarhei Shupa was denied in receiving a Belarusian visa. Today the journalist, who lives in Prague, received his passport from the Belarusian consulate with the “denied” seal.

14.03.2012 Viktar Karniayenka applies to state agencies in connection with foreign travel restrictions

Mr. Karniayenka has applied to the General Procuracy, the Border Committee and the Citizenship and Migration Department. He did it on advice of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee instead of applying just to the latter agency.

14.03.2012 Andrei Dynko not let abroad

“Nasha Niva” managing editor was ordered to get off the train on the border on his way from Minsk to Vilnius.

Black list in action: Valiantsin Stefanovich not let abroad

12.03.2012 Black list in action: Valiantsin Stefanovich not let abroad

On 11 March the deputy head of the Human Rights Center "Viasna" Valiantsin Stefanovich didn't manage to come to Lithuania. He was stopped by border guards at the crossing point "Kamenny Loh" and told that foreign travel restrictions were applied towards him.

12.03.2012 Ex-political prisoner Mikita Likhavid searched on Belarusian border

Former political prisoner Mikita Likhavid and his mother Alena were searched on the Belarusian-Lithuanian border for 6 hours, RFE/RL reports.

07.03.2012 Anatol Liabedzka not let abroad

On 7 March the leader of the United Civil Party (UCP), Anatol Liabedzka, was told on the Belarusian-Lithuanian border he was not permitted to visit the EU.

14.11.2011 Blogger Kabanau not let abroad

A famous blogger and businessman was not permitted to leave the country for Lithuania on 12 November.

10.11.2011 Dzmitry Drozd not allowed to cross the border

Dzmitry Drozd, a former political prisoner and activist of European Belarus civil campaign, has been taken off Minsk-Vilnius train on the Belarusian-Lithuanian border.

09.11.2011 Niakliayeu banned from going abroad for medical treatment

On 9 November the criminal correction inspection of the Leninski District of Minsk banned former presidential candidate Uladzimir Niakliayeu to go abroad for treatment. The politician told this to “Belorusski Partizan”.

02.11.2011 Nasta Palazhanka is banned to go abroad

On 2 November Nasta Palazhanka, Deputy Chairwoman of the “Young Front”, was summonsed to the police without explanation of the reasons.

08.07.2011 Orsha: foreign travel restrictions imposed on Siarhei Huminski

Siarhei Huminski, a civil activist from the town of Orsha, studies at one of the Polish universities. At present he is passing his exams there. The Orsha Town Military Enlistment Office sent him a paper, according to which he is banned to travel abroad. The official reason is that he hadn’t allegedly passed all necessary documents to the military enlistment office. Siarhei Huminski says it’s not true.

No Swiss Skiing for Lukashenko: Swiss human rights group demands an entry ban for the  Belarusian president

24.01.2011 No Swiss Skiing for Lukashenko: Swiss human rights group demands an entry ban for the Belarusian president

Human rights group Libereco – Partnership for Human Rights urges the Swiss government to immediately impose an entry ban on the Belarusian president Lukashenko and further high ranking officials of Belarus. The reason therefor is the detention of dozens of political prisoners and the massive intimidation campaign against the civil society.

Two more categories of citizens to be subject to foreign travel restrictions

10.06.2010 Two more categories of citizens to be subject to foreign travel restrictions

On 10 June, a press conference of Dzmitry Leuchanka, Chairperson of the passport work and foreign travel department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, took place in Minsk.

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