News on the topic: death penalty

Leanid Sudalenka: “An ignorant person can say that we are "protecting murderers.” It's not true.”

28.11.2013 Leanid Sudalenka: “An ignorant person can say that we are "protecting murderers.” It's not true.”

Homel lawyer Leanid Sudalenka, who prepared a complaint to the UN Human Rights Committee on behalf of death convict Aliaksandr Hrunou as part of the campaign “Human Rights Defenders against the Death Penalty in Belarus”, in an interview for the website talks about the inefficiency of the death penalty as punishment.

Sweden: 103 years without the death penalty

22.11.2013 Sweden: 103 years without the death penalty

On November 23, Sweden marks 103 years since the last execution of a death sentence took place. The last execution in Sweden was enforced on November 23, 1910, when Johan Alfred Ander was beheaded by guillotine, after being sentenced to death for the murder of a 24-year-old cashier during a robbery in a shop in Stockholm.

Ukraine’s experience: Abolition of the death penalty fails to cause boost in homicides

19.11.2013 Ukraine’s experience: Abolition of the death penalty fails to cause boost in homicides

In the late 1990’s Ukraine saw heavy debate on whether to abolish the death penalty. One of the arguments of supporters of retaining the death penalty was the claim that it will cause a significant increase in the number of murders, saying that when criminals are not afraid of punishment, it is much easier to kill people.

Mother of death convict Pavel Sialiun petitions Lukashenka

18.11.2013 Mother of death convict Pavel Sialiun petitions Lukashenka

The woman asks to pardon her son, as well as to arrange a meeting with the death convict.

UN Human Rights Committee recognized violation of the right to life in Andrei Zhuk's case

14.11.2013 UN Human Rights Committee recognized violation of the right to life in Andrei Zhuk's case

Having considered the individual appeal of the death convict Andrei Zhuk, executed in 2010, the UN Human Rights Committee found that his right to life was violated by the Belarusian state.

Review of the case of the death convict Hrunou appointed on 26 November

14.11.2013 Review of the case of the death convict Hrunou appointed on 26 November

On 26 November the Homel Regional Court will hold a new hearing on the criminal case of Aliaksandr Hrunou.

Hrodna human rights defenders oppose discrimination

05.11.2013 Hrodna human rights defenders oppose discrimination

Hrodna human rights defenders Viktar Sazonau, Uladzimir Khilmanovich and Raman Yurhel filed to the Leninski District Court of Hrodna another complaint against the ruling of the Hrodna City Executive Committee dated 4 October and signed by its deputy head Alena Ahei, by which they werre prohibited to hold an informational picket on 10 October 2013.

Bialynichy activists call for abolition of the death penalty

28.10.2013 Bialynichy activists call for abolition of the death penalty

Civil society and political activists from the town of Bialynichy, Mahiliou region, urged local residents to join the campaign against the death penalty in Belarus. Local activists of the BPF party and the "Tell the Truth" campaign distributed postcards "We are against the Death Penalty", which suggest that Belarus should abandon the death penalty.

Amnesty International on death sentence annulment: A step in the right direction

24.10.2013 Amnesty International on death sentence annulment: A step in the right direction

The President of the Republic of Belarus must introduce an immediate moratorium on executions with a view to abolishing the use of the death penalty. Amnesty International reiterated its call while welcoming the fact that earlier this week the country’s Supreme Court overturned a death sentence.

Mylène Farmer signs petition against the death penalty in Belarus

24.10.2013 Mylène Farmer signs petition against the death penalty in Belarus

On October 24, three days before her arrival in Minsk, where Mylène Farmer is expected to present to the public her new show “Timeless”, she signed a petition of the campaign "Human Rights Defenders against the Death Penalty in Belarus."

MFA avoids direct answer to human rights defender’s petition in case of death convict Pavel Sialiun

24.10.2013 MFA avoids direct answer to human rights defender’s petition in case of death convict Pavel Sialiun

Coordinator of the campaign "Human Rights Defenders against the Death Penalty in Belarus" Andrei Paluda received a response from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus to his letter, in which the human rights activist informed the MFA of the registration in the UN Human Rights Committee of an individual complaint by Pavel Sialiun, sentenced to death earlier this year.

Death sentence for Aliaksandr Hrunou may be commuted to life imprisonment

23.10.2013 Death sentence for Aliaksandr Hrunou may be commuted to life imprisonment

Representatives of the campaign "Human Rights Defenders against the Death Penalty in Belarus," who have been monitoring the trial of Aliaksandr Hrunou, do not rule out the possibility of replacing the execution with life imprisonment.

Supreme Court overturns death verdict

22.10.2013 Supreme Court overturns death verdict

The Criminal Division of the Supreme Court considered today an appeal filed by Aliaksandr Hrunou earlier sentenced to death by a verdict of the Homel Regional Court. Today, the case was sent back for revision.

Issue of the death penalty discussed in the regions

22.10.2013 Issue of the death penalty discussed in the regions

Activists of the campaign “Human Rights Defenders against the Death Penalty in Belarus” are trying to change the information vacuum, which, according to sociological studies, still accompanies the issue of the death penalty in our country.

“Blood for Blood” vs Right to Life: Supreme Court to choose.

18.10.2013 “Blood for Blood” vs Right to Life: Supreme Court to choose.

On October 18, the Criminal Division of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus considered the cassation appeal of Aliaksandr Hrunou sentenced to death by the verdict of the Homel Regional Court of 14 June, 2013.

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