News on the topic: human rights defenders

Police reluctant to investigate swindle against pensioner

06.02.2013 Police reluctant to investigate swindle against pensioner

The Homel human rights defender Leanid Sudalenka rendered legal aid to a lonely pensioner who became a victim of bank swindlers. He helped the man in composing an application to the police and to the bank.

Viasna to Barys Bukhel: “Keep Up Good Work, Colleague!”

29.01.2013 Viasna to Barys Bukhel: “Keep Up Good Work, Colleague!”

The Human Rights Center “Viasna” is sending congratulations to its Mahiliou activist Barys Bukhel on receiving the “Person of the Year” award from the “Mahiliouski Mahistrat” civil community. The award is the result of Barys Bukhel’s persistent activities for the protection of human rights.

Hrodna Regional Court turns down appeal by local human rights defenders

29.01.2013 Hrodna Regional Court turns down appeal by local human rights defenders

Hrodna Regional Court considered today a complaint by Hrodna human rights defenders Viktar Sazonau, Raman Yurhel and Uladzimir Khilmanovich. On January 5, Judge Vital Liatsko of Leninski District Court sentenced the activists to a fine of 500,000 each for posting a photo on the Internet, where the activists were shown holding the portraits of political prisoner Ales Bialiatski.

29.01.2013 Human rights defenders petition President to demand unbiased assessment of police-related violence case

The private cultural and educational institution “Platforma Innovation” addressed President Aliaksandr Lukashenka with an open letter, demanding an unbiased and fair investigation into the case of alleged beating a guard of a Minsk-based parking lot Vasil Sarochyk by policemen, the BelaPAN news agency reports.

Viasna activists express solidarity with Hrodna colleagues

29.01.2013 Viasna activists express solidarity with Hrodna colleagues

Representatives of the central office of the Human Rights Center “Viasna” have held an action of solidarity with Hrodna human rights defenders – Viasna members Viktar Sazonau, Uladzimir Khilmanovich and Belarusian Helsinki Committee activist Raman Yurhel – to express their support ahead of today’s consideration of an appeal against an absurd ruling by Hrodna Leninski District Court.

Front Line Defenders' 2013 Annual Report on Global Trends for Human Rights Defenders Published

25.01.2013 Front Line Defenders' 2013 Annual Report on Global Trends for Human Rights Defenders Published

On 23 January 2013 Front Line Defenders released its fourth Annual Report on Global Challenges facing Human Rights Defenders around the World in 2012.

24.01.2013 Homel human rights defenders appeal ban on picket in support of Bialiatski to Supreme Court

Homel human rights defenders Anatol Paplauny, Leanid Sudalenka and former chairman of the city executive committee Sviatlana Holdade filed a joint complaint to Chairman of the Supreme Court Valiantsin Sukala, urging the high official to overturn the decision by local executive authorities to ban a picket expected to be held on August 4, 2012 as part of a campaign in support of human rights defender Ales Bialiatski, reports.

24.01.2013 Supreme Economic Court rejects Platforma’s claim

The Supreme Economic Court rejected Platforma’s appeal thus ending the case of Platforma’s liquidation.

Lawyer Hary Pahaniayla denied compensation for illegal travel restrictions

23.01.2013 Lawyer Hary Pahaniayla denied compensation for illegal travel restrictions

On January 23, Maskouski District Court of Minsk pronounced judgment in the lawsuit brought by Hary Pahaniayla, chairman of the BHC’s legal committee, against a number of government agencies. The human rights defender contested the actions of three ministries at a time – Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Justice and Ministry of the Interior. However, without success.

Baranavichy human rights defender urges Supreme Court to address his case

21.01.2013 Baranavichy human rights defender urges Supreme Court to address his case

Baranavichy human rights defender Siahei Housha filed today a complaint to the Supreme Court with a request to review the rulings by Baranavichy Court and Brest Regional Court.

Hrodna human rights defenders to appeal absurd verdict

21.01.2013 Hrodna human rights defenders to appeal absurd verdict

On 29 January, Hrodna Regional Court is expected to hear a joint appeal filed by local human rights defenders Viktar Sazonau, Uladzimir Khilmanovich and Raman Yurhel to challenge the verdict pronounced by the city’s Leninski District Court back on 5 January.

Navapolatsk police also trace solidarity actions through Internet

16.01.2013 Navapolatsk police also trace solidarity actions through Internet

The Navapolatsk activist Yauhen Parchynski was summonsed to the police for photos with portraits of Bialiatski at the entrance of the Navapolatsk City Court. Another participant of the action, Siarhei Malashonak, says he is ready to any development of the events, including a trial and a fine.

Human rights defenders appeal fines at Hrodna Region Court

16.01.2013 Human rights defenders appeal fines at Hrodna Region Court

The Hrodna human rights defenders Viktar Sazonau, Raman Yurhel and Uladzimir Khilmanovich, each of whom has been fined 1.5 million rubles for holding an "unauthorized picket" on 10 December, applied to the Hrodna Region Court.

Ales Bialiatski: "I am very grateful to the people who write me!"

14.01.2013 Ales Bialiatski: "I am very grateful to the people who write me!"

In his letters of the New Year period Ales Bialiatski says that he "has been totally covered with the avalanche of letters and postcards when congratulations were added to the action of support". Sometimes he received about 500 letters a day from Belarus and abroad.

Aleh Volchak addresses UN Human Rights Committee in connection with arrests

14.01.2013 Aleh Volchak addresses UN Human Rights Committee in connection with arrests

The head of the human rights center "Legal Assistance to the Population" Aleh Volchak applied to the UN Human Rights Committee with a complaint in which he lists the facts of systemic violation of the civil rights to freedom and personal immunity, as well as the use of politically motivated adverse discrimination.

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