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Aleh Volchak addresses UN Human Rights Committee in connection with arrests

2013 2013-01-14T20:59:09+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

The head of the human rights center "Legal Assistance to the Population" Aleh Volchak applied to the UN Human Rights Committee with a complaint in which he lists the facts of systemic violation of the civil rights to freedom and personal immunity, as well as the use of politically motivated adverse discrimination.

The complaint was prepared with the assistance of Leanid Sudalenka. According to him, in this complaint Mr. Volchak states that at present the Belarusian police often charge innocent people with the use of obscene language and give false testimonies at court, as a result of which the defendants are sentenced to arrest. Such things often happen on the eve of important political events, or when it becomes necessary to isolate citizens from the society.

"On 30 January 2012 the court sentenced me to 4 days of arrest. The false testimony against me was given by the police officer Aliaksandr Shakhlai and the inspector of the Tsentralny District Court of Minsk Aliaksei Liavoshka. These policemen stated that I suddenly started using obscene expressions before the eyes of passers-by, waved my hands and shouted loudly, not reacting to their remarks," points Mr. Volchak.

According to him, on 24 May the police officers Dzmitry Tukaila and Aliaksandr Kanin also charged him with the use of obscene language. They also gave false testimonies at court, as a result of which the human rights defender was sentenced to 9 days of arrest.

The first imprisonment was conducted to prevent him from receiving some documents which witnessed the political motivation of a celebrated criminal case. The second one was connected with Volchak's intention to take part in the international conferences in the US and the UK concerning the modernization of the judicial system in Belarus.

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