News on the topic: human rights defenders

Ales Bialiatski's first visit to Poland after release from jail

10.07.2014 Ales Bialiatski's first visit to Poland after release from jail

"For the three years I spent in prison, I was struck by the fact that many non-political, cultural, linguistic and social initiatives appeared in Belarus. This proves that our civil society develops," stated Mr. Bialiatski at a meeting in Warsaw. His visit to the Polish capital completes the tour of the Belarusian human rights activist across European countries.

Homel human rights activists apply for picket in support of political prisoners

09.07.2014 Homel human rights activists apply for picket in support of political prisoners

July 9, Homel human rights defenders Anatol Paplauny and Leanid Sudalenka applied to Homel City Executive Committee to get a permission for holding a picket on August 4. The purpose of the mass event action is to express protest against the existencce of political prisoners in Belarus, express support tothem and demand their immediate release.

Tamara Siarhei considers another summons to Prosecutor's office as a means of intimidation

09.07.2014 Tamara Siarhei considers another summons to Prosecutor's office as a means of intimidation

July 8, human rights activist Tamara Siarhei was once again summoned to the Prosecutor General's Office to the Deputy Head of the Department for the rights and freedoms of citizens, Pavel Yeliseyeu.

Ales Bialiatski received at Paris Mayor's Office and French MFA

08.07.2014 Ales Bialiatski received at Paris Mayor's Office and French MFA

The first visit of the Vice-President of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) Ales Bialiatski to Paris has come to an end. Before this, he had last visited Paris three years ago, a month before his arrest. All subsequent years members of the Federation throughout the world held actions and took every effort to secure his release.

European Commissioner Štefan Füle reminds about main conditions for improvement of relations between EU and official Minsk

07.07.2014 European Commissioner Štefan Füle reminds about main conditions for improvement of relations between EU and official Minsk

Commissioner Füle recalled that any positive change in the EU’s relations with the Belarusian authorities depends on the improvement of human rights and the unconditional release and rehabilitation of all political prisoners.

PACE President is confident that hard work of Belarusian human rights defenders will yield results

05.07.2014 PACE President is confident that hard work of Belarusian human rights defenders will yield results

Meeting with the head of the Human Rights Center "Viasna" and Vice-President of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) Ales Bialiatski, President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Anne Brasseur assured him of the full support of the work of human rights defenders in Belarus by PACE.

Ales Bialiatski meets European Parliament President

04.07.2014 Ales Bialiatski meets European Parliament President

Belarusian human rights activist Ales Bialiatski and European Parliament President Martin Schulz exchanged information on the situation in Belarus.

Biaroza human rights defenders intend to mark anniversary of Independence Declaration by picketing

04.07.2014 Biaroza human rights defenders intend to mark anniversary of Independence Declaration by picketing

Human rights defenders Siarhei Rusetski and Tamara Shchapiotkina filed an application for holding a picket on July 27 to remind Belarusian citizens about the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Belarus, adopted 24 years ago by the Supreme Council.

Ales Bialiatski visits Brussels and Strasbourg

02.07.2014 Ales Bialiatski visits Brussels and Strasbourg

July 1 Ales Bialiatski, head of the Human Rights Centre "Viasna" and Vice-President of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), visited Brussels. He met with representatives of the European Union to thank them for their tireless efforts on his release and call for the struggle for the liberation of all political prisoners in Belarus and systemic changes in the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

ENFIN LIBRE! – Paris welcomes Ales Bialiatski’s release

30.06.2014 ENFIN LIBRE! – Paris welcomes Ales Bialiatski’s release

As promised by the Mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo, the portrait of Ales Bialiatski, which was installed in front of the city’s 11th district hall, now features an inscription “Free at Last!” The French capital thus welcomes the release of the Belarusian human rights defender, an honorary citizen of Paris, Vice-President of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH).

New human rights group to appear in Belarus

30.06.2014 New human rights group to appear in Belarus

A group of human rights defenders has submitted to the Ministry of Justice documents for registration of the National Human Rights Association PAKT (“Covenant”, a movement for the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights). The organization’s constituent assembly has elected chairman, Mikhail Pastukhou, vice-chairman, Viktar Karniayenka, and executive director, human rights activist Leanid Sudalenka.

We urge the Belarusian authorities to release all political prisoners and to initiate systemic changes aimed at ensuring exercisable human rights

25.06.2014 We urge the Belarusian authorities to release all political prisoners and to initiate systemic changes aimed at ensuring exercisable human rights

Statement by the Human Rights Center “Viasna” on the release of the organization’s chairman and vice-president of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) Ales Bialiatski.

Sacha Koulaeva: Ales’ release is a sign of hope for human rights defenders facing repression in other countries

24.06.2014 Sacha Koulaeva: Ales’ release is a sign of hope for human rights defenders facing repression in other countries

On June 23, Sacha Koulaeva, Head of Eastern Europe and Central Asia Desk of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), came to Minsk to congratulate FIDH vice-president Ales Bialiatski on his release on behalf of his colleagues from all around the world.

Human Rights Watch: Bialiatski’s release is a positive step

24.06.2014 Human Rights Watch: Bialiatski’s release is a positive step

“Every day Ales Bialiatski spent in prison was one day too many,” said Hugh Williamson, Europe and Central Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “From the very beginning, this case had nothing to do with justice and was solely about retaliation for Bialiatski’s human rights work.”

Preventive register will not become an obstacle for Ales Bialiatski in his international activities

24.06.2014 Preventive register will not become an obstacle for Ales Bialiatski in his international activities

On June 23, head of the Human Rights Center “Viasna” Ales Bialiatski visited the criminal-executive inspection of Minsk’s Pershamaiski District Police Department, where he was registered after his early release from prison.

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