News on the topic: human rights defenders

Mahiliou authorities ban picket for release of political prisoners

01.08.2014 Mahiliou authorities ban picket for release of political prisoners

The picket was scheduled on August 4 in the city center close to the city administration.

Let's support imprisoned Azerbaijani human rights defenders!

01.08.2014 Let's support imprisoned Azerbaijani human rights defenders!

The Human Rights Center "Viasna" encourages the civil society to join the statement of protest against the political persecution of prominent human rights activists in Azerbaijan, which will be sent to the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Belarus next week.

Statement by the HRC “Viasna” on the detention and charging of famous Azerbaijani human rights defender Leyla Yunus

31.07.2014 Statement by the HRC “Viasna” on the detention and charging of famous Azerbaijani human rights defender Leyla Yunus

On July 30, 2014, Leyla Yunus, a known human rights activist and director of the Institute for Peace and Democracy, and her husband Arif Yunus were detained in Baku (Azerbaijan). The couple were detained as they were leaving the country in order to take part in an event organized by the Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety.

Azerbaijan's Leyla Yunus, human rights defender, held

30.07.2014 Azerbaijan's Leyla Yunus, human rights defender, held

Azerbaijan's most prominent human rights campaigner has been detained with her husband while trying to leave the country.

Human rights defenders sue Homel authorities

30.07.2014 Human rights defenders sue Homel authorities

Human rights defenders Leanid Sudalenka and Anatol Paplauny have lodged a lawsuit with the Homel Tsentralny District Court against the City Executive Committee, who banned a picket in support of political prisoners scheduled for August 4.

24.07.2014 Human rights defenders in favor of equality and prevention of discrimination

The Belarusian Helsinki Committee and the Network for Equality and Non-Discrimination in Belarus arranged on July 22 an international round table discussion entitled “Concepts of anti-discrimination legislation in Belarus”. More than 20 human rights defenders, journalists and civil society activists participated in the roundtable, reports.

Ales Bialiatski’s The Quicksilver of Life presented in Minsk

23.07.2014 Ales Bialiatski’s The Quicksilver of Life presented in Minsk

The Quicksilver of Life is the first book by Chairman of the Human Rights Center “Viasna” and vice-president of FIDH Ales Bialiatski, which was presented in Minsk on July 22 with the participation of the author.

Amnesty International Netherlands: ‘Overjoyed’ by Ales Bialiatski’s release, will continue struggling for Mikalai Statkevich and Eduard Lobau (photo)

16.07.2014 Amnesty International Netherlands: ‘Overjoyed’ by Ales Bialiatski’s release, will continue struggling for Mikalai Statkevich and Eduard Lobau (photo)

Ales Bialiatski, head of the Human Rights Center “Viasna”, has received a letter from the Dutch branch of Amnesty International, who organized a bright campaign in support of the Belarusian human rights defender during his imprisonment.

Mazyr: human rights activist intends to hold picket in support of political prisoners

15.07.2014 Mazyr: human rights activist intends to hold picket in support of political prisoners

Human rights defender Uladzimir Malei applied to the Mazyr District Executive Committee to hold a picket in support of political prisoners on August 3.

Discussion on use of death penalty in Belarus held in Vilnius

15.07.2014 Discussion on use of death penalty in Belarus held in Vilnius

The death penalty is irreversible, the miscarriage of justice in the case of the death penalty can not be corrected. This was told to the students of the human rights school in Vilnius by Tamara Chikunova - well-known human rights activist, founder of the organization "Mothers Against the Death Penalty and Torture."

Recently released human rights activist Ales Bialiatski concludes European tour in Warsaw

14.07.2014 Recently released human rights activist Ales Bialiatski concludes European tour in Warsaw

WARSAW, July 14, 2014 | Belarusian human rights activist, Ales Bialiatski, visited Warsaw from July 9 to 12 - the final stop in a European tour that has taken him to Vilnius, Brussels, Strasbourg and Paris since his unexpected release under an amnesty on June 21. Bialiatski had served three years of a 4.5 year sentence on trumped-up charges of tax evasion.

Court releases human rights activist from forced psychiatric treatment

14.07.2014 Court releases human rights activist from forced psychiatric treatment

As it became known, at the end of May Judge of the Kastrychnitski District Court of Vitsebsk Tatsiana Zhuraukova ordered the cessation of compulsory measures of security and treatment in respect of Vitsebsk human rights activist Valery Misnikau. It took the activist more than six years to achieve this verdict.

Brest: former worker of "Savushkin product" denied payments to pension for membership in independent trade union

14.07.2014 Brest: former worker of "Savushkin product" denied payments to pension for membership in independent trade union

An activist of the Trade Union of Radio Electronic Industry Uladzimir Andrashchuk wants to get a 15-million-ruble bonus payment to the pension from the management of the company "Savushkin pradukt". According to the collective agreement, he , being an operator of ammiac compressor devices of the sixth grade, was to have been paid this money during his retirement.

Ales Bialiatski's visit to Warsaw ends with “mining”

14.07.2014 Ales Bialiatski's visit to Warsaw ends with “mining”

On the last day of his visit to the Polish capital the head of the Human Rights Center "Viasna" Ales Bialiatski participated in an international conference, during which he talked about the situation of human rights in Belarus. Suddenly, during his speech there was received a telephone call about mining the room in which the event was held.

IFJ / EFJ Welcome Release of Belarusian Journalist & Human Rights Defender Ales Bialiatski

11.07.2014 IFJ / EFJ Welcome Release of Belarusian Journalist & Human Rights Defender Ales Bialiatski

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have welcomed the release of prominent Belarusian journalist and human rights activist, Ales Bialiatski, but have condemned the long and unjust period he has endured in prison.

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