News on the topic: human rights defenders

11.12.2008 Bararanavichy authorities ignore anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights

In Baranavichy human rights activists haven’t been allowed celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

10.12.2008 Belarus celebrates 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: about 30 detentions

Celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Human Rights Declaration in Belarus was marked with mass (and in some cases, quite rude) detentions of human rights defenders and civil activists.

10.12.2008 Hrodna: detention of journalist Ivan Roman

On 10 December in Hrodna the police detained independent journalist Ivan Roman and guarded him to Leninski district police department. The detention took place while he was implementing his professional duties at an action of the local human rights activists, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The journalist showed to the policemen his badge, but it did not stop them.

10.12.2008 National Human Rights Award 2008

The organizing committee of Charter’97 determined nominees for National Human Rights Award 2008. Prize For Personal Courage is given to Alexander Barazenka, Andrei Kim, Siarhei Parsiukevich, and Halina Yubko. Yuliya Darashkevich won in the nomination For Defence of Freedom of Speech Principles.

10.12.2008 Hrodna: arrest of human rights activists

Human rights activists of Hrodna organized a street action dedicated to the 60th anniversary of proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Members of human rights organizations were distributing UDHR texts among Hrodna dwellers.

09.12.2008 Brest: detentions on the eve of the 60th anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights

On 9 December at a mini-market in Brest the police detained Valiantsin Lazarenka and Zinaida Mikhniuk, activists of the local independent trade unions. They handed out invitations to the authorized meeting scheduled for 10 December.

05.12.2008 Hunger-strike on Human Rights Day

On 10 December the Young Front declares a nationwide hunger-strike to mark the end of the organization’s campaign ‘Communism must be brought to tribunal!’. As the Young Front press service informs, at first the organization intended to finish the anti-communist campaign on 8 December, the day when the USSR dissolved. However, later it was decided to postpone the end of the campaign because of the trial over the political prisoner Alexander Barazenka that will start on 10 December as well.

04.12.2008 Baranavichy: attempt of unlawful search at human rights activist’s apartment

As human rights activist from Baranavichy Syarhei Housha has said that today, a policeman came to his apartment with an intention to search it. He planned to search forbidden literature which allegedly is kept in his apartment.

02.12.2008 Brest: lying picket is dispersed

A citizen of Brest Zhana Abramava protested against her unlawful eviction from the inherited apartment at the central square of Brest, opposite the building of Brest city executive committee. The civil activists Yury Bakur and Ivan Stasiuk participated in the picket as well.

02.12.2008 Vitsebsk: human rights activist is not allowed to hold pickets

Pavel Levinau, activist of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee, intended to hold a number of pickets dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Universal Human Rights Declaration. He addressed Vitsebsk authorities with the request to authorize the actions and received a refusal signed by the deputy head of Vitsebsk city executive committee Pavel Losich.

10.11.2008 Saliahorsk: human rights activist Yana Paliakova is guarded to court by police

On 10 November in Salihorsk, a police officer came up to Yana Palyakova and ordered to follow him to the court.

06.11.2008 Ales Bialiatski: ‘Belarusian authorities harass human rights activists for their firm and unwavering position’

On 3-4 November in Strasbourg a conference ‘Situation of human rights activists in Council of Europe countries’ organized by the Commissioner on Human Rights of the Council of Europe’s office.

15.10.2008 Human rights activists under surveillance

On 13 October in the afternoon officers of Stoubtsy district police department stopped the car driven by the deputy head of Belarusian Helsinki Committee Tatsiana Hatsura. ‘We need to check what you carry in the car,’ said a policeman. Tatsiana had some bags with fiction literature with her.

14.10.2008 German Embassy denies Schengen visas to human rights activists

On 14 October the Embassy of Germany suddenly and without any explanations refused to issue Schengen visas to well-known Belarusian human rights activists and journalists Uladzimir Labkovich, Alena Laptsionak and Siarhei Sys.

11.10.2008 Salihorsk: police beat human rights activist

On 9 October in Salihorsk the human rights activist Yana Palyakova was beaten up by unknown people. She was beaten again at the police department. She said in an interview to RFE/RL she had been attacked at 5 in the evening.

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