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"He is free within a prison cell because true freedom lies in the soul."

2024 2024-09-25T13:35:26+0300 2024-09-25T13:35:26+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Representatives of the diplomatic corps of the EU countries express solidarity with the imprisoned head of Human Rights Center Viasna and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Ales Bialiatski. On his birthday, they share their thoughts about the personality of the human rights defender, who is a symbol of invincibility for both Belarusians and democratic society around the world.

"I really want to see him and hug him in real freedom"

Asta Andrijauskienė, Ambassador at Large of the Lithuanian Embassy in Belarus:

"I met with Ales Bialiatski on one of my first working days in Minsk, when I, as a diplomat, came to observe a trial. I immediately saw and recognized him. And he also was observing everything as a human rights defender. It was very nice that he recognized me too (we were friends on social media). We talked about Lithuania and Belarus — we were planning a visit of our minister to Minsk at that time — and I invited him to meet with the minister at the embassy. Of course, he came.

Asta Andrijauskienė, Ambassador at Large of the Lithuanian Embassy in Belarus

Then we met at various events in Minsk. Together with other diplomats we went to the office of Viasna to express solidarity when the first searches of the organization began.

Ales Bialiatski is not only a well-known human rights activist, writer, and Nobel laureate, but it seems to me — and this is the main thing — he is a moral beacon for many Belarusians (and not only them). Despite all attempts to break him, Ales always remained true to his ideals. He did not convince anyone, but by his example and sometimes just by his presence showed what was good and what was bad. Belarusians love him for this: for honesty, for truth, for inner freedom, for faith in the victory of good over evil.

The Nobel Peace Prize fits him better than anyone else. He has always stood for peace, freedom, and justice. We really miss his intelligent, calm view of the situation, his advice, his deep sense of humor even in the most difficult situations.

I would also like to add that I always wanted to speak Belarusian in his presence. No, of course he did not force anyone, but somehow, by his example, he inspired even us diplomats to learn the Belarusian language. I really want to see him free as soon as possible. I remember his words that he is free within a prison cell because true freedom lies in the soul, but still I really want to see him and hug him in real freedom. This is my main wish: to see him and all the human rights defenders of Viasna free as soon as possible."

"I am impressed by his courage, principled position, and patience with people”

Christina Johannesson, ambassador for the Eastern Partnership, representative of the Swedish government to the democratic forces of Belarus:

"I was lucky enough to meet Ales Bialiatski on several occasions. In this photo, in December 2020, at the Swedish Embassy in Minsk, I present the OSCE Defender of Democracy Award to the human rights defender. This was the last conversation we had with him before his arrest.

Christina Johannesson, ambassador for the Eastern Partnership, representative of the Swedish government to the democratic forces of Belarus

I remember him as an optimist and I believe that everything will definitely be fine, because that is how it should be. I am impressed by a lot of things about him, and in short, it is his courage, principled position, and patience with people.

His importance for the human rights movement around the world cannot be overestimated and therefore he was awarded, among other things, the Nobel Peace Prize.

 I would like to wish him and all his colleagues, first of all, health and strength. And to Ales, of course, to be released very soon."

"Strong person should be backed by strong people"

Anna Kozłowska-Słupek, First Counselor of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Lithuania:

"The personality of Ales Bialiatski is of great importance for Poland as an indomitable symbol of the defender of human rights, which for us was the Solidarity trade union movement.

Because his humanistic and human rights values resonate closely with the Polish people, on December 13, 2011, Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski honored him as the first recipient of the Pro Dignitate Humana award. In 2021, the Polish Foreign Ministry presented this award to Viasna which, after his arrest, continued to persistently fight for human rights.

Anna Kozłowska-Słupek, First Counselor of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Lithuania

I had the honor to take part in these two significant events, but because of the situation in Belarus over all these years I personally did not have a chance to meet with Ales because of his imprisonment.

However, back in 2011, I met his wife, Mrs. Natallia Pinchuk, and I remember her because a strong person should be backed by strong people. And that's exactly who she is. Shortly after her husband's arrest, Natallia came to Poland to receive the award from Radosław Sikorski. She impressed everyone with her invincibility. She faced challenges with calmness and dignity. Of course, there was also pain caused by Ales being in prison. But still, she represented her husband and his struggle with dignity and honor.

In 2021, I had the opportunity to communicate with the Viasna activists, who proudly accepted the award on behalf of Ales.

These stories highlight the significance of Ales Bialiatski's work, who is backed by strong people in Poland and Belarus. That's why leaders have such power, because they have strong people next to them."

Амбасадары краін Еўразвязу з Алесем Бяляцкім ля офіса
EU Ambassadors with Ales Bialiatski at the Viasna office. 2021

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