News on the topic: human rights defenders

Valiantsin Stefanovich: “All this show cannot be called justice”

24.06.2011 Valiantsin Stefanovich: “All this show cannot be called justice”

Valiantsin Stefanovich, lawyer of the Human Rights Center Viasna, observed the consideration of a number of administrative cases against the protesters detained during the 22 June Minsk silent rally. In particular, he attended the hearings at Minsk Savetski District Court presided by Judge Ms. Aksana Reliava.

23.06.2011 Russian human rights activists defend "silent actions" in Belarus

Head of Moscow Helsinki Group Liudmila Aliakseeva has made such a statement.

Ales Bialiatski: “Freedom Award is an echo of 19 December events”

15.06.2011 Ales Bialiatski: “Freedom Award is an echo of 19 December events”

Ales Bialiatski, Chair of the Human Rights Center Viasna, commented on awarding the Freedom Prize to Viasna, the Belarusian Association of Journalists and the Free Theater by the Atlantic Council of the United States.

Members of Norwegian Helsinki Committee not let in Belarus

15.06.2011 Members of Norwegian Helsinki Committee not let in Belarus

Two members of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee, a citizen of Russia Ina Sangazhyeva and a citizen of the Ukraine Volha Shamshur took a flight from Frankfurt to Minsk by their personal business. However, the Belarusian customs officers didn’t let them in Belarus.

Barysau District Executive Committee keeps silent

14.06.2011 Barysau District Executive Committee keeps silent

The Barysau authorities failed to send a timely answer to an address of human rights defender Aleh Matskevich (in the photo) who was unable to find the ruling #851 About the order of holding mass events in the Barysau district, though this official document was to have been published in the press according to the Belarusian laws.

FIDH and <em>Viasna</em> demand to stop cruel treatment and torture of Mikita Likhavid

09.06.2011 FIDH and Viasna demand to stop cruel treatment and torture of Mikita Likhavid

The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the Human Rights Centre Viasna demand to stop cruel treatment and torture of political prisoner Mikita Likhavid

Hrodna: human rights defender Rutkouskaya appeals fine

03.06.2011 Hrodna: human rights defender Rutkouskaya appeals fine

On 25 May Sviatlana Rutkouskaya, a member of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee from Hrodna, was fined by the head of the Leninski District Police Department, lieutenant colonel Yauhen Yarmantovich. The matter is that Rudkouskaya, being the head of a local housing cooperative, had allegedly failed to issue the complaint book to a citizen, thus violating Article 9.24 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Republic of Belarus.

Human rights defender looking for a ruling of Barysau authorities

02.06.2011 Human rights defender looking for a ruling of Barysau authorities

The human rights defender Aleh Matskevich (in the photo) has spent more than a year looking for a decision of the Barysau District Executive Committee About the order of holding mass events in the Barysau district.

Human rights defenders detained ahead of prison conditions seminar

28.05.2011 Human rights defenders detained ahead of prison conditions seminar

Seven human rights defenders were detained this morning at the BPF Minsk office, where a seminar on detention conditions was expected to take place.

Brest prosecutor’s office turns down police violence claim by HR defender

27.05.2011 Brest prosecutor’s office turns down police violence claim by HR defender

Brest human rights defender Raman Kisliak received a reply to his complaint against reported use of violence by the city police as Mr. Kisliak was forced to undergo fingerprinting examination.

Human Rights Center <em>Viasna</em> marsk 15th anniversary

06.05.2011 Human Rights Center Viasna marsk 15th anniversary

The Human Rights Center Viasna turns fifteen years at the time of the ongoing political lynching of the regime's opponents. Human rights activists cannot think about celebration in such a situation. However, it is possible to lock back at what have been done and set the goals for the near future. This is done by Ales Bialiatski, Chair and founder of the Human Rights Center Viasna.

Alik Mnatsnakyan and Viktoria Gromova deported from Belarus and banned entry for 2 years

05.05.2011 Alik Mnatsnakyan and Viktoria Gromova deported from Belarus and banned entry for 2 years

Following theyesterday's detention at the Human Rights Center Viasna, officers of the migration service issued the Russian human rights defenders Alik Mnatsnakyan and Viktoryia Gromova with written prescriptions to leave the territory of Belarus within 24 hours. The detainees were also put on the list of the people who are banned entry to Belarus for two years.

Presentation of report on 19 December post-election protest disrupted: police burst at <em>Viasna's</em> office and detain 6 foreign nationals

05.05.2011 Presentation of report on 19 December post-election protest disrupted: police burst at Viasna's office and detain 6 foreign nationals

Many people wanted to hear the evaluation of the events of 19 December 2010 in Minsk. An appropriate presentation was to have taken place at 7 p.m. in the Minsk office of the Human Rights Center Viasna. However, 20 minutes before it, the office was ringed by the police.

Russian HR defender deported from Belarus

29.04.2011 Russian HR defender deported from Belarus

On 28 April, Russian human rights defender representing the International Observation Mission Ivan Kondratenko was detained and later ordered to leave Belarus within 24 hours.

International Observation Mission calls for publicity of 19 December trials

25.04.2011 International Observation Mission calls for publicity of 19 December trials

The International Observation Mission has addressed chairs of Minsk district courts with a demand to guarantee the publicity of the forthcoming court proceedings on charges against the persons involved in the 19 December 2010 mass riot criminal case.

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