News on the topic: human rights defenders

Stefanovich set to return to Minsk on 29 September

26.09.2011 Stefanovich set to return to Minsk on 29 September

Viasna lawyer Valiantsin Stefanovich is going to return to Belarus on 29 September, after over a month spent abroad, following the arrest of Viasna leader Ales Bialiatski, Radio Racyja reports.

Statement of the FIDH President, Souhayr Belhassen, on the occasion of Ales Bialiatski birthday

25.09.2011 Statement of the FIDH President, Souhayr Belhassen, on the occasion of Ales Bialiatski birthday

September 25 – the birthday of Ales Bialiatski, the Vice President of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the head of the Human Rights center Viasna, a member organization of FIDH in Belarus, who has been held in detention in Minsk since August 4, 2011.

Homel human rights defender keeps appealing arrest

19.09.2011 Homel human rights defender keeps appealing arrest

Homel human rights defender Anatol Paplauny is still urging the Belarusian prosecuting authorities to prosecute Judge Alena Tsalkova of Homel Tsentralny District Court, who sentenced the activists to an arrest of 15 days for alleged “disorderly conduct” this summer.

15.09.2011 European Parliament calls for the immediate and unconditional release of Belorussian human rights defender Ales Bialatski

On 15 September members of the European Parliament adopted a resolution in which they express deep concern at the deteriorating situation of human rights defenders in Belarus. They strongly condemn the recent arrest of and allegations against Ales Bialiatski, Chair of the Human Rights Cenetr Viasna, and the Belarusian authorities’ failure to respect the fundamental rights of freedom of assembly and expression.

Homel: police officers brought to disciplinary responsibility on Anatol Paplauny’s appeal

15.09.2011 Homel: police officers brought to disciplinary responsibility on Anatol Paplauny’s appeal

It is stated by colonel Valery Liavonau, Deputy Chair of the Police Bureau of the Homel Region Executive Committee, in his answer to the appeal of human rights defender Anatol Paplauny concerning the false testimony that had been given by the police officers at a trial over him.

Human Rights Center <em>Viasna</em>: 15 years of persecution

15.09.2011 Human Rights Center Viasna: 15 years of persecution

Since its inception in 1996, the human rights organization “Viasna 96”, and then the Human Rights Center Viasna was consequently and ruthlessly persecuted by the Belarusian authorities. All members of this organization were subject to detention, beatings, raids, arrests and fines. A complete list of the facts of persecution would take more than a dozen pages. However, most often the lightning of the state anger fell on the highest point of the organization, its head Ales Bialiatski.

14.09.2011 Military procuracy casts a veil of secrecy over tortures in KGB prison

The Belarusian Helsinki Committee has received an answer to his request to hold a check-up concerning the statement of the former presidential candidate Andrei Sannikau about tortures in the remand prison of the KGB.

“Ales Bialiatski’s Candle of Truth”

13.09.2011 “Ales Bialiatski’s Candle of Truth”

“Ales Bialiatski’s Candle of Truth” – a video with such a title has been uploaded today at the video portal YouTube. Friends, colleagues and well-known public figures of Belarus are trying to determine the role and the place of the prominent human rights defender in our society and express their attitude towards his prosecution and imprisonment.

Street actions in support of Ales Bialiatski held in Biaroza and Brest

12.09.2011 Street actions in support of Ales Bialiatski held in Biaroza and Brest

Human rights defenders of Biaroza held an action in support of the arrested Chair of the Human Rights Center Viasna Ales Bialiatski. Leaflets with the slogan "Freedom to Ales Bialiatski!" were handed out in the most populous place – at the city market.

Vitsebsk: Leanid Svetsik appeals against picket ban

12.09.2011 Vitsebsk: Leanid Svetsik appeals against picket ban

The Chyhunachny District Executive Committee of Vitsebsk didn't permit human rights defender Leanid Svetsik to hold a picket on 22 August. During this action Mr. Svetsik wanted to inform the population about the situation of human rights in the country, including the arrest of Ales Bialiatski.

11.09.2011 Colleagues from New York, Mexico, Managua, Bogotá, Lima, Buenos Aires sent a letter in solidarity to Ales Bialiatski

“Freedom, Sancho, is one of the most precious gifts that heaven gave men. The treasures of the earth and sea are not equal to it. One can and must risk one’s life for freedom, and for honor.”

(Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra)

08.09.2011 Human rights defenders appeal refusals to release Ales Bialiatski

Aleh Hulak, Chair of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee, sued to the Pershamaiski District Court of Minsk against the refusal of the investigator of the Financial Investigations Department to change the restraint to Ales Bialiatski to a written non-leave undertaking under his personal guarantee.

08.09.2011 Orsha police refuse to guard picket in support of Ales Bialiatski

Human rights defender Vasil Berasneu and Vasil Leuchankau wanted to hold the picket on 16 September, but didn't manage to conclude an agreement with the police. According to the answer they received from the Orsha Town Police Department, all policemen would be busy that day and therefore would be unable to guard the action.

Fantastic know-how of Baranavichy authorities

07.09.2011 Fantastic know-how of Baranavichy authorities

As it follows from the answer received on 6 September 2011 by Baranavichy-based human rights defender Siarhei Housha from Dz. Kastsiukevich, Deputy Chair of the the Baranavichy City Executive Committee, the authorities prohibited holding a picket in support of Ales Bialiatski again.

Thomas Hammarberg: “the Belarusian authorities seek to stop <em>Viasna</em>’s assistance to victims of human rights violations”

07.09.2011 Thomas Hammarberg: “the Belarusian authorities seek to stop Viasna’s assistance to victims of human rights violations”

Thomas Hammarberg, the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, published an article concerning the arrest of Ales Bialiatski. in the European newspaper New Europe.

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