News on the topic: arrest

16.10.2007 From Jail to Police Station

Police interrogates activist right after release

16.10.2007 Yaraslau Hryshchenia Released

Young Front member, supporter of the For Freedom movement Yaraslau Hryshchenia was released today from jail.

12.10.2007 List of Activists Detained on the Eve of European March

Regularly updated

12.10.2007 Homel and Hrodna: Preventively Detained Declare Hunger-strike

Several days ago in Homel the police detained the leader of Homel city office of the United Civil Party Vasil Paliakou and his deputy Uladzimir Katsora. Both of them were found guilty of ?dirty swearing’ and sentenced to 7 days of jail. Now they are kept in the temporary isolator of Homel. Katsora and Paliakou have declared a hunger-strike.

11.10.2007 Aliaksandr Atroshchankau Sentenced to 10 Days of Jail

In the evening of 9 October the police allegedly received information about smell of putrefaction from the apartment that was rented by Aliaksandr Atroshchankau. ?We came there, but found no body. There was already an investigative group working in the flat. Then we drove Atroshchankau to the district police department for identification, and he insulted us with four-letter words,’ testified at the trial a policeman Zmitser Kurylchuk.

11.10.2007 Hrodna Suffers from Virus of Dirty Swearing

On 10 October in Hrodna the public and political activists Yan Bohdan, Yury Istomin, Viktar Sazonau and Zmitser Slutski were arrested for ?dirty swearing’. On 10 October the chair of the Union of Poles in Belarus Anzhalika Borys, followed their fate. She also became a victim of ?dirty swearing’.

11.10.2007 Homel: Vasil Paliakou Sentenced to 7 Days of Jail

On 10 October the judge of Chyhunachny district court of Homel Yaraslau Paremski sentenced the deputy chair of Homel oblast office of the United Civil Party Vasil Paliakou to 7 days of jail.

11.10.2007 Detention of ?For Freedom’s’ Activist Parsiukevich: New Details

The activist of For Freedom movement Siarhei Parsiukevich was detained in Vitsebsk. At the moment of detention he scotch-taped his mouth mutely, so that the police could not accuse him of ?swearing in public’.

10.10.2007 ?European Arrests’ in Hrodna

On 10 October in Hrodna the trials of the democratic activists who had been detained on 9 October finished.

10.10.2007 Chair of Homel Oblast UCP Office Vasil Paliakou Detained

At about 7 p.m. on 9 October in Homel the police detained the chair of Homel oblast office of the United Civil Party Vasil Paliakou. The detention took place near his house. Paliakou was taken to Chyhunachny district police department of Homel and accused of ?dirty swearing’ (article 17.1 of the Administrative Code, standard charges to detained opposition activists).

10.10.2007 European March Organizer Yauhen Afnahel Arrested Right after Negotiations with Minsk Authorities

On 8 October Minsk Tsentralny district court sentenced the European March applicant, activist of the civil campaign For Freedom Yauhen Afnahel to 10 days of arrest. Afnahel was under observation since he left Minsk City Executive Committee where he participated in the negotiations with the city authorities on holding the European March. The oppositionist was meanly caught by the police on fabricated charges. The trial of the applicant of the European March was closed, without a lawyer.

10.10.2007 Homel: Uladzimir Katsora Sentenced to 7 Days of Jail

On 9 October in Homel the police detained Uladzimir Katsora, assistant chairperson of Homel district organization of the United Civil Party. He was taken to Chyhunachny district police department of Homel. There a report for ?petty hooliganism’ (article 17.1 of the Criminal Code) was drawn on him. Then Katsora was taken To Chyhunachny district court. Judge Kozyrau sentenced him to 7 days of jail.

05.10.2007 Yury Istomin Claims Justice

On 5 October, after five days of arrest, the chair of Hrodna oblast office of the United Civil Party Yury Istomin was released from jail. He was sentenced to the prison term by the judge of Kastrychnitski district court of Hrodna Zinaida Bartsevich on charges of petty hooliganism (article 17.1 of the Administrative Code).

28.09.2007 Activist sentenced to 15 days in jail over August meeting with Seviarynets

Judge of Maskouski Court sentenced Andrey Sharenda to 15 days in jail

27.09.2007 Paval Seviarynets is free

Seviarynets as released today after 17 days in jail

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