News on the topic: arrest

11.01.2008 Rechytsa: Aleh Shabetnik Arrested for 5 Days

On 10 January the detained entrepreneur Aleh Shabetnik was tried. Judge Iryna Iulichava found him guilty of petty hooliganism and sentenced him to five days of arrest and fined him 700 000 rubles (about 326 US dollars).

17.12.2007 10 days for leaflets dedicated to market vendors’ protest rally

14.12.2007 Brest: Participants of Anti-Putin Picket Get Imprisoned

A human rights activist Uladzimir Vialichkin told RFE/RL that the riot police detained several public activists near the General consulate of Russia in Brest.

14.12.2007 Poets Get Imprisoned for Speaking ‘Ruffian’ Language

On 13 December Tsentralny district court of Minsk sentenced the Belarusian poets Siarzhuk Minskevich and Ales Turovich to three days of jail and fined Zmitser Vishniou 175 000 Belarusian rubles (about 81 USD).

Viktar Ivashkevich Sentenced to 15 Days of Jail

12.12.2007 Viktar Ivashkevich Sentenced to 15 Days of Jail

Viktar Ivashkevich, deputy head of the Belarusian Popular Front, was sentenced to 15 days of arrest by Tsentralny district court of Minsk.

11.12.2007 Viktar Ivashkevich: Trial Delayed

The trial over the deputy head of the Belarusian People’s Front party Viktar Ivashkevich has started today in the court of Tsentralny district of Minsk.

09.11.2007 Yaraslau Hryshchenia Has Spine Fracture

Now Yaraslau Hryshchenia is in Dziarzhynsk hospital. The ambulance drove him there together with the driver of the minibus by which Hryshchenia was going to Baranavichy. The road was covered with ice. The car was running at 90km/h. Not far from Dziarzhynsk the car slipped to the median strip and then fell into a ditch.

05.11.2007 Participant of Halloween Celebration Transferred from Prison to Hospital

Valiantsin Sakalouski, who was sentenced to 10 days of arrest on 2 November for having taken part in celebrating Halloween in Minsk, is placed to clinical hospital #11.

03.11.2007 Verdicts to Detained for ‘Social March’ Leaflets Distribution

The court of Kastrychnitski district of Minsk sentenced the applicant for holding the Social March Mikhail Pashkevich to 3 days of arrest. A youth activist Mikalai Serhiyenka was sentenced to 15 days of arrest by the court of Partyzanski district of Minsk. Judge Natallia Chatviartkova believes that he had violated article 23.34 of the Administrative Code (violation of rules of mass events).

03.11.2007 All Detained Halloween Participants Sentenced to Arrest

Tatsiana Lashkarova was the first to get a term. The judge of Savetski district court of Minsk Liudmila Savastsian sentenced the girl to 5 days of administrative arrest. Tatsiana said that the report of detention was not true. Young people were charged with petty hooliganism. Their appearance allegedly was an ‘outrage against public morality’.

02.11.2007 Minsk: Five Days of Jail for Celebration of Halloween

In the evening of 31 October the participants of Halloween celebration Andrei Kim, Tatsiana Lashkarova, Valiantsin Sakalouski and Yury Shalin were detained by the police. They spent the night and the following day at Savetski district police department of Minsk. After 9 p.m. on 1 November they were taken to the remand prison in Akrestsin Street. The trials were appointed on 2 November.

19.10.2007 Paval Yukhnevich Jailed for 15 Days

Today democratic activist Paval Yukhnevich was sentenced to 15 days of jail by Savetski court of Minsk. Only yesterday the activist was released from Akrestsina jail where he spent 7 days for organizing the European March. Today he was again found guilty of violation of two articles of the Administrative Code.

18.10.2007 Magazine Editor Released Early

On October 17th Ihar Bantsar, editor of “Magazyn Polski na uchodzstwie” magazine, was released early from Hrodna remand jail.

18.10.2007 Yury Istomin: Jail Filled with Only Opposition Activists

Yury Istomin, head of the United Civil Party Hrodna region organization, was released yesterday from Hrodna detention center. The politician was arrested twice before the European March. For the first time he spent 5 days behind bars. Some days later he was sentenced to another 7 days in jail. Both terms Yury Istomin was on hunger-strike protesting against unfair sentence.

18.10.2007 Democratic Activists Released Today

Democratic activists who have been detained before the European march will be released today from Akrestsina detention center.

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