News on the topic: criminal prosecution

21.04.2008 Prosecutor demands two years of imprisonment for Kim

Prosecutor demanded to punish Andrei Kim with two years of imprisonment, youth activists M. Pashkevich, A. Dubski, and A. Bondar – to 2.5 of freedom restriction (open type prison), and others –with two years of correctional work without sending them to penitentiary institutions. Lawyer of Tatsiana Tsishkevich Alexander Haliyeu filed a petition to release the girl without any punishment.

17.04.2008 Swedish Human Rights Defenders Express Support to the Persons Charged in “Case of 10”

Today, April 16, Swedish human rights defenders from the Swedish Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights expresse their support to the persons charged in the “criminal case of 10”.

10.04.2008 New criminal cases against Young Front members

Young Front activists Nasta Palazhanka and Aliaksei Ianusheuski are charged with acting on behalf of an unregistered organization (Article 193.1 of the Criminal Code). According to Nasta Palazhanka, the case was initiated on March 14, 2007. She said she had lodged a complaint with the Ministry of Internal Affairs demanding explanations concerning the matter of the case.

Chronicle of trial over Katsiaryna Salauyova

08.04.2008 Chronicle of trial over Katsiaryna Salauyova

About 50 persons came to the court of Polatsk today to support Katsiaryna Salauyova, including the leader of the For Freedom movement Alexander Milinkevich, the co-chairman of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party Pavel Seviarynets, the politicians Mikalai Statkevich and Viachaslau Statkevich, the entrepreneur Alexander Makayeu, the human rights activists Ales Bialiatski and Valiantsin Stefanovich and the advisor of the US Embassy Jonathan Moore.

Andrei Klimau: ‘This time my health was undermined once and for all’

07.04.2008 Andrei Klimau: ‘This time my health was undermined once and for all’

Soon there will turn two months since the release of the politician Andrei Klimau on parole. In his interview to the Narodnaya Volia Andrei Klimau said that at present he was abroad.

Parsiukevich to be tried 16 October

07.04.2008 Parsiukevich to be tried 16 October

As the BelaPAN information agency was informed by the lawyer Vera Stramkouskaya, the legal proceedings in the case of the entrepreneur Siarhei Parsiukevich will start 16 October. The case will be tried by the judge Uladzimir Audzeyenka. The case was passed to the court 31 March.

Another journalist interrogated by KGB

07.04.2008 Another journalist interrogated by KGB

4 April the investigator of the Homel oblast KGB office Andrei Kolasau interrogated the journalist Dzmitry Karpenka as a witness in case #05011110396, brought in 2005 on the fact of defaming the head of the state.

‘Trial of 14’ to start 16 April

04.04.2008 ‘Trial of 14’ to start 16 April

16 April at 10 a.m. the Tsentralny district court of Minsk (Kirau Street 21) will try the ‘criminal case of 14’. was informed about it by Andrei Kim’s lawyer Tamara Sidarenka.

Two criminal cases against Andrei Kim merged into one

01.04.2008 Two criminal cases against Andrei Kim merged into one

On 1 April, at 2 p.m. the court of Tsentralny district of Minsk started trying the criminal case against the youth activist Andrei Kim. The trial was attended by Liavon Barshcheuski, Ales Bialiatski, Alena Ilyina, Aliaksandr Milinkevich, Mikola Statkevich, Vintsuk Viachorka and representatives of foreign embassies.

Riot police disperse action in support of political prisoner Andrei Kim

01.04.2008 Riot police disperse action in support of political prisoner Andrei Kim

Riot policemen force away people from the court of Tsentralny district of Minsk, where the trial over Andrei Kim is taking place.

01.04.2008 Shklou: Alexander Fiodarau sentenced to 5 years of jail

On 1 April the judge of Shklou district court Alexander Tarakanau read a sentence on the criminal case against Alexander Fiodarau, boilermaker of the local municipal service.

01.04.2008 Case of political prisoner Siarhei Parsiukevich taken to court

The case of one of the leaders of entrepreneurs from Vitsebsk, a political prisoner Siarhei Parsiukevich, has been sent for trial to the court of Maskouski district of Minsk by the prosecutor’s office.

31.03.2008 Criminal case against entrepreneurs’ rally participants sent to court

The criminal case started by the prosecutor’s office against participants of the entrepreneurs’ rally on January 10th, has just been sent to Centralny court of Minsk.

31.03.2008 Support Andrei Kim!

On April 1st, 2 p.m. Centralny court of Minsk will begin trial over the youth civic activist Andrei Kim. Andrei Kim, 22, member of the “Initiative” group, is charged with “violence or threat of violence against police officer” (Article 364 of the Criminal Code). Now Andrei Kim, 22, faces up to 6 years of imprisonment (Article 364 of the Criminal Code).

28.03.2008 Katsiaryna Salauyova – another victim of the Belarusian regime

statement of the Human Rights Center "Viasna"

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