News on the topic: criminal prosecution

12.06.2008 Vitsebsk oblast chamber of judges abolishes sentence to Nikolai Kostyshev

As the organization committee for the establishment of the Belarusian committee for protection of the prisoners’ rights Over the Barrier learned from the relatives of the Russian citizen Nikolai Kostyshev, the ruling to abolish the sentence to him had been issued on 29 April 2008, but the relatives found about it only on 9 June, from the prisoner’s letter.

04.06.2008 Open letter of Human Rights House Foundation in support of human rights defender Leanid Svetsik

The Human Rights House Foundation is concerned about the harassment of the human rights defender Leanid Svetsik. On Friday, 23 May 2008 three KGB officers burst into Svetsik’s apartment in Vitebsk. The following search lasted for nine hours and was directed by the senior lieutenant of the KGB. During the search, the KGB confiscated Svetsik’s computer, human rights related printed material and a certificate from the Council of Europe. After the search, Svetsik was brought to the KGB office of Vitebsk region where he was interrogated for more than two hours. The interrogation was videotaped.

27.05.2008 Last sentences in the ‘case of 14’

Chronicle of the trial

27.05.2008 Political prisoner Andrei Kim is kept in quarantine of Babruisk penal colony

Andrei’s mother, Tatsiana Kim, learnt it from the special department of the colony. ‘I phoned there and they said there was such a person there, they told he wasn’t convicted, but had filed a cassation appeal,’ Tatsiana Kim told to RFE/RL.

23.05.2008 ‘Case of 14’: trial postponed till 26 May

The trail over the participants of the protest of entrepreneurs has been postponed till 26 May, 9.30 a.m. Maksim Dashuk, Mikhal Subach and Pavel Vinahradau will appear in court. Another participant of the process – Alexander Barazenka, is abroad now. The case will be judged by Viktar Yesman.

14.05.2008 Last four figurants of the ‘case of fourteen’ to be tried 23 May

23 May the trial in the case of participants of the protest rally of market vendors is to continue in the court of Tsentralny district of Minsk.

13.05.2008 Prosecutor’s office interrogates BelSat coordinator

Recently the coordinator of the BelSat satellite TV channel for Belarus Eduard Melnikau has received summons to the prosecutor’s office of Minsk. However, the reasons were not specified in the document. When Melnikau phoned to the investigator and asked him, the investigator seemed to be surprised. ‘Don’t you know yet?’ he asked.

30.04.2008 U.S. citizen beaten in Belarusian prison

On 25 April the United States consul Caroline Savage visited the arrested in Minsk American lawyer Emanuel Zeltser. According to the consul, Zeltser said her he had been beaten on the second and third days of his detention.

25.04.2008 Criminal charges against Young Front member dropped

Head of Homel branch of Young Front Andrus Tsianiuta received a note signed by KGB investigator D. Sidliarou saying that the criminal charges under Article 193.1 had been finally dropped. The decision is based on Article 259 part 1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which provides for satisfaction of the petition of the suspect.

24.04.2008 Siarhei Parsiukevich sentenced to 2.5 years of imprisonment

On April 23rd Maskouski court of Minsk made a sentence to the leader of Vitebsk entrepreneurs Siarhei Parsiukevich. Judge Uladzimir Audzeyenka found him guilty of committing of an offence under Article 364 of the Criminal Code (“Violence or a threat of violence towards a police officer”). Parsiukevich was sentenced to 2.5 years of imprisonment. Parsiukevich will also have to pay 1.1 million BYR to police officer Dulub.

When the verdict was announced, Parsiukevich said: “This is a political reprisal. Please, don’t leave my family without support!”

23.04.2008 Trial over entrepreneur Parsiukevich to continue today

Maskouski court of Minsk started hearing the case against Vitebsk entrepreneur Siarhei Parsiukevich on April 22nd. Parsiukevich is accused of allegedly attacking and beating a policeman while serving an administrative arrest in Akrestsina jail. During the first day of the trial the judge heard the testimony from the alleged victim and the defendant, and two witnesses from the victim. The entrepreneur faces up to 6 years of imprisonment.

Today the hearing will continue at noon. The judge will start from listening to testimony of the defendant’s witnesses.

23.04.2008 Eight new political prisoners

Verdict for participants of the “case of the 14” was announced yesterday:

Andrei Kim was sentenced to 18 months of imprisonment; Uladzimir Siarheyeu and Anton Koipish will pay fines of 3.5 million BYR; and the rest 7 people received 2 years of restricted prison without sending them to penitentiary institutions.

21.04.2008 Court to announce verdict on the “case against the 14” tomorrow at 11 a.m.

Today Centralny court of Minsk continued to consider the criminal case against the democratic youth activists charged with offence under Article 342 part 2 of the Criminal Code – “Organizing or active participation in group actions that seriously violate the public order”. The court heard the last pleas of the defendants. The verdict will be announced on April 22nd, at 11 a.m. The prosecutor demanded to sentence Andrei Kim, activist of the youth group Initsyatyva, also accused under Art. 364 of the Criminal Code (“Violence or a threat of violence towards a policeman”) to 2 years of imprisonment. He also asked to punish Aliaksei Bondar, Artsiom Dubski, and Mikhail Pashkevich with 2 years of restriction of freedom; and others – with 2.5 years of correctional labor without sending them to penitentiary institutions.

Also, on April 22nd Maskouski court of Minsk will begin trial over the leader of Vitebsk entrepreneurs Siarhei Parsiukevich.

21.04.2008 Prosecutor demands two years of imprisonment for Kim

Prosecutor demanded to punish Andrei Kim with two years of imprisonment, youth activists M. Pashkevich, A. Dubski, and A. Bondar – to 2.5 of freedom restriction (open type prison), and others –with two years of correctional work without sending them to penitentiary institutions. Lawyer of Tatsiana Tsishkevich Alexander Haliyeu filed a petition to release the girl without any punishment.

17.04.2008 Swedish Human Rights Defenders Express Support to the Persons Charged in “Case of 10”

Today, April 16, Swedish human rights defenders from the Swedish Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights expresse their support to the persons charged in the “criminal case of 10”.

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