News on the topic: criminal prosecution

22.12.2010 KGB refuses to accept parcels for Nyaklyayeu

Employees of the KGB detention centre waiting room are refusing to accept the parcel Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu’s wife Volha has brought today. She has informed Euroradio about it.

22.12.2010 Uladzіmіr Halіp: Iryna looks tired but not broken

Employees of the KGB detention centre have refused to accept Uladzimir Halip’s parcel with living essentials for his daughter Iryna. However, the investigator of her case gave permission to do it yesterday, said Mr. Uladzimir to Euroradio.

Protest rally leaders to face criminal prosecution, says Interior Minister Kuliashou

20.12.2010 Protest rally leaders to face criminal prosecution, says Interior Minister Kuliashou

The organizers of the 19 December Minsk protest rally are likely to face criminal charges, informs the Nasha Niva newspaper, quoting the BelaPAN news agency.

Minsk Procuracy: the information of the human rights defender has been noted and will be taken into account during the prosecutorial supervision of the ‘case of anarchists’

14.12.2010 Minsk Procuracy: the information of the human rights defender has been noted and will be taken into account during the prosecutorial supervision of the ‘case of anarchists’

The Minsk City Procuracy promised human rights defender Ales Bialiatski to take into account the information submitted by him concerning the criminal cases of activists of anarchist and antifascist movements. However, he had to apply to the prosecutor to make the procuracy answer on the merits of his initial address.

09.12.2010 Another criminal case brought against Charter'97?

A journalist of website Natallia Radzina was told about that by the head of the investigation department of the Minsk City Procuracy Siarhei Ivanou.

Ihar Alinevich has confrontations and Mikalai Dziadok – a high temperature

08.12.2010 Ihar Alinevich has confrontations and Mikalai Dziadok – a high temperature

Investigative activities are conducted towards an activist of the Belarusian anarchist movement Ihar Alinevich who was detained on 28 November. According to our information, the investigation has held three confrontations with his participation so far.

06.12.2010 Unauthorized picket in the center of Minsk

On 6 December a group of women who disagree with the court verdicts on the civil and criminal that concern them and their relatives held an unauthorized picket in Svabody Square in Minsk.

Ihar Alinevich is kept in KGB prison

01.12.2010 Ihar Alinevich is kept in KGB prison

Ihar's friends had been looking for him in all the police departments and detention centers of Moscow for more than two days. However, Russian law-enforcement agencies denied there was such an arrestee and stated they hadn’t seized Alinevich. The friends managed to find Ihar Alinevich's relatives in Belarus only in the evening on 30 November. Ihar's relatives informed he was detained in Minsk.

Salihorsk prosecutor extends detention of anarchist Frantskevich

23.11.2010 Salihorsk prosecutor extends detention of anarchist Frantskevich

Salihorsk prosecuting authorities extended the detention of Aliaksandr Frantskevich, activist of the Belarusian anarchist movement, charged with attack on the town police department building back in May 2010.

Another person charged of assaults on Russian Embassy and bank

12.11.2010 Another person charged of assaults on Russian Embassy and bank

Maksim Vetkin, who had been detained on 4 November in Minsk, was presented charges in the assault on the Embassy of the Russian Federation on 30 August and the assault on the Belarusbank in the night of 30 April – 1 May. Thus, Maksim Vetkin became the third person charged of the hooligan assaults that had been committed this year in Salihorsk and different parts of Minsk.

Mikalai Dziadok holds on

10.11.2010 Mikalai Dziadok holds on

The investigation into the criminal case against the student of the European Humanities University Mikalai Dziadok was extended for six months, and the term of his keeping in custody – for five months. So far Mikalai Dziadok has been given charges under Article 339, part 2 – ‘hooligan actions conducted by a group of individuals’.

EHU student Dziadok still in prison

27.10.2010 EHU student Dziadok still in prison

On 26 October Minsk City Court ruled to extend detention of a European Humanities University student Mikalai Dziadok, previously arrested on suspicion of attacking the Russian Embassy in Minsk back in August 2010. On 1 October, he was charged with attacking the General Headquarters of the Ministry of Defense.

Anarchist activist Sliusar still in prison

21.10.2010 Anarchist activist Sliusar still in prison

Babruisk prosecuting authorities have extended detention of Siarhei Sliusar, activist of the anarchist movement, arrested on suspicion of involvement in the attack on the town’s KGB building back on 16 October.

Mihas Bashura released but has to pay huge fine

20.10.2010 Mihas Bashura released but has to pay huge fine

An activist of the “Tell the Truth!” campaign Mihas Bashura has been fined for 500 base amounts (17.5 million rubles).

The sentence has been pronounced by Minsk Soviet District Court today. Bashura has been returned guilty but they have decided not to imprison him, informs BelaPAN. 

Siarhei Sliusar detained for Molotov cocktails

20.10.2010 Siarhei Sliusar detained for Molotov cocktails

On 17 October, Babruisk police detained local activist of the Belarusian anarchist movement Siarhei Sliusar on suspicion of involvement in the attack on the town’s KGB department back on 16 October, when two Molotov cocktails were thrown at the building by unknown persons.

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