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Ihar Alinevich has confrontations and Mikalai Dziadok – a high temperature

2010 2010-12-08T19:08:15+0200 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Investigative activities are conducted towards an activist of the Belarusian anarchist movement Ihar Alinevich who was detained on 28 November. According to our information, the investigation has held three confrontations with his participation so far.

Bear in mind that four anarchists (Ihar Alinevich, Mikalai Dziadok, Aliaksandr Frantskevich and Maksim Vetkin) are still kept in custody within the frames of investigation of the criminal case instigated under Article 339, part 2 of the Criminal Code (hooliganism) in connection with assaults on the Embassy of the Russian Federation, the delinquents’ isolation center in Akrestsin Street and the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense (all located in Minsk) and the KGB department in Babruisk.

Mr. Alinevich has confessed only to participation in the action near the General Staff that had taken place on 19 September 2009.

Meanwhile, there is still no information about the way he was detained on the territory of the Russian Federation and brought to Belarus and whether it was done in a lawful way.

The investigation concerning another suspect, Mikalai Dziadok continues as well. He has a high temperature and has been placed to the medical department of the Zhodzina pre-trial prison.

In his latest letter Mr. Dziadok writes that all letters to him undergo censorship and are passed to him with a great delay. He is not allowed to use his own books and has to read the ones he can get in the prison library. The detainee refused to sign the ruling about the extension of the term of his detention to 3 February because he considers it absurd.

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