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Ihar Alinevich is kept in KGB prison

2010 2010-12-01T17:19:27+0200 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Ihar's friends had been looking for him in all the police departments and detention centers of Moscow for more than two days. However, Russian law-enforcement agencies denied there was such an arrestee and stated they hadn’t seized Alinevich. The friends managed to find Ihar Alinevich's relatives in Belarus only in the evening on 30 November. Ihar's relatives informed he was detained in Minsk. 

His friends say he might be transported to Belarus illegally and the policemen could officially execute the detention at the territory of Belarus in order not to waste time for extradition procedures. Ihar Alinevich is suspected in attacks on the Russian Embassy on 31 August 2010 and the Defense Ministry’s General Staff on 19 September 2009, as well as Mikalai Dziadok, Aliaksandr Frantskevich and Maksim Vetkin who have already received charges on the the criminal case that had been brought under Article 339, part 2 of the Criminal Code, (hooliganism). Dziadok is kept in the pre-trial prison in Zhodzina and Frantskevich and Vetkin – in the pre-trial prison in Valadarski Street in Minsk.

Zmitser Dubouski, another accused on the arsons case, is now wanted.

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