News on the topic: criminal prosecution

International Observation Mission calls for publicity of 19 December trials

25.04.2011 International Observation Mission calls for publicity of 19 December trials

The International Observation Mission has addressed chairs of Minsk district courts with a demand to guarantee the publicity of the forthcoming court proceedings on charges against the persons involved in the 19 December 2010 mass riot criminal case.

22.04.2011 Palazhanka summoned to court as a witness

Palazhanka is supposed to give testimony at trial against her allies' trial: Kirkevich, Khamichenka, Drozd, Vinahradau and Pratasenia.

19.04.2011 Iryna Khalip’s house arrest extended by one month

Iryna Khalip is to stay under house arrest for almost a month more.

HR defender and United Civic Party activist Pavel Levinau detained on suspicion of involvement in Minsk metro blast

19.04.2011 HR defender and United Civic Party activist Pavel Levinau detained on suspicion of involvement in Minsk metro blast

Human rights defender Pavel Levinau has been detained on suspicion of complicity in the 11 April metro terrorist act, says Belarusian Helsinki Committee leader Aleh Hulak.

19.04.2011 Case of 6 "mass disturbances" participants transferred to Minsk city court

Minsk public prosecutor's office passed another "mass disturbances" criminal case to Minsk city court to define territorial jurisdiction.

Another suspect in mass riot case: Vital Stazharau

18.04.2011 Another suspect in mass riot case: Vital Stazharau

Human rights defenders say youth opposition activist Vital Stazharau has been declared another suspect in the 19 December 2010 mass riot criminal case.

18.04.2011 Aliaksandr Atroshchankau transferred to labour brigade after illness

Andrej Sannikau's spokesman was visited by his parents in the colony.

7 participants of 19 December post-election protest rally to be tried together

14.04.2011 7 participants of 19 December post-election protest rally to be tried together

The criminal cases against some of the accused of the “mass riot” have been passed to the Leninski District Court of Minsk and will be considered soon. It concerns the cases presidential candidates Dzmitry Uss and Mikalai Statkevich, the participants of the rally on the Nezalezhnasts Square Dzmitry Bulanau, Artsiom Hrybko, Aliaksandr Klaskouski, Aliaksandr Kviatkevich and Andrei Pazniak will be considered by in the nearest future.

13.04.2011 Union of Poles in Belarus and Gazeta Wyborcza launch campaigns for release of Andrei Pachobut

The “opposition” Union of Poles in Belarus started a campaign for change of restraint to the Chair of the Main Council of the UPB, a journalist with the Polish weekly Gazeta Wyborcza Andrei Pachobut.

13.04.2011 Criminal cases of Iryna Khalip, Siarhei Martsaleu, Vital Rymasheuski and Pavel Seviarynets sent to court

According to Interfax, the Minsk City Procuracy has passed to court the criminal cases against Iryna Khalip (wife of Belarusian presidential candidate Andrei Sannikau) Siarhei Martsaleu (head of the electoral team of the presidential candidate Mikalai Statkevich), the presidential candidate Vital Rymasheuski and the head of his electoral team Pavel Seviarynets.

 Viasna condemns criminal prosecution of Andrzej Poczobut

11.04.2011 Viasna condemns criminal prosecution of Andrzej Poczobut

On 28 March 2011, it was reported that Hronda Regional Prosecutor’s Office initiated criminal proceedings against Andrzej Poczobut, reporter of the Polish Gazeta Wyborcza weekly and leader of the opposition Union of Poles. The journalist faces charges under Par. 1 Art. 368 of the Criminal Code (“insult of the President of the Republic of Belarus”) for eight publications in Gazeta Wyborcza, one article on and a post in his personal blog

Homel: psychiatrist got imprisoned for occasionally witnessing an arson

08.04.2011 Homel: psychiatrist got imprisoned for occasionally witnessing an arson

Three years of investigation, dozens of court hearings, dozens of complaints to all instances, 13 months in prison and eventual acquittal. This is the story of a Homel psychiatrist which started in the summer of 2008 in Homel. An unidentified person set fire to a garage in the Navabelitski district of Homel several times. Rescuers and the police arrived each time, but failed to detain the arsonist.

07.04.2011 Hrodna: journalist Andrei Pachobut imprisoned

Andrei Pachobut, a journalist with Gazeta Wyborcza, is imprisoned in the temporary detention facility at the Kastrychnitski District Police Department of Hrodna, where he had been placed at night. The measure of restraint for him has been changed.

07.04.2011 Belarusian authorities don’t want any independent investigation into 19 December events

The Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs refuses to assist an independent investigation of the events within the frames of the OSCE Moscow Mechanism.

01.04.2011 Journalists interrogated following Natallia Radzina's disappearance

On 31 March in the evening Maryna Koktysh, deputy chief editor of Narodnaya Volia, was summoned for interrogation to the KGB in relation to the disappearance of Natallia Radzina.

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