News on the topic: criminal prosecution

Maksim Hubarevich was confronted to a witness on “hooliganism case”

14.11.2011 Maksim Hubarevich was confronted to a witness on “hooliganism case”

The confrontation of Maksim Hubarevich, one of the suspects in the criminal case concerning the alleged beating of a guard by three members of the Belarusian People’s Front, with a witness was conducted on 14 November in Minsk.

Hrodna: search at Maksim Hubarevich'a apartment

11.11.2011 Hrodna: search at Maksim Hubarevich'a apartment

In the evening of 10 November a search was conducted at the residential address of a member of the BPF Council, Maksim Hubarevich. The search was conducted in his absence and came to an end before his arrival. Nothing was taken away as a result.

08.11.2011 Criminal case against three BPF members reopened

The criminal case against three members of the Belarusian Popular Front, Maksim Hubarevich, Ales Kalita and Siarhei Semianiuk, suspected in hooliganism (Article 339 of the Criminal Code) has been reopened. It was stated by Siarhei Semianiuk to BelaPAN.

07.11.2011 A brief review of the second day of the hearing of the case of Ales Bialiatski

On November 3, 2011 in Minsk the trial of Ales Bialiatski, the head of the human rights center Viasna and vice-president of the International Federation of Human Rights continued. The International observation mission of the Committee on international control over the situation with Human Rights in Belarus followed the progress of the trial. A survey of the first day can be found here. Today's hearing was largely devoted to the examination of witnesses.

07.11.2011 Aliaksandr Malchanau detained for 3 days more after 10-day arrest

Former political prisoner Aliaksandr Malchanau has been detained for three days after ten days in custody. He is a suspect in a criminal case.

Trial of Ales Bialiatski: day 3

04.11.2011 Trial of Ales Bialiatski: day 3

4 November is the third day of the court hearings on the criminal case against Ales Bialiatski, Chairman of the Human Rights Center “Viasna”, vice-President of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH).

Trial of Ales Bialiatski, day 2 (updated)

03.11.2011 Trial of Ales Bialiatski, day 2 (updated)

The trial of the Chairman of the Human Rights Center “Viasna”, vice-President of the International Federation for Human Rights Ales Bialiatski continues at the Pershamaiski District Court of Minsk.

Trial of Ales Bialiatski (updated)

02.11.2011 Trial of Ales Bialiatski (updated)

Extraordinary precautions have been used since 9 a.m. near the building of the Maskouski District Court of Minsk. Special police forces and several cars of the road police arrived. Private parking spaces were fenced with protective police tapes. The people who wanted to attend the trial started gathering at the entrance. At 9.30 a.m. Ales Bialiatski was guarded to the court.

Human Rights Watch: Drop charges against Ales Bialiatski

01.11.2011 Human Rights Watch: Drop charges against Ales Bialiatski

The international human rights organization "Human Rights Watch" urges the Belarusian authorities to drop charges against the Chairman of the Human Rights Center "Viasna".

Former political prisoner Malchanau and his friend face criminal charges

31.10.2011 Former political prisoner Malchanau and his friend face criminal charges

Former prisoner of conscience Aliaksandr Malchanau and his friend Andrei Nikalayeuski have been charged with disrespect to the state symbols (Article 370 of the Criminal Code) for alleged staining several state flags with paint in the center of Barysau on 26 October.

European Belarus activist questioned over Justice House arson

27.10.2011 European Belarus activist questioned over Justice House arson

On 24 October, Salihorsk activist of the European Belarus opposition movement Uladzimir Lemesh was interrogated by local police in the criminal case initiated following an attack on the House of Justice in Minsk.

BPF activist questioned over Justice House arson

24.10.2011 BPF activist questioned over Justice House arson

On 21 October, Korbyn police interrogated local member of the Belarusian Popular Front Aliaksandr Strachuk.

14.10.2011 Criminal case instigated against Lyapis Trubetskoy frontman?

Musician Siarhei Mikhalok can be punished for his audacious remarks criticizing the authorities.

Brest: trial on extremism

10.10.2011 Brest: trial on extremism

On 10 October the Brest District Court starts proceedings to recognize as extremist the book “Special Opinion, or Christian's Address”.

07.10.2011 Are defendants in the metro blast case beaten in prison?

Lawyers have attracted attention of the court that their clients have bruises and abrasions in the beginning of the preliminary investigation.

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