News on the topic: freedom of association

13.02.2009 NGOs of Homel oblast have problems holding their assembly

Homel oblast executive committee did not sanction the assembly of NGOs and civil initiatives of Homel oblast.

13.02.2009 ‘European Belarus’ activists picket KGB

On 12 February activists of the civil campaign European Belarus held a picket near the KGB office in Minsk demanding to release arrested Mikalai Autukhovich, Yury Liavonau and Uladzimir Asipenka.

Assembly of Democratic NGOs to applies for state registration again

12.02.2009 Assembly of Democratic NGOs to applies for state registration again

On 7 February there took place the constituent assembly of the Assembly of Democratic NGOs, at which the organization charter and other documents necessary for state registration were adopted.

‘For Freedom’ movement starts anti-dactylographic campaign in Masty

12.02.2009 ‘For Freedom’ movement starts anti-dactylographic campaign in Masty

In Masty the activists of the For Freedom movement have started a campaign against the unlawful dactilography of the population, after all men started receiving writs to Masty district police department for giving their fingerprints to the police.

12.02.2009 Provocation against Union of Poles in Belarus

On 11 February in Sapotskin, Hrodna region, leaflets have emerged with a call to Belarusian Poles to finance the congress of the Union of Poles in Belarus on 14-15 March. The appeal was signed by the chairperson of the Union of Poles in disgrace.

11.02.2009 Activist of ‘For Freedom’ movement is threatened with being directed to work in radioactively polluted region

Aleh Pronski, graduate of Hrodna Agricultural University, is threatened with forced reassignment to Homel oblast. According to the activist, it is the revenge of the authorities for his activism and being a member of For Freedom movement.

11.02.2009 Belarusian authorities continue hindrance to Belarusian Christian Democracy

Minsk authorities still haven’t given premises for a congress of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party. Bear in mind that the leadership of the European parliament has been officially invited to the event.

Leanid Sudalenka supports the movement for registration of 'Nasha Viasna'

10.02.2009 Leanid Sudalenka supports the movement for registration of 'Nasha Viasna'

The human rights activist Leanid Sudalenka joins the initiative in support of his colleagues who have submitted documents for registration of the public association Nasha Viasna.

Ales Bialiatski: ‘Registration or non-registration of ‘Nasha Viasna’ is the indicator of the readiness of the authorities to change their policy towards NGOs’

10.02.2009 Ales Bialiatski: ‘Registration or non-registration of ‘Nasha Viasna’ is the indicator of the readiness of the authorities to change their policy towards NGOs’

Mr. Ales! At present the Belarusian mass media actively discuss the information that the documents for registration of the human rights association Nasha Viasna, among the founders of which there are members of the liquidated by the authorities Human Rights Center Viasna, have been passed to the Ministry of Justice.

06.02.2009 Only a small part of confiscated property is returned to For Freedom’ movement

According to the ruling of Pershamaiski district court of Minsk only 9 out of the 39 confiscated items were returned to an activist of the For Freedom movement Aliaksei Kavalets.

05.02.2009 Brest oblast court reversed verdict for eviction of Zhana Abramava’s family from apartment

On 5 February in Brest the College Board on civil cases of Brest oblast court, presided by Alena Khatsko considered the complaint of the activist of the For Freedom movement Zhana Abramava concerning the eviction of her family from the apartment. The court reversed the verdict of Maskouski district court of Brest for 25 November and returned the case for a second trial.

05.02.2009 Minsk: police burst into apartment to arrest ‘European Belarus’ activists

On 5 February the police burst into the apartment hired by the activist of the civil campaign European Belarus Pavel Yukhnevich, searched it and confiscated equipment and EU flags.

05.02.2009 Performance against home arrest to opposition activists

On 4 February a performance was held in the centre of Minsk in defense of oppositional activists sentenced to house arrest for participation in the protest rally of market vendors.

04.02.2009 ‘Belposhta’ refuses to subscribe readers to independent press, referring to Constitution

Three weeks ago a member of the council of the For Freedom movement Ales Zarembiuk received an answer to his address to A.Charniak, the head of the state monopolist on subscription Belposhta. In his address to the official Zarembiuk proposed that Belposhta returned the non-state newspapers Novy Chas and Hazeta Slonimskaya to the subscription catalog.

Human rights activists have a meeting with vice-Minister of Justice

04.02.2009 Human rights activists have a meeting with vice-Minister of Justice

The Minister of Justice accepts citizens only once a months, on the first Wednesday. On 4 February the Belarusian human rights activists, founders of the Nasha Viasna NGO Ales Bialiatski and Tatsiana Reviaka came to the Ministry of Justice to meet with the minister. However, the official was away and the audience was held by the vice-minister Alexander Simanau.

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