News on the topic: freedom of association

04.01.2012 Pavel Vinahradau sentenced to 7 days of arrest

Judge of the Maskouski District Court Aliaksandr Kostrykau found former political prisoner, activist of the civil campaign “Tell The Truth!” Pavel Vinahradau guilty of committing an administrative offence under Article 17.1 of the Administrative Code of Belarus, BelaPAN news agency reports.

04.01.2012 Vitsebsk: Taras Surhan receives double penalty

On 31 December 2011 the activist of the “European Belarus” Taras Surhan was summonsed to the Chyhunachny District Police Department of Vitsebsk, allegedly for a “prophylactic talk”. However, he had hardly managed to leave the police station when he was detained by riot police and returned there.

03.01.2012 Brest: third registration denial to Brest city organization of “Fair World”

The Brest city organization of the Belarusian Leftist Party “Fair World” received another refusal to register the legal address of the organization in the private house which belonged to the head of the party structure, Liudmila Dzenisenka.

Baranavichy Ukrainians apply for authorization of picket “Officials Are against Friendship between Peoples”

02.01.2012 Baranavichy Ukrainians apply for authorization of picket “Officials Are against Friendship between Peoples”

At the end of 2011, the head of the Baranavichy civil association “Kobzar”, Mikalai Charnavus, applied for authorization of a picket in 25 January. By means of this action “Kobzar” members intend to inform the population about the refusal of the local authorities to provide the NGO with a legal address. According to the Belarusian legislation, the Baranavichy Ukrainans (1,210 people) cannot register their association with the state without a legal address. As we have already written, the public utilities board of Baranavichy had revoked its letter of guarantee concerning the provision of office space for the NGO in Savetskaya Street, 60.

Ministry of Justice denies registration to major LGBT organization

29.12.2011 Ministry of Justice denies registration to major LGBT organization

The Alternatyva Plus LGBT nation-wide organization has been denied state registration by the Ministry of Justice, say the association’s founders.

Polish NGOs Issue Statement on FEMEN Action in Minsk

23.12.2011 Polish NGOs Issue Statement on FEMEN Action in Minsk

Polish NGOs acting in favour of Belarus assembled in the Belarus Working Group at the Zagranica Group have issued a statement regarding the abduction of the Ukrainian organization FEMEN by KGB.

Czech NGOs bid Belarus to free political prisoners

23.12.2011 Czech NGOs bid Belarus to free political prisoners

Today's first appeal was the morning solidarity event in front of Embassy of Belarus in Prague, calling for freeing Ales Bialiatski and other Belarusian political prisoners. This was followed by simulated arrests of students at the Charles University and by a flashmob in the centre of Prague. The event taking place on the anniversary of Belarusian presidential election was organized by the NGOs People in Need, NESEHNUTI, Amnesty International CR and Civic Belarus, in cooperation with the Belarusian community in Prague.

Vitsebsk authorities ban another 19 December action

15.12.2011 Vitsebsk authorities ban another 19 December action

Activist of the “European Belarus” Uladzislau Varanetski applied to the Chyhunachny District Executive Committee of Minsk for authorization of the picket which he intended to hold in the Culture and Recreation Park of Railway Workers on 19 December. By this action he wanted to draw public attention to the problem of political prisoners, including the situation of Andrei Sannikau, who is serving his prison term in “Vitsba-3” colony and who is denied meetings with his counsel.

13.12.2011 Brest: “Fair World” denied in registration of legal address

The Brest organization of the Belarusian Leftist Party “Fair World” was again denied in registering its legal address with the Brest City Executive Committee.

Vitsebsk: trial of “European Belarus” activists

12.12.2011 Vitsebsk: trial of “European Belarus” activists

Ivan Salokhin and Uladzislau Varanetski were detained in the evening of 11 December, while trying to hang out the banner “Freedom to political prisoners!” on a bridge.

29.11.2011 Minsk court turns down appeal by For Freedom activist

Judge Uladzimir Karnou of Minsk City Court has dismissed a complaint lodged by famous blogger and member of the For Freedom opposition movement Yuras Navitski, who attempted to appeal the 12-day administrative arrest he received for alleged swearing in a public place, reports.

28.11.2011 Fines for solidarity with Ales Bialiatski

On 26 November, Minsk Pershamaiski District Court convicted activists of the European Belarus movement of involvement in an action of solidarity with Viasna leader Ales Bialiatski held on the previous day, reports.

European Belarus activists detained while hanging out banner "Freedom to Bialiatski"

25.11.2011 European Belarus activists detained while hanging out banner "Freedom to Bialiatski"

Four activists of the "European Belarus" opposition movement were detained by Minsk police while hanging out a banner "Freedom to Bialiatski" this afternoon.

47 Belarusian NGOs release statement on illegal conviction of Ales Bialiatski

25.11.2011 47 Belarusian NGOs release statement on illegal conviction of Ales Bialiatski

47 Belarusian NGOs have released a joint statement, demanding an immediate release of Viasna leader Ales Bialiatski following his conviction on 24 November.

Authorities refuse to register Brest branch of “For Freedom”

01.11.2011 Authorities refuse to register Brest branch of “For Freedom”

As said by Zmitser Tratsiak, coordinator of the movement “For Freedom” in the Brest region, an appropriate application was submitted to the main justice department of the Brest Region Executive Committee.

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