News on the topic: freedom of association

Homel authorities hinder registration of "Stop Drinking – Start Living"

08.01.2013 Homel authorities hinder registration of "Stop Drinking – Start Living"

The civil initiative "Khopic Pic – Treba Zhyc" ("Stop Drinking – Start Living") cannot get a legal status due to the obstacles put by the authorities. According to the initiative's activist Kanstantsin Zhukouski, at first they faced the trouble of getting a legal address.

"ARCHE" makes a new attempt to get registered

04.01.2013 "ARCHE" makes a new attempt to get registered

On 3 January a representative of the editorial board of the "ARCHE" magazine, historian Ales Pashkevich took to the Ministry of Information the documents. It is already the second attempt for the last two months to regain the license for the edition.

25.12.2012 Liquidated rights group regains legal status under new name

The members of a prisoners' rights group called Platforma that was closed down by a court earlier this year have founded an organization under a new name.

Mahiliou Court confirms KGB’s supervision over BCD activist

19.12.2012 Mahiliou Court confirms KGB’s supervision over BCD activist

Judge Yurchanka of Mahiliou Leninski District Court dismissed yesterday a complaint lodged by the activist of the organizing committee of the party "Belarusian Christian Democracy" Aleh Aksionau against local KGB department.

06.12.2012 Andrei Haidukou's friend gets summonsed to KGB

The leader of the unregistered Union of Young Intellectuals from Navapolatsk has been summoned to the Vitebsk KGB to give evidence in Andrei Haidukou's case.

Brest: visually impaired fight for equality

23.11.2012 Brest: visually impaired fight for equality

Mrs. Iryna Yurenia, chair of the Brest regional organization "BelTIZ", believes that the rehabilitation of the visually impaired is a complex problem of the entire society, so the state and public institutions should pay more attention to the issue, as the problem affects 3,000 people in Brest alone.

European Belarus activists detained in Minsk

22.11.2012 European Belarus activists detained in Minsk

Two activists of the European Belarus opposition movement were detained this afternoon while handing out the printed version of the Charter97 web-site.

20.11.2012 Minsk Economic Court turns down Platforma’s appeal

The appeal board of Minsk Economic Court rejected today an appeal lodged by the “Platforma” human rights NGO against the Court's earlier decision on its dissolution. According to Platforma’s leader Andrei Bandarenka, the complaint was considered in the absence of the NGO’s representatives.

Navapolatsk: Christian democrat Siarhei Malashenka is pressurized

05.11.2012 Navapolatsk: Christian democrat Siarhei Malashenka is pressurized

On the eve of the constituent assembly of the public organization “Young Christian Democrats” unidentified persons damaged Malashenka's car by punching two tires on his car. People in mufti also visited his father at work, asking whether to put his son in prison or no.

Show solidarity with ARCHE!

02.11.2012 Show solidarity with ARCHE!

“ARCHE” is the only thick monthly magazine in the Belarusian language which has been regularly issued since 1998. However, the events that have been taking place since the arrest of it’s the then chief editor Valer Bulhakau can put a cross on the further existence of the edition.

Young Christian Democrats denied premises to hold congress

26.10.2012 Young Christian Democrats denied premises to hold congress

The organizing committee of “The Young Christian Democrats” public association has been denied premises to hold its founding congress, after none of its 14 bids was granted by Minsk authorities.

25.10.2012 Belarusian Christian Democracy to try to have its local chapters registered as non-governmental organizations

Belarusian Christian Democracy (BCD) plans to apply for the registration of its local chapters as non-governmental organizations, BCD Executive Secretary Dzyanis Sadowski told reporters in Minsk on Wednesday.

Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders protests against arbitrary closure of "Platforma"

15.10.2012 Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders protests against arbitrary closure of "Platforma"

Here is the full text of the Observatory's Urgent Appeal on this case.

09.10.2012 “Platform” got liquidated

The Minsk City Economic Court granted the lawsuit of the Tax Inspection of the Savetski district of Minsk and ruled to liquidate the educational institution “Platform”.

05.10.2012 Hrodna Region Court turns down appeal against non-registration of BPF organization

The Hrodna Region Court didn’t grant the appeal of the Belarusian Popular Front Party against the non-registration of its regional organization by the justice board of the Hrodna Region Executive Committee. The judge Zoya Nikolskya found nothing illegal in actions of the registering agency.

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