News on the topic: freedom of association

Viasna joins campaign of solidarity with Russia’s civil society

30.04.2013 Viasna joins campaign of solidarity with Russia’s civil society

If challenging times are coming to Russia now, it is the time to pay attention to it, to support civil society groups and activists of Russia, to come together and to prove that the international civil society is alive and common values are more important for it than the borders between our countries.

30.04.2013 Belsat TV denied accreditation again

The Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs refused to accredit the Poland-based Belsat TV channel, referring to repeated offences by the channel’s journalists while working in Belarus, said on Monday.

 April 30 — International Day of Solidarity with Russian Civil Society

30.04.2013 April 30 — International Day of Solidarity with Russian Civil Society

Nowadays Russian and international civil society face a great challenge. Russian civil society needs our help and international solidarity!

23.04.2013 Fourth Refusal to Re-Register the Magazine Arche

The Ministry of Information again denied re-registration to the magazine Arche.Beginning.

22.04.2013 Opposition parties, NGOs announce establishment of Belarusian Environmental Committee

A number of opposition parties and NGOs announced on Friday the establishment of what they called the Belarusian Environmental Committee.

11.04.2013 Supreme Court issues registration dismisses appeal of "Young Democrats"

On 10 April the Supreme Court of Belarus decided to turn down the appeal of the "Young Christian Democrats" against the registration denial, issued to the organization by the Ministry of Justice.

Yan Melnikau gets fined for white-red-white flag

10.04.2013 Yan Melnikau gets fined for white-red-white flag

Activist of the "For Freedom" movement Yan Melnikau was punished with a fine for raising a white-red-white flag on 25 March in order to congratulate his compatriots on the Freedom Day.

10.04.2013 Ministry of Justice admits that Young Christian Democrats really held their assembly

On 9 April the Supreme Court held a sitting on the appeal of the registration denial, issued to the civil association "Young Christian Democrats" by the Ministry of Justice.

Minskers united against compaction

05.04.2013 Minskers united against compaction

Initiative groups of citizens protesting against the policy of the compacted construction in Minsk, have signed a memorandum on cooperation and mutual assistance. With the mediation of the "European Perspective" they want to influence the urban planning of Minsk City Executive Committee.

Justice Ministry seeks to liquidate "Good Will"

01.04.2013 Justice Ministry seeks to liquidate "Good Will"

As stated by the head of the international civil association "Good Will", Leanid Skarabahaty, the trial on the liquidation of the NGOs resumed on 1 April.

Belarusian NGOs call on Russian authorities to stop harassment of human rights defenders

28.03.2013 Belarusian NGOs call on Russian authorities to stop harassment of human rights defenders

Representatives of Belarusian NGOs issued a joint statement on the recent facts of persecution of NGOs and human rights defenders in the Russian Federation.

 Officials accuse Salihorsk Belarusian Language Society of unauthorized activities

26.03.2013 Officials accuse Salihorsk Belarusian Language Society of unauthorized activities

An attempt by the Salihorsk town office of the Belarusian Language Society to celebrate Freedom Day was estimated as non-statutory activities by local authorities.

19.03.2013 “European Perspective” NGO denied registration again

The Chief Department of Justice of Minsk city executive committee denied state of registration to the organizing committee of the public association “European Perspective”, referring to the applicant’s failure to specify the owner of the premises granted for legal address in the NGO’s letter of guarantee, reports.

Parliament overlooks proposals by NGOs

18.03.2013 Parliament overlooks proposals by NGOs

The Legal Transformation Center (Lawtrend) sent to the Parliament’s Commission on Human Rights a set of proposals for changes in the law on public associations. However, the working group deemed it inappropriate to consider the opinions of NGOs.

15.03.2013 Freedom Day procession is authorized, but the use of flags and posters is banned

Minsk City Executive Committee authorized the meeting and procession in honor of Freedom Day on 24 March. However, the place of gathering was transferred to the ground in front of "Kastrychnik" cinema.

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