News on the topic: political parties & movements

BCD demands information about the fate of priest Uladzislau Lazar

04.08.2013 BCD demands information about the fate of priest Uladzislau Lazar

The organizing committee of the party "Belarusian Christian Democracy" demands that the KGB provide complete information about the fate of the detained priest Uladzislau Lazar.

Bialynichy activists send solidarity postcards to political prisoners

04.08.2013 Bialynichy activists send solidarity postcards to political prisoners

On 2 August social and political activists from Bialynichi district, including members of the Belarusian Popular Front and the civil campaign “Tell The Truth”, sent postcards of solidarity to Belarusian political prisoners. The event was timed to the second anniversary of the arrest of the head of the Human Rights Center "Viasna" Ales Bialiatski and to the International Day of Solidarity with Belarusian civil society, marked on 4 August.

Homel leftists are banned to picket due to... rehearsals of dance ensembles

02.08.2013 Homel leftists are banned to picket due to... rehearsals of dance ensembles

The bans on mass events in Homel are getting more absurd (if the scale of absurdity can be measured). In particular, representatives of the Belarusian Leftist Party intended to hold a picket on 6 August in the only place, officially determined for such events – the ground near the Culture House of the Association of the Deaf “Vipro”.

Pavel Vinahradau was questioned about the attachment of white-red-white flag to electric train

02.08.2013 Pavel Vinahradau was questioned about the attachment of white-red-white flag to electric train

The transport police took explanations from the social activist Pavel Vinahradau concerning the placement of the national flag on an electric train for Minsk. The activist wrote about it in his Facebook account.

Kalinkavichy UCP activist seeks prosecution of local policemen

31.07.2013 Kalinkavichy UCP activist seeks prosecution of local policemen

Dzianis Rabianok, Kalinkavichy activist of the United Civil Party, sent today a statement to the head of Homel regional department of the Investigative Committee with a proposal to give legal assessment to the actions of local policemen and bring them to justice.

Salihorsk human rights defenders ask to inspect detention center

30.07.2013 Salihorsk human rights defenders ask to inspect detention center

Salihorsk members of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee, Leanid Markhotka and Aliaksei Varabyou met with the chief of the district police department Aliaksandr Astreika to discuss the possibility of admission to the town detention center.

Vitsebsk human rights defenders join campaign of pickets to support Ales Bialiatski

26.07.2013 Vitsebsk human rights defenders join campaign of pickets to support Ales Bialiatski

August 4th will mark two years since the arrest of the leader of the human rights center "Viasna" Ales Bialiatski. International human rights organizations recognized the renowned Belarusian human rights defender a prisoner of conscience and have repeatedly called on the authorities of the country to immediately release Ales Bialiatski. His Vitsebsk colleagues decided to hold a series of pickets to mark the sad anniversary.

26.07.2013 Young Front member sent to guardhouse for 7 days

Mihas Muski has been accused of disobedience in the army. Muski’s colleagues found it out when they phoned the garrison prison.

Yauhen Basareuski: "Three years of harassment ruined my health"

24.07.2013 Yauhen Basareuski: "Three years of harassment ruined my health"

Yauhen Basareuski, a member of the party "Fair World" from the town of Zhlobin, shared his thoughts on the non-guilty verdict that was handed down to him and his former colleague Valiantsina Kastsiukevich by the District Court on July 19.

Zhlobin District Court acquits Fair World member

23.07.2013 Zhlobin District Court acquits Fair World member

A three-year saga of the case of Yauhen Basareuski ended on July 19, as Zhlobin District Court acquitted the member of the Fair World party, as well as his former colleague Mrs. Valiantsina Kastsiukevich, both charged under Article 424 of the Criminal Code ("abuse of power or of a position of authority"). Judge Alena Yarmolchyk, unlike her colleague Ina Sharshniova, had enough courage and conscience to dismiss the case, which had a political tinge from the very beginning.

BCD Mahiliou activist appeals warning for illegal party membership

23.07.2013 BCD Mahiliou activist appeals warning for illegal party membership

Aleh Aksionau, activist of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party, lodged today an appeal to the Board on Civil Cases of Mahiliou Regional Court.

Young Front activist Uladzimir Yaromenak faces another prison term

16.07.2013 Young Front activist Uladzimir Yaromenak faces another prison term

On July 14, his own wedding day, Young Front activist Uladzimir Yaromenak received a phone call from a police investigator who urged him to appear for a conversation on Monday. Later, the policemen agreed to put off the conversation till Tuesday. Today, the activist was served a decision to institute criminal proceedings against him under Article 421 of the Criminal Code “Violation of preventive supervision restrictions”, dated 24 May.

Prosecutor demands three years in penitentiary for "Fair World" member again

11.07.2013 Prosecutor demands three years in penitentiary for "Fair World" member again

On 19 July at 12 a.m. the Zhlobin District Court will deliver a verdict in the case of a member of the Belarusian Leftist Party "Fair World" Yauhen Basareuski.

Mahiliou: court turned down Alieh Aksionau's appeal

11.07.2013 Mahiliou: court turned down Alieh Aksionau's appeal

On 10 July the Leninski District Court of Mahiliou didn't grant the appeal of an activist of the organizing committee of the party Belarusian Christian Democracy against a warning issued to him by the KGB on 19 April, allegedly for his activities on behalf of an unregistered organization (a crime under Article 193.1 of the Criminal Code).

Brest: adherents of Belarusian Christian Democracy want to register as a public association

10.07.2013 Brest: adherents of Belarusian Christian Democracy want to register as a public association

The activists applied to the Justice Department of the Brest Regional Executive Committee for registration of the public association "Brest Christian Democrats". This is the way the local adherents of the Belarusian Christian Democracy (BCD) intend to legalize their activiites, as far as all previous campaigns for the registration of the party were unsuccessful: the Ministry of Justice repeatedly refused to provide the state registration for the party.

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