News on the topic: political parties & movements

27.07.2007 Zmitser Khvedaruk Sentenced to 10 Days of Jail

An activist of the unregistered organization Young Front Zmitser Khvedaruk spent a day at Minsk Maskouski borough court. In the morning he was detained by people in mufti on the way to a trolleybus stop from the Justice House where he attended the trial of Kanstantsin Lukashou. The police accused him in using four-letter words and detained till evening.

26.07.2007 Chronicle of Persecution of Youth Activists on the Eve of 27 July, State Sovereignty Day

23 July The Young Front member Aleh Korban was detained by persons in mufti on suspicion in theft of a mobile phone. Korban was taken to the police for identification and released without any violation reports composed.

25.07.2007 Maximal Arrest for Congratulations on Dashkevich’s Birthday

On 20 July near Niamiha Street in Minsk the police detained the activists of Young Front Kiryl Matskevich and Uladzimir Siarheyeu for an attempt to tie to a bridge over Niamiha Street a banner with congratulations on political prisoner Zmitser Dashkevich’s birthday. The detainees were taken to Tsentralny police department of Minsk. The trial of them took place on 23 July.

24.07.2007 Minsk: Search at Barys Haretski’s Flat

KGB and police are searching the apartment of Barys Haretski, press secretary of the unregistered organization Young Front. They said to him that the search is connected to a criminal case against another Young Front activist, Nasta Azarka.

24.07.2007 New Clear-up Starts in Minsk on the Eve of 27 July Actions

At 8 p.m. on 23 July the police detained Pavel Seviarynets in Frunzenski district of Minsk. Pavel managed to say to RFE/RL that the police suspect him of a felony were taking him to Frunzenski district police department of Minsk.

19.07.2007 Zmitser Dashkevich Week

On July 20th Zmitser Dashkevich, leader of Young Front and unbending youth activist, turns 26. On November 1st, 2006 he was sentenced to 18 months of imprisonment for acting on behalf of an unregistered organization. Zmitser is serving the sentence in Shklou prison. International Amnesty recognized the youth activist a prisoner of conscience.

Ales Kalita: No Time for Leisure, Much Work Is Ahead

18.07.2007 Ales Kalita: No Time for Leisure, Much Work Is Ahead

Ales Kalita, chairman of the BPF Youth, left Akrestsina jail after 15 days of arrest.

Chairman of BPF Youth Ales Kalita to Be Released Today

18.07.2007 Chairman of BPF Youth Ales Kalita to Be Released Today

Youth leader Ales Kalita will be released from jail today, on July 18th, at 2 p.m.

17.07.2007 Criminal Charges Brought against Nasta Azarka

The first interrogation of Nasta Azarka is to take place on Friday.

12.07.2007 Another Refusal to Register 'Young Front'

The justice department of Minsk city executive committee again refused to register Minsk city public association Young Front. It is already the second refusal to register the organization. Earlier the CEC justice department refused to register it for mismatches in the charter.

12.07.2007 Brest: Pickets in Support of Kazulin Are Banned

Brest city executive committee didn’t satisfy the application of Brest regional branch of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party Hramada for authorizing a picket in support of Aliaksandr Kazulin.

12.07.2007 Ministry of Justice Registers New Charter of Party of Communists of Belarus

The Ministry of Justice has registered the new charter of the Party of Communists of Belarus. In her interview with Tovarishch newspaper the secretary of the Central Committee of the PCB Alena Skryhan stated that the new edition of the charter, which was adopted at the 12th assembly of the party in December 2006, was studied by the Ministry of Justice for quite a long time. ‘They didn’t present any new demands to us, but didn’t register the charter either. Maybe they thought what they should do,’ Skryhan commented.

11.07.2007 Criminal Case against Youth Activist Yaraslau Hryshchenia Prolonged for 2 More Months

The youth activist Yaraslau Hryshchenia was summonsed to Baranavichy district prosecutor’s office. The investigator Yuliya Askaldovich informed him that the criminal case against him was prolonged for 2 more months. Mr. Hryshchenia is suspected in violating article 193 of the Criminal Code, ‘activity on behalf of unregistered organization’. On Friday analogical case against another youth activist, Ivan Shyla, was passed to court. Most probably, Shyla will be judged in August.

11.07.2007 Hrodna: ‘Young Front’ Activist Detained for Handing out Newspapers

Hrodna police detained the Young Front activist Andrei Ihnatchyk for handing out the registered newspaper Nasha Slova featuring materials about reconstruction of the city. As the newspaper had the state registration, they soon had to release him. Andrei came to Hrodna from Minsk in order to support defenders of the Old Town who protest against its ruining sanctioned by Hrodna authorities.

11.07.2007 Political Prisoner Artur Finkevich Threatened with New Criminal Case

The head of Mahiliou special commandant’s office, lieutenant colonel Aliaksandr Lamaza reminded Artur Finkevich that he is a malicious violator of discipline, and a criminal action can be brought up against him, and a place of detention can be changed.

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