News on the topic: political parties & movements

07.12.2007 Search at Office of Belarusian Congress of Democratic Trade Unions

In the evening of 6 December the office of the Belarusian Congress of Democratic Trade Unions was raided by the police.

06.12.2007 Police Threaten to Siarzhuk Huminski

Several days ago the police paid a visit to the parents of the Young Front activist Siarzhuk Huminski.

06.12.2007 Salihorsk: Activists interrogated on New Criminal Case against Ivan Shyla

By 7 December Salihorsk prosecutor’s office must finish the check-up on a criminal case against Ivan Shyla. Bear in mind that on 7 December the youth activists of Salihorsk held the action ‘Put Communism to Tribunal’ and were detained by the police, who used force. Later an administrative commission gave to them small fines. A criminal case was brought against the youth leader Ivan Shyla. He is charged with ‘resistance to the police’. He says that it is impossible to ‘resist’ with one’s arms twisted.

06.12.2007 Ministry of Justice Doesn’t Understand Christian Values

The Justice Ministry of Belarus has refused registration to the social pubic association ‘Belarusian Christian Democracy’.

05.12.2007 Polatsk: Katsiaryna Salauyova Expelled from Polatsk State University

Today the official order for Katsyaryna Salauyova’s expulsion from Polatsk State University has been signed. The activist’s group mates began to gather signatures in her support.

04.12.2007 Brest Oblast: 117 against Repeal of Benefits

The activists of Brest regional coalition of democratic forces have submitted to the authorities 117 applications for authorization of pickets against the repeal of social benefits. 65 applications were filed in Brest, 37 – in Brest district, 11 – in Baranavichy and 4 – in Belaaziorsk.

03.12.2007 ‘Young Front’ Reminds about Political Prisoners

Once again the 'Young Front' activists carried out a campaign to inform the population about the situation with political prisoners.

03.12.2007 Vitsebsk: Picketing Permitted at City’s Outskirts

Recently the chair of Vitsebsk office of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee Pavel Levin has applied to Vitsebsk city executive committee for authorization of a picket. He intended to hold the action on 10 December and dedicate it to the Universal Day of Human Rights.

03.12.2007 Mahiliou Authorities Receive About 40 Applications for Pickets against Repeal of Benefits

Recently about 40 applications for authorization of social pickets have been sent to the authorities. These applications were filed on behalf of private individuals, not political parties or NGOs.

27.11.2007 Popular Front party members denied accommodation in Minsk hotels

The Party of the Belarusian Popular Front has failed to reach an agreement with the hotels in Minsk in order to accommodate the delegates of the party's congress to take place on December 8-9.

15.11.2007 Democratic Activists Collect Signatures to Make Deputies Report about Their Achievements

This week the democratic activists of Belarus have collected signatures under a public demand to organize the reports of the deputies of the Chamber of Representatives before their electors. The activists mostly explain this situation with the fact that the deputies supported the liquidation of social benefits. The campaign for collection of signatures is coordinated by the Council of the United Democratic Forces.

15.11.2007 Supreme Court Turns up Complaint of Union of Left Forces against Non-registration

On 14 November the Supreme Court of Belarus did not grant the complaint of the Union of Left Forces against the decision of the Ministry of Justice not to register this alliance of parties.

14.11.2007 Human Rights Activists Demand to Abolish Forced State Assignment of Graduates

This year 65 criminal cases have been brought against the high school graduates who failed to get to the places of work assignment. The present legislation treats such behavior as evasion from duties and demands from the people to pay off the costs that had been already spent by the state for their education. The numbers differ, but in general it is about 3-5 thousand US dollars, the average wage being about 200 dollars.

14.11.2007 Yaraslau Hryshchenia Fired

On 13 November the director of Baranavichy Culture house of railway workers phoned to the youth activist Yaraslau Hryshchenia and told that he was fired.

12.11.2007 Pavel Batuyeu Summonsed to Prosecutor’s Office

On 7 November in the central square of Salihorsk the youth action ‘Put Communism to Tribunal’ took place. It lasted for some 15 seconds and was violently dispersed by the police. The same day the prosecutor’s office started a check-up whether one of the action participants, Ivan Shyla, violated article 363 of the Criminal Code, ‘resistance to the police’.

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