News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

UCP activist to stand trial for protesting against Russian air base

08.07.2013 UCP activist to stand trial for protesting against Russian air base

Mikalai Hladyshau, activist of the United Civil Party, was summoned today to Leninski district police department of Mahiliou to be interrogated and charged with an administrative offence. The activist is accused of violating Article 23.34 of the Code on Administrative Offences, “violation of the order of organizing and holding mass events.”

Mahiliou UCP activist detained in picket against Russian air base

04.07.2013 Mahiliou UCP activist detained in picket against Russian air base

An activist of the United Civil Party’s Mahiliou office Mikalai Hladyshau staged today a picket to protest against the deployment of a Russian air base in Belarus, and was eventually detained by local police. After a while, he was released but told to appear at the police department later for further procedures.

Vitsebsk court to hear appeals of 3 picket bans

26.06.2013 Vitsebsk court to hear appeals of 3 picket bans

Three applications for pickets – three bans. This is how one can briefly describe the history of the recent communication of Vitsebsk resident Viktar Zharkou with the district administrations. Now Viktar Zharkou has filed complaints with the courts of all the three districts of Vitsebsk against officials who deprived him of the opportunity to inform people about the violation of his rights by the police.

Berlin activists campaign for release of Belarusian political prisoners, abolition of death penalty

25.06.2013 Berlin activists campaign for release of Belarusian political prisoners, abolition of death penalty

Activists of Amnesty International’s Berlin office arranged the screening of the first full-length movie about the December 19, 2010 events entitled “A Belarusian Dream.”

Slonim authorities ban picket of support to dismissed doctor

18.06.2013 Slonim authorities ban picket of support to dismissed doctor

Slonim residents Ivan Bedka and Viktar Marchyk addressed on May 30 Slonim district executive committee with an application for permission to stage a picket on June 27 in support of a local trauma surgeon, Ivan Sheha. They recently received a written response from the committee signed by the deputy chairman, Viktar Kot.

Charges given to organizer of Milavidy Feast

13.06.2013 Charges given to organizer of Milavidy Feast

On 12 June a civil activist from Baranavichy Viktary Syrytsa was officially summonsed to the Baranavichy District Police Department as one of the organizers of the Milavidy festival in honor of the 150th anniversary of the uprising of 1863.

Head of disgraced "Union of Poles in Belarus" to stand trial

13.06.2013 Head of disgraced "Union of Poles in Belarus" to stand trial

One more member of the unregistered "Union of Poles in Belarus", its chairman Mechyslau Yaskevich will soon be summoned to court as a defendant in administrative proceedings. The Shchychyn police forwarded to Hrodna a copy of the charges, given to Yaskevich for an alleged adminsitrative offense – holding an unsanctioned rally.

Shchuchyn: pensioner to be tried for memorial cross

10.06.2013 Shchuchyn: pensioner to be tried for memorial cross

Shchuchyn police drew up a report of administrative offense against pensioner Veranika Sebastsyanovich, a member of the Union of Poes in Belarus which is unregistered by the authorities. The 82-year-old was mailed a copy of the report, in which she is charged with holding an unsanctioned rally.

Organizer of Milavidy feast summonsed to police

10.06.2013 Organizer of Milavidy feast summonsed to police

On 9 June civic activist Viktar Syrytsa, organizer of a festival in honor of the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Milavidy, received a notice to come to the Baranavichy District Police Department on 12 June, signed by the acting head of the Police Department, lieutenant colonel D. Maisenia.

Baranavichy activists ask how the authorities will implement Views of UN Human Rights Committee

07.06.2013 Baranavichy activists ask how the authorities will implement Views of UN Human Rights Committee

On 7 June human rights defenders and social activists Siarhei Housha, Viktar Meziaka and Viktar Syrytsa filed an appeal to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in which they asked to be provided with information on measures taken by Belarus to implement the pinions of the UN Committee on Human Rights, set out on 27 July 2012.

Baranavichy: prosecutor's office turns into post office

05.06.2013 Baranavichy: prosecutor's office turns into post office

Civic activist Viktar Syrytsa received a letter signed by the head of the police department of the Baranavichy Executive Committee V. Herasimovich. There it is stated that his complaint against the refusal of an officer of the police department, major Piatro Kulhavik, to sign a contract for guarding the 25 May picket, was concidered, but no "violations of discipline and the legal order order were found in the actions of officers of the Baranavichy City Police Department."

Baranavichy: historical feast held despite official bans

03.06.2013 Baranavichy: historical feast held despite official bans

On 2 June a historical and cultural feast was held in Milavidy (the Baranavichy district) to commemorate the insurgents of 1863.

Salihorsk: Ban on Freedom Day picket appealed to Regional Court

20.05.2013 Salihorsk: Ban on Freedom Day picket appealed to Regional Court

Activist Uladzimir Shyla is appealing a ban imposed by Salihorsk district executive committee on a mass event expected to be held on Freedom Day. The appeal will be heard by Minsk Regional Court.

International Ice Hockey Federation at risk of legitimizing human rights violations in Belarus

20.05.2013 International Ice Hockey Federation at risk of legitimizing human rights violations in Belarus

We have learned that the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) has confirmed at its general congress in Stockholm 16-19 May that the Republic of Belarus will host the 2014 IIHF World Championship.

Ministry of Justice recognizes actions of Salihorsk District Court as unlawful

13.05.2013 Ministry of Justice recognizes actions of Salihorsk District Court as unlawful

The Ministry of Justice took the side of the "Young Front" activist Andrei Tychyna in his long-standing dispute with the Salihorsk District Court.

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