News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

Vitsebsk authorities ban picket dated to anniversary of October revolution

07.11.2014 Vitsebsk authorities ban picket dated to anniversary of October revolution

Members of the Conservative Christian Party Belarusian Popular Front Piatro Sarapenia and Yan Dziarzhautsau wanted to conduct their event on November 7 in order to inform the citizens about the consequences of the October coup d'etat and the need to ban the Communist Party of Belarus and its ideology.

Action of solidarity with journalists in Brest

06.11.2014 Action of solidarity with journalists in Brest

Journalists from Brest held a picket of solidarity with freelance journalists who face prosecution for working without accreditation.

Supreme Court dismissed appeal of Vaukavysk activist Vital Huliak

04.11.2014 Supreme Court dismissed appeal of Vaukavysk activist Vital Huliak

Vaukavysk social activist Vital Huliak received a response from the Supreme Court to his appeal, signed by the deputy chair of the Supreme Court Valery Kalinkovich.

Report on the monitoring of “Dziady-2014”

04.11.2014 Report on the monitoring of “Dziady-2014”

The traditional commemorative action in the memory of ancestors, "Dzyady-2014", including a march and a rally, took place on November 2, 2014. The event was organized by the Conservative Christian Party BPF.

Svislach authorities harass social activist Yury Hlebik again

04.11.2014 Svislach authorities harass social activist Yury Hlebik again

November 1, Svislach activist Yury Hlebik was visited by police. They told him that a report had been drawn on him for allegedly committing an administrative offense. The report concerns the events of October 26, when the traditional annual Remembrance Day of rebels of 1863 was held.

Monitoring of “Dziady-2014” in Minsk

04.11.2014 Monitoring of “Dziady-2014” in Minsk

An action dedicated to Forefathers' Day and organized by the Conservative-Christian Party Belarusian Popular Front was held in Minsk on November 2 and monitored by members of the Human Rights Centre “Viasna” and the Belarusian Helsinki Committee.

Homel: democratic activists commemorate victims of repressions on the eve of Forefathers' Day

03.11.2014 Homel: democratic activists commemorate victims of repressions on the eve of Forefathers' Day

On the eve of the Forefathers' Day, November 2, representatives of the democratic forces of Homel traditionally commemorated the victims of repression in the Soviet years.

77th anniversary of Kristallnacht of Belarusian culture marked in Baranavichy

03.11.2014 77th anniversary of Kristallnacht of Belarusian culture marked in Baranavichy

November 1, Baranavichy social activists and human rights defenders marked one of the most tragic pages of our history: the 77th anniversary of the "Kristallnacht" of the Belarusian culture.

Victims of Stalin's repressions commemorated in Vitsebsk region

03.11.2014 Victims of Stalin's repressions commemorated in Vitsebsk region

Commemorative events were held in Vitsebsk, Polatsk and Orsha. Local activists honor the memory of those shot in the 1930-50-ies, on their own initiative: public authorities prefer not to mention those events at all.

Court of the Biarozauski district continue to stands on the side of the executive committee on the issue of the banning of the public events

16.10.2014 Court of the Biarozauski district continue to stands on the side of the executive committee on the issue of the banning of the public events

Human rights defenders Siarzuk Rusetski, Tamara Schapetkina and public activist Tatsiana Tarasevich asked to deem illegal the refusal to hold a picket on August 25 coincided with the anniversary of the constitutional enactment of the independence of Belarus.

Join the campaign for the liberation of Pavel Vinahradau!

15.10.2014 Join the campaign for the liberation of Pavel Vinahradau!

The Human Rights Centre "Viasna" encourages colleagues, friends and associates to join the campaign for the liberation of the civil society activist Pavel Vinahradau.

Andrei Kasheuski gets 15 days of arrest for “Freedom to Political Prisoners”

14.10.2014 Andrei Kasheuski gets 15 days of arrest for “Freedom to Political Prisoners”

Smaliavichy activist and newspaper distributor Andrei Kasheuski was detained back on October 9 for walking near the central department store in Minsk (TsUM) in a T-shirt “Freedom to Political Prisoners” with the names of the prisoners on the back.

Baranavichy and Brest: death penalty as reflected in cinema

13.10.2014 Baranavichy and Brest: death penalty as reflected in cinema

In Brest, there was held a public viewing of the Belarusian language version of the film “Twelve Angry Men” was held within the framework of the campaign “Un-death Penalty. Because We Are People”. The film, which is a classic of the world cinema and was recognized as one of the best court dramas by the American Film Institute, was presented to Brest participants of the language course "Language Anew" ("Mova Nanova").

Press conference on arbitrary detention of opposition activists

13.10.2014 Press conference on arbitrary detention of opposition activists

Due to the aggravation of the problem of arbitrary detentions and arrests of opposition activists, October 15 the Human Rights Center "Viasna" holds a press conference to announce a human rights campaign on this issue and present a report prepared in cooperation with the FIDH.

Vitsebsk human rights defenders disseminate materials against death penalty

13.10.2014 Vitsebsk human rights defenders disseminate materials against death penalty

Vitsebsk human rights defenders marked the World Day against the Death Penalty by posting stickers with the text “We Are against the Death Penalty” in the city. They also handed out relevant informational production in the center of the city. According to the website “Vitsebsk Viasna”, printed editions were also thrown into postboxes in some houses.

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