News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

Biaroza officials allow Independence Day picket for first time in 18 years

24.07.2015 Biaroza officials allow Independence Day picket for first time in 18 years

The Biaroza district executive committee has for the first time in 18 years allowed a picket that is expected to mark the anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Sovereignty on July 27.

Minsk Regional Council justifies violation of procedure for consideration of human rights defender’s proposal

16.07.2015 Minsk Regional Council justifies violation of procedure for consideration of human rights defender’s proposal

The Minsk Regional Council of Deputies has rejected an appeal by the Salihorsk representative of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee, Leanid Markhotka, against an earlier refusal of the Presidium of the Salihorsk District Council to discuss at its next meeting a draft resolution "On freedom of assembly".

Kobryn: Aliaksandr Mekh challenges fine for laying down flowers to Kalinouski monument

13.07.2015 Kobryn: Aliaksandr Mekh challenges fine for laying down flowers to Kalinouski monument

Aliaksandr Mekh, a civil society activist from Kobryn, asks to abolish the verdict of Kobryn District Court and Brest Regional Court and drop the case against him.

Salihorsk: ban of picket on Human Rights Day challenged at UN Human Rights Committee

13.07.2015 Salihorsk: ban of picket on Human Rights Day challenged at UN Human Rights Committee

Human rights activist Leanid Markhotka filed af complaint with the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations in connection with the ban of a picket dedicated to the International Human Rights Day on January 10, 2014 in Salihorsk.

UN Human Rights Committee accepts Illia Dabratvor's complaint

13.07.2015 UN Human Rights Committee accepts Illia Dabratvor's complaint

As learned by the Human Rights Center "Viasna", Illia Dabratvor has recently received a message from the United Nations Human Rights Committee telling about the registration of his complaint of a violation of the rights for freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of expression.

Supreme Court upholds prohibition of picket in Baranavičy

08.07.2015 Supreme Court upholds prohibition of picket in Baranavičy

July 7, Baranavičy human rights activist Siarhei Housha received a response from the Supreme Court to his complaint concerning the prohibition of the picket he intended to hold on December 10, 2014. The picket was prohibited by Baranavičy City Executive Committee. The ban was then upheld by Baranavičy City and District Court and Brest Regional Court. The Supreme Court recognized the courts' verdicts as lawful and dismissed the appeal of the human rights activist.

Salihorsk: human rights appeal against actions of the local Council of Deputies

08.07.2015 Salihorsk: human rights appeal against actions of the local Council of Deputies

Human rights activist Leanid Markhotka has appealed to the Minsk Regional Council of Deputies the refusal of the Presidium of the Salihorsk District Council to bring to the next sitting the draft ruling "On Freedom of Peaceful Assembly”.

Biaroza activists challenge court verdict regarding picket ban

07.07.2015 Biaroza activists challenge court verdict regarding picket ban

Biaroza human rights activists have filed an appeal to the Brest Regional Court against a verdict of the Biaroza District Court, which had upheld the prohibition of a picket on March 25 by the local authorities.

Brest Regional Court: all applications for pickets must specify whether pyrotechnics would be used

06.07.2015 Brest Regional Court: all applications for pickets must specify whether pyrotechnics would be used

July 6, Brest Regional court turned down the appeal of Baranavičy activist of the Trade Union of Radio Electronic Industry Ryhor Hryk against the verdict of Baranavičy City and District Court which on May 21 had turned down his appeal against the prohibition of a May Day picket by the city authorities.

Leanid Kulakou detained and released again

02.07.2015 Leanid Kulakou detained and released again

As learned by the Human Rights Center “Viasna”, an activist of “European Belarus” Leanid Kulakou has been detained again today.

Salihorsk District Council refuses to lift peaceful assembly restrictions

30.06.2015 Salihorsk District Council refuses to lift peaceful assembly restrictions

The Presidium of the Salihorsk District Council of Deputies has not granted a request of Leanid Markhotka, local representative of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee, to abolish illegal restrictions on street protests imposed by the district executive committee. The human rights activist is going to write to the Minsk Regional Council of Deputies.

Court in Biaroza says demand to release political prisoners is call for extremism, war and violence

29.06.2015 Court in Biaroza says demand to release political prisoners is call for extremism, war and violence

Human rights activists in Biaroza asked to overturn a ban imposed on a Freedom Day picket by the district executive committee. The picket was expected to mark the 97th anniversary of the Belarusian People’s Republic, as well as to demand the release of political prisoners.

Baranavičy: May Day picket ban to be considered by Brest Regional Court

14.06.2015 Baranavičy: May Day picket ban to be considered by Brest Regional Court

Judicial board on civil cases of the Brest Regional Court will consider the case regarding the ban on the May Day picket in Baranavičy.

Homieĺ religious community to stand trial for “unauthorized mass event”

11.06.2015 Homieĺ religious community to stand trial for “unauthorized mass event”

The administrative case against Homieĺ religious community "Church of God "Praabražennie" has been sent to court. The police charge the community under Article 23.34 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, “violation of the order of holding mass events”. The pastor the parishioners can be fined up to 30 basic units or sentenced to arrest.

Riot policemen stop divine service in Homieĺ, believers are summoned to police station

10.06.2015 Riot policemen stop divine service in Homieĺ, believers are summoned to police station

Believers of the church "Praabražennie" (“Transfiguration”) in Homieĺ are summoned to the police department for questioning and getting official charges. Neither the believers nor the pastor of the church, Siarhei Mikalayenka, know about the reasons for such actions of the police.

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