News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

Ales Bialiatski: “We protest against the repressive actions of the authorities ahead of Freedom Day”

22.03.2018 Ales Bialiatski: “We protest against the repressive actions of the authorities ahead of Freedom Day”

As previously reported by the Human Rights Center "Viasna", police in Minsk arrested several opposition figures, who were expected to lead a protest on March 25. The human rights activists are outraged by such actions of the authorities.

Practice of holding peaceful assemblies in Belarus cannot be a good example, Viasna and BHC say

19.12.2017 Practice of holding peaceful assemblies in Belarus cannot be a good example, Viasna and BHC say

The experts of the Human Rights Center "Viasna" and the Belarusian Helsinki Committee have prepared an overview of the situation with freedom of assembly in Belarus in 2016-2017. The analytical document is part of a regional project run by the European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL). Earlier, the initiative presented the results of monitoring of freedom of peaceful assembly in the five Balkan countries. Now a similar review of Belarus is available online.

Report on monitoring the rally on the anniversary of the Sluck Uprising. November 26, 2017

27.11.2017 Report on monitoring the rally on the anniversary of the Sluck Uprising. November 26, 2017

On November 26, 2017 the city of Sluck hosted a protest to honor the heroes of the Sluck armed uprising (1920) organized by representatives of the CCP BPF Party.

Report on monitoring the rally on the anniversary of the Sluck Uprising. November 25, 2017

26.11.2017 Report on monitoring the rally on the anniversary of the Sluck Uprising. November 25, 2017

On November 25, 2017 the city of Sluck hosted an event honoring the heroes of the Sluck armed uprising (1920).

Arbitrary detention and false prosecution of political opponents continue, UN expert says

17.11.2017 Arbitrary detention and false prosecution of political opponents continue, UN expert says

The recent arrests and detention of two political opponents on fabricated grounds is another demonstration of the cyclical system of oppression in Belarus, according to Miklós Haraszti, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Belarus.

Monitoring report on the mass event Dziady on 5 November 2017 in Minsk

06.11.2017 Monitoring report on the mass event Dziady on 5 November 2017 in Minsk

A memorial procession and a rally dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of the Ancestors “Dziady” took place in Minsk on November 5, 2017.

Niakliayeu is the first victim of ‘ruthless liberalization’

02.11.2017 Niakliayeu is the first victim of ‘ruthless liberalization’

The court of Lieninski district of Minsk sentenced yesterday opposition leader Uladzimir Niakliayeu to 10 days of administrative detention, finding him guilty of violating Article 23.34 of the Administrative Code (breaching demonstration rules).

Opposition leaders Niakliayeu and Statkevich in jail again

01.11.2017 Opposition leaders Niakliayeu and Statkevich in jail again

Opposition leader Uladzimir Niakliayeu has been sentenced to 10 days of administrative detention allegedly calling to join a protest entitled “March of Angry Belarusians 2.0” in a publication on website.

Activists fined over picket in Barysaŭ

31.10.2017 Activists fined over picket in Barysaŭ

Human rights activist Aleh Matskevich was detained by Barysaŭ police last afternoon, as he was picketing to demand the resignation of Defense Minister Andrei Raukou and prosecution of all those responsible for the death of conscript Aliaksandr Korzhych in a military unit near the city earlier this month. The picket was joined by local opposition activist Ales Abramovich, who was also detained.

Monitoring report on mass event "March of Angry Belarusians 2.0". 21 October 2017 in Minsk

23.10.2017 Monitoring report on mass event "March of Angry Belarusians 2.0". 21 October 2017 in Minsk

On October 21, 2017 the protest "March of Angry Belarusians 2.0" took place in Minsk, organized by the Belarusian National Congress.

Participants of Human Rights Forum call to release detained activists

21.10.2017 Participants of Human Rights Forum call to release detained activists

We, participants of the 4th Belarusian Human Rights Forum, strongly protest against the pre-emptive detention of activists ahead of the protest “March of Angry Belarusians", which was held today, October 21, in Kastryčnickaja Square in Minsk.

Mikalai Statkevich gets another 5 days in jail

26.09.2017 Mikalai Statkevich gets another 5 days in jail

Opposition politician Mikalai Statkevich has been sentenced to 5 days of administrative detention for his involvement in an illegal rally on September 8 in Minsk.

Report on monitoring of mass event "Warning Action and Meeting on the Belarusian Military Glory Day". Minsk, 8 September 2017

11.09.2017 Report on monitoring of mass event "Warning Action and Meeting on the Belarusian Military Glory Day". Minsk, 8 September 2017

On September 8, 2017 in Minsk the meeting was dedicated to the Belarusian Military Glory Day, organized by Belarusian National Congress.

Statkevich's wife: "Mikalai in jail again"

28.08.2017 Statkevich's wife: "Mikalai in jail again"

According to official information provided by the court of Minsk’s Maskoŭski District Court, opposition leader Mikalai Statkevich has been sentenced to 5 days of administrative detention. The politician was penalized for participating an unauthorized protest on March 30. The court ruling was issued on May 15 and entered into force on May 23. At the same time, the sentence was a complete surprise for Statkevich, who knew nothing about the charges and the court's decision.

Amnesty International: Dzmitry Paliyenka is a prisoner of conscience

24.08.2017 Amnesty International: Dzmitry Paliyenka is a prisoner of conscience

Amnesty International believes that Dzmitry Paliyenka has been targeted by the authorities because of his peaceful activism and, as such, that he is a prisoner of conscience. Amnesty International urges the Belarusian authorities to immediately and unconditionally release him.

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