News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

11.02.2008 Vitsebsk Authorities Strictly Ban Meeting with Milinkevich

Vitsebsk authorities have prohibited a meeting of with the leader of the For Freedom! movement Aliaksandr Milinkevich. The local activists Alena Famina, Aliaksei Haurutsikau and Khrystafor Zhaliapau have received a refusal from the chairman of Vitsebsk city executive committee Pavel Losich.

11.02.2008 Baranavichy: Police Try to Disrupt Action of Entrepreneurs

On 10 February in Baranavichy the local entrepreneurs held an action of protest against president’s decree #760. More than 200 entrepreneurs, activists of public movements and political parties gathered in the city park despite the refusal of the authorities to authorize the action.

05.02.2008 Minsk City Court Justifies Arrest of Anatol Liabedzka

The judge of Minsk city court Tatsiana Yermalovich thinks that there are no reasons to abolish the ruling of the judge Volha Husakova towards Anatol Liabedka.

05.02.2008 Court Turns down Complaint against Bans of Peaceful Assemblies

On 1 February the court of Baranavichy and Baranavichy district considered the suit of the lawyer Karney Piatrovich against the ban of a picket by Baranavichy city executive committee. Despite convincing arguments proving that the ban was illegal the court, predictably enough, took the side of the authorities.

05.02.2008 Salihorsk: Young Front Activists Fined again

Recently Salihorsk court has abolished a number of decisions of the local administrative commissions, according to which activists of the underground youth organization Young Front were fined huge sums of money for participation in peaceful protest actions. Their cases were returned to the administrative commission for reconsideration.

05.02.2008 Babruisk Has No Premises for Meeting with Milinkevich

Babruisk activists of For Freedom movement have received answers from Babruisk executive committee to their request to lend a hall for meeting with the leader of the movement Aliaksandr Milinkevich. The event was appointed on 9 February.

01.02.2008 Hrodna Oblast Court Turns down Activist’s Complaint

The resident of Masty Ales Zarembiuk received an answer from Hrodna oblast court. The activist appealed to the court against a huge fine, which was imposed on him for alleged organizing a street meeting of Masty citizens with the head of the For Freedom movement Aliaksandr Milinkevich. Zarembiuk was fined 525 000 rubles (about 244 US dollars).

01.02.2008 Andrei Kim Faces Six Years of Jail

An activist of the youth campaign Initiative Andre Kim is charged under article 364 ‘Violent actions against a policeman’.

01.02.2008 Entrepreneurs Refuse to Pay Taxes

Belarusian entrepreneurs begin a mass campaign on refusing to pay taxes from today.

30.01.2008 Police beat opposition youths in Salihorsk

Opposition youths are reported to have been beaten up by police in Salihorsk, Minsk region, on Wednesday over a demonstration staged in protest against increasing crackdown on individual entrepreneurs.

30.01.2008 Prison for national flag?

Barys Khamaida and Aliaksandar Salauyan, democratic activists from Vitebsk, were detained yesterday. They spent the night in the remand jail.

29.01.2008 Larysa Nasanovich arrested for 15 days

Today Judge of Salihorski district court Aliaksandar Burautsou arrested civic activist Larysa Nasanovich for 15 days. She was charged with participation in an unauthorized rally of entrepreneurs in Salihorski on January 28th.

28.01.2008 Entrepreneur Ales Makayeu released from jail on Sunday

Ales Makayeu, member of the Entrepreneurs’ coordination council, was released early, at 8 a.m. His term was to be officially over at 11.30 a.m. Mr. Makayeu refused to eat during all 15 days of his arrest.

28.01.2008 Entrepreneurs wait for authorities to decide

It’s a day off today at Minsk markets. Entrepreneurs hope the authorities will take certain steps to regulate the conflict soon. Entrepreneurs hope that during the week the authorities will propose a way out that would allow them to keep their jobs. They plan to continue street actions and other events if edict # 760 is not cancelled.

23.01.2008 One of the detained entrepreneurs disappeared

An entrepreneur from Homel Uladzimir Niapomniashchy was detained by police during the protest action on January 21st. He spent the night in Akrestsina jail. However, yesterday his case was not considered by administrative courts. Human rights defenders are trying to find out what happened with the entrepreneur.

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