News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

04.03.2008 Three Accused in Criminal Case on 10 January Protest Action of Entrepreneurs

On 4 March the investigative department of the main board of internal affairs of Minsk city executive committee passed to the participants of the entrepreneurs’ action of 10 January Mikhail Kryvau, Mikhail Pashkevich and Uladzimir Siarheyeu the rulings that they were suspects in a criminal case under article 342, part 1 of the Criminal Code – ‘organization or active participation in group actions that grossly violate the public order.’ All suspects had to give written undertakings not to leave Minsk.

04.03.2008 Imprisonments for Meeting in Salihorsk

A member of Salihorsk branch of the Young Front, 18-year-old Zmitser Banko was sentenced to 3 days of jail. The activist of For Freedom movement Uladizmir Shyla, entrepreneur, father of the Young Front activists Ivan and Illia Shylas, was sentenced to 15 days.

Salihorsk: Police Detain Meeting Participants

03.03.2008 Salihorsk: Police Detain Meeting Participants

On 2 March about 300 people gathered in the central square of the town of Salihorsk to take part in a meeting for protection of the social guarantees. The action was violently dispersed by the police with participation of the riot squad that came from Minsk.

03.03.2008 Aliaksei Marozau Detained for Solidarity with Aliaksandr Kazulin

On 2 March, at 7 p.m. the police detained an activist of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (headed by the political prisoner Aliaksandr Kazulin) while hanging out a banner with the demand to release Kazulin near the politician’s house in Starazhouskaya Street in Minsk. The police detained Pavel Marozau with the words: ‘Stand still, bitch, or we will shoot!’. He was guarded to the remand prison in Akrestsin Street and spent the night there. His parents were not informed. Today the activist has been taken to Tsentralny district court of Minsk.

27.02.2008 Criminal persecution of protest action participants continues

At present moment the following activists are suspected:

1. Mikhas Pashkevich 2. Tatsiana Tsishkevich 3. Mikhas Subach 4. Ales Charnyshou 5. Ales Straltsou 6. Paval Vinahradau 7. Aliaksei Bondar 8. Aliaksandr Barazenka 9. Maksim Dashuk 10. Uladzimir Siarheyeu 11. Mikhas Kryvau

22.02.2008 Campaign on Informing Students about Politically Motivated Expulsions Starts at Belarusian State University

The campaign is conducted by a group of the year-mates of the oppositionist Franak Viachorka, who has been expelled from the third year at the journalistic faculty of BSU.

22.02.2008 Criminal Case against Participants of European March

The peaceful mass action European March took place on 14 October 2007. HRC Viasna learned that on 28 December 2007 the investigations department of Pershamaiski district police department of Minsk brought a criminal case under part 2 of article 339 of the Criminal Code ‘hooligan action, performed by a group of individuals’, because two police cars were allegedly damaged by the action participants.

22.02.2008 Salihorsk: New Action for Protection of Social Guarantees?

The coalition of democratic forces have applied to the town authorities for authorization of an action against the liquidation of social guarantees. The applicants have little hope that the action will be permitted, because in the recent years the authorities have turned down more than 100 applications of democratic activists.

18.02.2008 Kazulin's Daughter Detained at Entrepreneurs' Action

Volha Kazulina was detained at the protest action of entrepreneurs together with Natallia Harachka and Uladzimir Niapomniashchykh.

18.02.2008 Minsk:: Entrepreneurs' Action Disperced by Police

Entrepreneurs’ protest action, which was to be held in Minsk on 18 February, was cracked down by riot police. The people were forced out of square several times, as people come to the action. They were pushed out in the direction of Internatsyianalnaya and Bahdanovich streets. Total about 1 000 people participated in the action. Political prisoner Aliaksandr Kazulin’s daughter Volha, the leader of the movement For Freedom! Aliaksandr Milinkevich, a leader of the entrepreneur movement Aliaksandr Makayeu and a democratic activist Viachaslau Siuchyk were detained.

15.02.2008 St. Valentine Day’s Greetings from Miron

On St.Valentine’s Day the legendary activist whose nick is Miron hanged out a white-red-white flag on the roof of a three-storey house. The following note was attached to it: ‘I congratulate you on St. Valentine’s Day. Belarus is my main love! Miron.’

14.02.2008 Salihorsk: Aliaksandr Tsatsura’s Driver’s License Annulled

On 12 February the leader of Salihorsk entrepreneurs Aliaksandr Tsatsura was released from jail after 15-day arrest for collection of signatures for abolishment of president’s decree #760.

14.02.2008 Salihorsk: Detained for Performance

The police detained five youth activists who congratulated passers-by on St. Valentine’s Day – Ryhor Astapnia, Krystsina Samoilava, Ivan Shyla, Hleb Snorkin and Andrei Tychyna. The youngsters hanged a banner ‘We Love Belarus’ on a stage near Salihorsk town executive committee. One of them was dressed to look like a large heart and the others were dressed as angels.

12.02.2008 Baranavichy: Entrepreneur Charnavus Summonsed to Police

On 11 February in Baranavichy the local entrepreneurs held a meeting against presidential decree #760. During the action the deputy chief of the city police told M.Charnavus that he was summonsed to the police.

12.02.2008 Artur Finkevich Invites People to St. Valentine’s Day Action

Young Front invites Belarusian youth to take part in the rally on February 14, which is to start at 5 p.m. on Svaboda (Freedom) Square in Minsk.

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