News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

26.03.2008 Trials on March 26th end

Savetski, Zavadski, Maskouski, and Partyzanski courts of Minsk finished trials over participants of the celebration of peaceful rally detained on March 25th. The courts considered 75 administrative cases, 26 of which ended with arrests. The judges gave from 5 to 15 days of jail to the action participants. Two trials are postponed for March 27th (the cases against journalist Andrei Liankevich and Zmitser Yasevich). Two of the detained – Yaraslau Hryshchenia and Yuras Karetnikau – are receiving medical treatment. In general, about 20 people received injuries.

26.03.2008 Trials over participants of peaceful action in Baranavichy end

Yesterday the police detained a group of 14 civic activists on their way to lay flowers to the Cross of Suffering in Baranavichy. All of them were brought to the local police station. Two teenagers were released. It was expected that the police would releasr two activists with poor health condition – disabled Ales Shcharbakou and Uladzimir Housha. However, the policemen left them in the detention center together with the others. One of them, Ales Shcharbakou, felt really bad. An ambulance came in an hour after the call. As a result the activist was taken to hospital. Loval human rights defender Siarhei Housha told Viasna, the participants of yesterday’s action received the following sentences:

26.03.2008 Trials over detained activists continue (updated)

Minsk courts are busy with trials over the activists detained during the peaceful rally yesterday. The rally was to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Belarusian Democratic Republic 1. Adamovich (Zavodski court, fined 30 basic units, judge Alena Laptseva) 2. Afnahel, Yauhen (Savetski police department severely beaten, Savetski court, judge Aksana Reliava, 10 days of jail) 3. Akimau, Vital (Savetski police department, Savetski court, 15 days of jail)

25.03.2008 14 participants of the Freedom Day celebrations detained in Baranavichy

The police detained a group of people on their way to lay flowers to the Cross of Suffering in Baranavichy. All of them were taken to Baranavichy city police department for giving explanations and clarification. In some time two disabled and two teenagers were released. 10 people were taken to the detention center for drawing up reports and trials tomorrow.

25.03.2008 51 detained in Savetski police department

The human rights center "Viasna" found out, the police took 51 participants of the peaceful Freedom Day action to Savetski police department. They were brought on a police bus and police trucks. According to the detained, on the way to the police station they were beaten by riot policemen. There are 3 teenagers among the detained. The police is to release them in three hours. Now the police are video recording them.

25.03.2008 21 detained in Maskouski police department

According to our information, 19 Belarusian and 2 Polish citizens were taken to Maskouski police department. There are 25 people in Savetski police department. The number of people taken to Centralny police department is unknown. We are trying to find out the names of the detained people.

25.03.2008 Nasha Niva journalists brutally detained

Journalists of independent newspaper Nasha Niva: photographer Andrei Liankevich and reporter Siamion Pechanko were detained near Viktory Square in Minsk. According to preliminary information, Pechanko is being taken to Maskouski police department. Liankevich was severely beaten during detention.

25.03.2008 Police begins mass detentions of Freedom Day participants

Just as the minister of internal affairs promised, armed forces of special police departments were used against participants of the peaceful rally in Minsk. The police officers use force to squeeze the protesters out from Yakub Kolas square in the direction of the Academy of Sciences. Ales Lapistki Junior is among the first of the detained.

A brutal fight started near Victory Square: armed riot policeman grab the participants of the celebration demonstration near the Place of Arts and throw them into police trucks.

25.03.2008 Picket in Vitebsk ended with detentions

Today Vitebsk activists organized a picket in the center of the city. The picket commemorated the 90th anniversary of the Belarusian Democratic Republic. Several activists held white and red balloons and umbrellas. Women unfolded embroidered towel with the symbols of BDR. In a couple of minutes after the beginning they were approached by policemen who detained Barys Khamaida, Vadzim Barshcheuski, Alena Zaleskaya, and Antanina Pivanos.

24.03.2008 Four Zhodzina activists arrested for 7 days

Today Zhodzina city court tried organizers of the mass action dedicated to the Freedom Day. Paval Krasouski, Yuras Zhylka, Aliaksandar Kamarouski, and Yury Silkin, accused of organization of an unauthorized action, were sentenced to 7 days in jail.

24.03.2008 Aliaksei Lapitski in center of attention of undercover policemen

On March 21st, at 8.30 a.m. a stranger in black jacket knocked on the doors of Aliaksei Lapitski, human rights defender and member of BPF party in Zhodzina. The stranger said he was from police and wanted to talk to Mr. Lapitski.

22.03.2008 Homel students prohibited to celebrate Liberty Day

The administration of Homel State University warned its students that it would be ‘wrong’ to take part in the upcoming March 25 events in Minsk.

22.03.2008 March 25 action applicants threatened with jail

The politicians and civil activists that have applied for conducting a demonstration on March 25 were warned by Minsk authorities that in case of any disobedience to the police they would find themselves in prison.

17.03.2008 Constitution Day: Action in Homel

An action dedicated to Constitution Day was held in Homel on March 15.

Action in support of Tibet held in Minsk

17.03.2008 Action in support of Tibet held in Minsk

The action of solidarity with Tibetan people took place in Minsk at 4.30pm today. Activists of the campaign “Jeans – for Freedom” organised it near the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China.

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